@Barrera 2022-06-09T06:46:11.000000Z 字数 776 阅读 14

Microporous Coveralls Type 4/5/6

Micro-porous coveralls are a type of coverall used in microbiology. They are used to protect the wearer from contamination by microbes. Microporous coveralls are made of a material with tiny pores that allow air and water vapor to pass through, but not microbes. Micro-porous coveralls come in a variety of types. Type 1 has no pores and is generally only used for burn patients. Types 2, 3, 4, and 5 have increasingly larger pores. Type 6 has the largest pores, allowing the most airflow. These coveralls can be disposable or reusable. Some can be autoclaved, while others can be laundered and reused. Micro-porous coveralls are designed for use in a variety of settings. Laboratory workers may wear them when handling dangerous pathogens. Some hospitals use them for burn patients. In some cases, they may be worn by food handlers to prevent cross-contamination from microbes on their hands.
