@jfruan 2017-04-14T00:49:27.000000Z 字数 14743 阅读 2280

Matlab Rotate x-axis tick labels



Rotate x-tick labels to any angle, preserving font settings and coping with resize, zoom, pan etc.
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1. rotateXLabels(ax, angle, varargin)

  1. clear
  2. % file size
  3. x=[136,148,158,168,178,188,198,208,228,248,276,296,316,336,356];
  4. % read local
  5. y11 = [0.4768,0.8226,0.8697,0.9738,0.9484,0.9763,0.9703,0.9602,0.9786,0.952,0.852,0.9142,0.9341,0.9365,0.9162]';
  6. % write local
  7. y12 = [0.9706,0.9673,0.984,0.9174,0.9816,0.9396,0.9429,0.9385,0.9221,0.8361,0.9497,0.9266,0.936,0.9463,0.9456]';
  8. % read aws
  9. y21 = [0.5808,0.7663,0.7880,0.8978,0.8560,0.9079,0.8860,0.8784,0.9048,0.8770,0.8032,0.8396,0.8528,0.8745,0.8557]';
  10. % write aws
  11. y22 = [0.8161,0.7515,0.8364,0.8029,0.8265,0.8200,0.8194,0.8583,0.8290,0.7487,0.8392,0.7737,0.8248,0.8034,0.7700]';
  12. % local
  13. data1 = [y11, y12];
  14. % aws
  15. data2 = [y21, y22];
  16. b = bar(data1,1.0);
  17. b(1).FaceColor = [1 128 104]/255;
  18. % b(2).FaceColor = [129 192 100]/255
  19. b(2).FaceColor = [255 255 102]/255;
  20. set(gcf,'unit','centimeters','position',[10 10 20 15])
  21. % set(gca,'YLim',[0 1.2]); %Y轴的数据显示范围
  22. set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'136','148','158','168','178','188','198','208','228','248','276','296','316','336','356'})
  23. h = gca;
  24. rotateXLabels(h, 45); %旋转角度
  25. xlabel('File size (MB)'),ylabel('Similarity')
  26. hl = legend('HDFS read operation ','HDFS write operation');
  27. set(hl,'Location','northoutside','Orientation','horizontal')
  28. set(gca,'FontSize',15);
  29. set(gca,'FontName','Times new roman');

2. xtickangle(ax,angle)

For releases prior to R2016b, specify the rotation using the XTickLabelRotation and YTickLabelRotation properties of the Axes object. For example, assign the Axes object to a variable, such as ax = gca. Then set the XTickLabelRotation property using dot notation, such as ax.XTickLabelRotation = 45.

  1. % For Matlab R2016b
  2. x = linspace(0,10000,21);
  3. y = x.^2;
  4. stem(x,y)
  5. ax = gca
  6. ax.XTickLabelRotation = 45
  1. % Start with Matlab R2014b, prior to R2016b
  2. x = 1000*rand(40,1);
  3. y = rand(40,1);
  4. scatter(x,y)
  5. xtickangle(45)
  6. ytickangle(90)


1. rotateXLabels(ax, angle, varargin)

2. xtickangle(ax,angle)


