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An individual plan required for the annual attestation of a graduate student in terms of the amount of work done. The applicant for a scientific degree builds his activities in strict accordance with the above reporting document. The service www.writemypapers.company/ gladly provided this guide to help my students.

What is an individual postgraduate work plan

This reporting form is drawn up together with the project curator within 1-2 months after admission to graduate school. After a detailed review, the finished document is approved at a meeting of the Academic Council.

In an individual plan, the stages of work on a dissertation are displayed annually. For full-time students, the term for maintaining this document is three years, for part-time graduate students-about 4 years (depending on the specifics of the topic and the requirements of the educational institution). Thinking about buying an plan for your work? At https://writemypapers.company/buy-argumentative-essay/ you can make an order and get your work ready by deadline.

Rules for the design of the main structural elements of an individual plan.

Title page

Contains information about the dissertation (scientific specialty and research topic), information about the scientific supervisor of the project, dates / minutes of the dissertation council meetings, confirming the consideration of the work.

Scientific work

In this section, the graduate student describes the theoretical and practical / experimental parts of the dissertation.

Theoretical information is an analysis of literary sources, a description of the development of the concept of a problem over the past years.
The practical part. Includes processing and description of the quantitative / qualitative components of the study.

Publishing Articles

This part of the IPA contains detailed information on the titles and the total number of publications planned for publication in peer-reviewed collections / journals.

Teaching practice

To be completed on the condition of independent conducting of practical, seminar or laboratory studies in the specialty.

Other types of work

This section is optional-the postgraduate student fills it out under the conditions of participation in department seminars or conferences, conducting educational and methodological work (attending lectures of associate professors, professors of the department).

If you have any difficulties in drawing up an individual plan or your supervisor cannot provide clear recommendations on the structure of this document, please contact the authors of the www.essayswriting.help/ company.

Sample of filling out an individual plan by year

The IAP is filled in during the entire postgraduate study, so the content of the document changes as the set goals are achieved.

First year of study

  1. Selection and approval of the topic of the thesis.
  2. Drawing up a curriculum of work and a plan of scientific work.
  3. Review and analysis of literature on the research topic.
  4. Design and conduct the necessary experiments .
  5. Preparation of the first chapter of the work .
  6. Completion of training in necessary and additional disciplines.
  7. Delivery of the candidate minimum.
  8. Active participation in scientific seminars / symposia / laboratory classes (for full-time education).
  9. Attestation and report on the work done for the first year of graduate school.

Second year

Duties of a postgraduate student studying in the second year of an educational institution.

  1. Training in basic / additional subjects (if necessary).
  2. Completion of research on the topic of the dissertation.
  3. Preparation of the text of the main part and the second chapter, based on the results of the experiment.
  4. Active participation in lectures / seminars, etc. (for full-time graduate students).
  5. Preparation and publication of scientific articles in peer-reviewed VAK journals.
  6. Certification for the second year of study.

Third-fourth year (for full-time / part-time studies)

In graduation years, graduate students fill out the IPA according to the scheme below.

  1. Passing candidate exams in the chosen specialty.
  2. Completion of work on the dissertation.
  3. Publication of several VAK articles related to the subject of research.
  4. Participation in scientific seminars / conferences and activities of an educational institution.
  5. Passing the preliminary defense at the department and its results.
  6. Completion of the thesis (if necessary).
  7. Preparation of the necessary documents for submission to the dissertation council.
  8. Distribution of the author's abstract.
  9. The results of the official defense of the work.

The company " https://essayswriting.help/academic-writing-help/ " provides services for writing an individual plan for graduate students, dissertation research, term papers and graduation projects. All documents are drawn up in strict accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission and methodology. We guarantee the confidentiality of the submitted data, a convenient form of remuneration and the conclusion of an official contract with a detailed description of the terms of cooperation.

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What is the object and subject of research

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