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The third situation: you do not understand most of what the teacher is talking about.

If in the first situation we described, the blame lies entirely with the most negligent student, then in this situation, most likely, the teacher himself is to blame. In our entire student life, each of paper writer at least once (and especially unlucky ones more often) encounters a teacher who lectures not in the best way. They are not just obscure, they are often even monstrous!

What could this be related to? Yes, almost anything. One of the first likely reasons is age. Today in many universities lectures are given by those who read them in the last century, and far from at the very end of it. If your teacher is elderly, try not to show your irritation. Realize that it takes him much more effort to deliver a lecture than any of his other colleagues.

If you have difficulty understanding his lectures, don't interrupt  https://paperwriter.pro/speech-writing-services/   with clarify questions. It is better to understanding everything you do not understand yourself. So you can treat an elderly teacher with understanding , and at the same time hone the skills of finding information that will be very useful to you. In addition, by expanding your knowledge, you can both show off your mind in front of fellow students and please the teacher.

But if you catch little from the speech of a fairly young teacher, then most likely you are “lucky” to get on a rather interesting type, which we call “play and play”. He loves to tell a variety of stories, and he is not stopped by the fact that they have a very indirect relation to the topic of lectures and even the subject itself.

Another variant of play-play is a teacher who seems to be speaking on the topic and preparing for a lecture, but still cannot convey his idea to the audience sitting in front of him. The vast majority of students do not understand lectures from such a teacher.

How to change the situation and correct the behavior of such a teacher? After all, you still came to the university for knowledge, and you would like to get it in the end, right? The leverage in this case  paperwriter.pro/buy- mba-essay can be of two types: it is the impact from below and the impact from above.

If you have chosen the impact from above, then you practically do not have to do anything. It is enough just to collect the signatures of the majority of the students of your course or group, and refer the collective complaint to the leadership of the department or the university itself.

And do not worry, no one will expel you for such "impudence". Believe me, the leadership of the institute is also interested in you getting a quality education, and not just sitting for five years at lectures, not taking anything out of them .

Yes, and market relations play an important role here. In fact, you are clients receiving a service, that is, education. If the client is dissatisfied with the quality of the service, he will leave, taking his money with him. And if there are no funds, there is no university, right? Therefore, do not be afraid and defend your right to a quality education, the truth in this case is on your side.

The effectiveness of such an impact from above is quite high. Either the teacher will change his style of behavior, or sooner or later he will lose his job.

Influence from below implies communication between the teacher and representatives of your course, who will be able to correctly formulate the essence of the claims that have arisen and state them in an accessible and polite form. Choose a leader and send him "to battle".

But such an impact also has its drawbacks: the teacher may decide that the group simply decided to spoof, and it is not worth responding to its attacks. Also, in the event that he is not a very honest person, such tricks can go sideways to your leaders, who will directly communicate with the teacher.

Therefore, it is more logical, safe and effective to use all the same action from above. So you can achieve your goals in a shorter time, and at the same time, as they say in the cinema, "not one student will suffer during the filming."

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