1. rotateXLabels.m

  1. function hh = rotateXLabels( ax, angle, varargin )
  2. %rotateXLabels: rotate any xticklabels
  3. %
  4. % hh = rotateXLabels(ax,angle) rotates all XLabels on axes AX by an angle
  5. % ANGLE (in degrees). Handles to the resulting text objects are returned
  6. % in HH.
  7. %
  8. % hh = rotateXLabels(ax,angle,param,value,...) also allows one or more
  9. % optional parameters to be specified. Possible parameters are:
  10. % 'MaxStringLength' The maximum length of label to show (default inf)
  11. %
  12. % Examples:
  13. % >> bar( hsv(5)+0.05 )
  14. % >> days = {'Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday'};
  15. % >> set( gca(), 'XTickLabel', days )
  16. % >> rotateXLabels( gca(), 45 )
  17. %
  18. % See also: GCA, BAR
  19. % Copyright 2006-2013 The MathWorks Ltd.
  20. error( nargchk( 2, inf, nargin ) );
  21. if ~isnumeric( angle ) || ~isscalar( angle )
  22. error( 'RotateXLabels:BadAngle', 'Parameter ANGLE must be a scalar angle in degrees' )
  23. end
  24. angle = mod( angle, 360 );
  25. % From R2014b, rotating labels is built-in using 'XTickLabelRotation'
  26. if ~verLessThan('matlab','8.4.0')
  27. set(ax, 'XTickLabelRotation', angle)
  28. if nargout > 1
  29. hh = [];
  30. end
  31. return;
  32. end
  33. [maxStringLength] = parseInputs( varargin{:} );
  34. % Get the existing label texts and clear them
  35. [vals, labels] = findAndClearExistingLabels( ax, maxStringLength );
  36. % Create the new label texts
  37. h = createNewLabels( ax, vals, labels, angle );
  38. % Reposition the axes itself to leave space for the new labels
  39. repositionAxes( ax );
  40. % If an X-label is present, move it too
  41. repositionXLabel( ax );
  42. % Store angle
  43. setappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsAngle', angle );
  44. % Only send outputs if requested
  45. if nargout
  46. hh = h;
  47. end
  48. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  49. function [maxStringLength] = parseInputs( varargin )
  50. % Parse optional inputs
  51. maxStringLength = inf;
  52. if nargin > 0
  53. params = varargin(1:2:end);
  54. values = varargin(2:2:end);
  55. if numel( params ) ~= numel( values )
  56. error( 'RotateXLabels:BadSyntax', 'Optional arguments must be specified as parameter-value pairs.' );
  57. end
  58. if any( ~cellfun( 'isclass', params, 'char' ) )
  59. error( 'RotateXLabels:BadSyntax', 'Optional argument names must be specified as strings.' );
  60. end
  61. for pp=1:numel( params )
  62. switch upper( params{pp} )
  64. maxStringLength = values{pp};
  65. otherwise
  66. error( 'RotateXLabels:BadParam', 'Optional parameter ''%s'' not recognised.', params{pp} );
  67. end
  68. end
  69. end
  70. end % parseInputs
  71. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  72. function [vals,labels] = findAndClearExistingLabels( ax, maxStringLength )
  73. % Get the current tick positions so that we can place our new labels
  74. vals = get( ax, 'XTick' );
  75. % Now determine the labels. We look first at for previously rotated labels
  76. % since if there are some the actual labels will be empty.
  77. ex = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );
  78. if isempty( ex )
  79. % Store the positions and labels
  80. labels = get( ax, 'XTickLabel' );
  81. if isempty( labels )
  82. % No labels!
  83. return
  84. else
  85. if ~iscell(labels)
  86. labels = cellstr(labels);
  87. end
  88. end
  89. % Clear existing labels so that xlabel is in the right position
  90. set( ax, 'XTickLabel', {}, 'XTickMode', 'Manual' );
  91. setappdata( ax, 'OriginalXTickLabels', labels );
  92. else
  93. % Labels have already been rotated, so capture them
  94. labels = getappdata( ax, 'OriginalXTickLabels' );
  95. set(ex, 'DeleteFcn', []);
  96. delete(ex);
  97. end
  98. % Limit the length, if requested
  99. if isfinite( maxStringLength )
  100. for ll=1:numel( labels )
  101. if length( labels{ll} ) > maxStringLength
  102. labels{ll} = labels{ll}(1:maxStringLength);
  103. end
  104. end
  105. end
  106. end % findAndClearExistingLabels
  107. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  108. function restoreDefaultLabels( ax )
  109. % Restore the default axis behavior
  110. removeListeners( ax );
  111. % Try to restore the tick marks and labels
  112. set( ax, 'XTickMode', 'auto', 'XTickLabelMode', 'auto' );
  113. rmappdata( ax, 'OriginalXTickLabels' );
  114. % Try to restore the axes position
  115. if isappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' )
  116. set( ax, 'Position', getappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' ) );
  117. rmappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' );
  118. end
  119. end
  120. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  121. function textLabels = createNewLabels( ax, vals, labels, angle )
  122. % Work out the ticklabel positions
  123. zlim = get(ax,'ZLim');
  124. z = zlim(1);
  125. % We want to work in normalised coords, but this doesn't print
  126. % correctly. Instead we have to work in data units even though it
  127. % makes positioning hard.
  128. y = getYPositionToUse( ax );
  129. % Now create new text objects in similar positions.
  130. textLabels = -1*ones( numel( vals ), 1 );
  131. for ll=1:numel(vals)
  132. textLabels(ll) = text( ...
  133. 'Units', 'Data', ...
  134. 'Position', [vals(ll), y, z], ...
  135. 'String', labels{ll}, ...
  136. 'Parent', ax, ...
  137. 'Clipping', 'off', ...
  138. 'Rotation', angle, ...
  139. 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel', ...
  140. 'UserData', vals(ll));
  141. end
  142. % So that we can respond to CLA and CLOSE, attach a delete
  143. % callback. We only attach it to one label to save massive numbers
  144. % of callbacks during axes shut-down.
  145. set(textLabels(end), 'DeleteFcn', @onTextLabelDeleted);
  146. % Now copy font properties into the texts
  147. updateFont();
  148. % Update the alignment of the text
  149. updateAlignment();
  150. end % createNewLabels
  151. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  152. function repositionAxes( ax )
  153. % Reposition the axes so that there's room for the labels
  154. % Note that we only do this if the OuterPosition is the thing being
  155. % controlled
  156. if ~strcmpi( get( ax, 'ActivePositionProperty' ), 'OuterPosition' )
  157. return;
  158. end
  159. % Work out the maximum height required for the labels
  160. labelHeight = getLabelHeight(ax);
  161. % Remove listeners while we mess around with things, otherwise we'll
  162. % trigger redraws recursively
  163. removeListeners( ax );
  164. % Change to normalized units for the position calculation
  165. oldUnits = get( ax, 'Units' );
  166. set( ax, 'Units', 'Normalized' );
  167. % Not sure why, but the extent seems to be proportional to the height of the axes.
  168. % Correct that now.
  169. set( ax, 'ActivePositionProperty', 'Position' );
  170. pos = get( ax, 'Position' );
  171. axesHeight = pos(4);
  172. % Make sure we don't adjust away the axes entirely!
  173. heightAdjust = min( (axesHeight*0.9), labelHeight*axesHeight );
  174. % Move the axes
  175. if isappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' )
  176. pos = getappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' );
  177. else
  178. pos = get(ax,'Position');
  179. setappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition', pos );
  180. end
  181. if strcmpi( get( ax, 'XAxisLocation' ), 'Bottom' )
  182. % Move it up and reduce the height
  183. set( ax, 'Position', pos+[0 heightAdjust 0 -heightAdjust] )
  184. else
  185. % Just reduce the height
  186. set( ax, 'Position', pos+[0 0 0 -heightAdjust] )
  187. end
  188. set( ax, 'Units', oldUnits );
  189. set( ax, 'ActivePositionProperty', 'OuterPosition' );
  190. % Make sure we find out if axes properties are changed
  191. addListeners( ax );
  192. end % repositionAxes
  193. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  194. function repositionXLabel( ax )
  195. % Try to work out where to put the xlabel
  196. removeListeners( ax );
  197. labelHeight = getLabelHeight(ax);
  198. % Use the new max extent to move the xlabel. We may also need to
  199. % move the title
  200. xlab = get(ax,'XLabel');
  201. titleh = get( ax, 'Title' );
  202. set( [xlab,titleh], 'Units', 'Normalized' );
  203. if strcmpi( get( ax, 'XAxisLocation' ), 'Top' )
  204. titleExtent = get( xlab, 'Extent' );
  205. set( xlab, 'Position', [0.5 1+labelHeight-titleExtent(4) 0] );
  206. set( titleh, 'Position', [0.5 1+labelHeight 0] );
  207. else
  208. set( xlab, 'Position', [0.5 -labelHeight 0] );
  209. set( titleh, 'Position', [0.5 1 0] );
  210. end
  211. addListeners( ax );
  212. end % repositionXLabel
  213. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  214. function height = getLabelHeight(ax)
  215. height = 0;
  216. textLabels = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );
  217. if isempty(textLabels)
  218. return;
  219. end
  220. oldUnits = get( textLabels(1), 'Units' );
  221. set( textLabels, 'Units', 'Normalized' );
  222. for ll=1:numel(vals)
  223. ext = get( textLabels(ll), 'Extent' );
  224. if ext(4) > height
  225. height = ext(4);
  226. end
  227. end
  228. set( textLabels, 'Units', oldUnits );
  229. end % getLabelExtent
  230. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  231. function updateFont()
  232. % Update the rotated text fonts when the axes font changes
  233. properties = {
  234. 'FontName'
  235. 'FontSize'
  236. 'FontAngle'
  237. 'FontWeight'
  238. 'FontUnits'
  239. };
  240. propertyValues = get( ax, properties );
  241. textLabels = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );
  242. set( textLabels, properties, propertyValues );
  243. end % updateFont
  244. function updateAlignment()
  245. textLabels = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );
  246. angle = get( textLabels(1), 'Rotation' );
  247. % Depending on the angle, we may need to change the alignment. We change
  248. % alignments within 5 degrees of each 90 degree orientation.
  249. if strcmpi( get( ax, 'XAxisLocation' ), 'Top' )
  250. if 0 <= angle && angle < 5
  251. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );
  252. elseif 5 <= angle && angle < 85
  253. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );
  254. elseif 85 <= angle && angle < 95
  255. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Middle' );
  256. elseif 95 <= angle && angle < 175
  257. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );
  258. elseif 175 <= angle && angle < 185
  259. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );
  260. elseif 185 <= angle && angle < 265
  261. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );
  262. elseif 265 <= angle && angle < 275
  263. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Middle' );
  264. elseif 275 <= angle && angle < 355
  265. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );
  266. else % 355-360
  267. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );
  268. end
  269. else
  270. if 0 <= angle && angle < 5
  271. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );
  272. elseif 5 <= angle && angle < 85
  273. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );
  274. elseif 85 <= angle && angle < 95
  275. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Middle' );
  276. elseif 95 <= angle && angle < 175
  277. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Right', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );
  278. elseif 175 <= angle && angle < 185
  279. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );
  280. elseif 185 <= angle && angle < 265
  281. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Bottom' );
  282. elseif 265 <= angle && angle < 275
  283. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Middle' );
  284. elseif 275 <= angle && angle < 355
  285. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Left', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );
  286. else % 355-360
  287. set( textLabels, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'Top' );
  288. end
  289. end
  290. end
  291. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  292. function onAxesFontChanged( ~, ~ )
  293. updateFont();
  294. repositionAxes( ax );
  295. repositionXLabel( ax );
  296. end % onAxesFontChanged
  297. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  298. function onAxesPositionChanged( ~, ~ )
  299. % We need to accept the new position, so remove the appdata before
  300. % redrawing
  301. if isappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' )
  302. rmappdata( ax, 'OriginalAxesPosition' );
  303. end
  304. if isappdata( ax, 'OriginalXLabelPosition' )
  305. rmappdata( ax, 'OriginalXLabelPosition' );
  306. end
  307. repositionAxes( ax );
  308. repositionXLabel( ax );
  309. end % onAxesPositionChanged
  310. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  311. function onXAxisLocationChanged( ~, ~ )
  312. updateAlignment();
  313. repositionAxes( ax );
  314. repositionXLabel( ax );
  315. end % onXAxisLocationChanged
  316. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  317. function onAxesLimitsChanged( ~, ~ )
  318. % The limits have moved, so make sure the labels are still ok
  319. textLabels = findall( ax, 'Tag', 'RotatedXTickLabel' );
  320. xlim = get( ax, 'XLim' );
  321. pos = [0 getYPositionToUse( ax )];
  322. for tt=1:numel( textLabels )
  323. xval = get( textLabels(tt), 'UserData' );
  324. pos(1) = xval;
  325. % If the tick is off the edge, make it invisible
  326. if xval<xlim(1) || xval>xlim(2)
  327. set( textLabels(tt), 'Visible', 'off', 'Position', pos )
  328. elseif ~strcmpi( get( textLabels(tt), 'Visible' ), 'on' )
  329. set( textLabels(tt), 'Visible', 'on', 'Position', pos )
  330. else
  331. % Just set the position
  332. set( textLabels(tt), 'Position', pos );
  333. end
  334. end
  335. repositionXLabel( ax );
  336. end % onAxesPositionChanged
  337. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  338. function onTextLabelDeleted( ~, ~ )
  339. % The final text label has been deleted. This is likely from a
  340. % "cla" or "close" call, so we should remove all of our dirty
  341. % hacks.
  342. restoreDefaultLabels(ax);
  343. end
  344. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  345. function addListeners( ax )
  346. % Create listeners. We store the array of listeners in the axes to make
  347. % sure that they have the same life-span as the axes they are listening to.
  348. axh = handle( ax );
  349. listeners = [
  350. handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontName' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )
  351. handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontSize' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )
  352. handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontWeight' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )
  353. handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontAngle' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )
  354. handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'FontUnits' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesFontChanged )
  355. handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'OuterPosition' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesPositionChanged )
  356. handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'XLim' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesLimitsChanged )
  357. handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'YLim' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onAxesLimitsChanged )
  358. handle.listener( axh, findprop( axh, 'XAxisLocation' ), 'PropertyPostSet', @onXAxisLocationChanged )
  359. ];
  360. setappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsListeners', listeners );
  361. end % addListeners
  362. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  363. function removeListeners( ax )
  364. % Rempove any property listeners whilst we are fiddling with the axes
  365. if isappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsListeners' )
  366. delete( getappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsListeners' ) );
  367. rmappdata( ax, 'RotateXLabelsListeners' );
  368. end
  369. end % removeListeners
  370. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
  371. function y = getYPositionToUse( ax )
  372. % Use the direction and XAxisLocation properties to work out which
  373. % Y-value to draw the labels at.
  374. whichYLim = 1;
  375. % If YDir is reversed, switch where we position
  376. if strcmpi( get( ax, 'YDir' ), 'Reverse' )
  377. whichYLim = 3-whichYLim;
  378. end
  379. % If set to "top", then switch (again?)
  380. if strcmpi( get( ax, 'XAxisLocation' ), 'Top' )
  381. whichYLim = 3-whichYLim;
  382. end
  383. % Now get the value
  384. ylim = get( ax, 'YLim' );
  385. y = ylim(whichYLim);
  386. end % getYPositionToUse
  387. end % EOF