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Probabilistic Graphical Models(CMU)-3

Probabilistic_Graphical_Models CMU notes

The class link: Probabilistic Graphical Models(Spring 2014) - Eric Xing

Lecture notes 3


Defn: A DAG G is a perfect map (P-map) for a distribution P if
* Thm: not every distribution has a perfect map as DAG.
* The fact that G is a minimal I-map for P is far from a guarantee that G captures the independence structure in P
* The P-map of a distribution is unique up to I-equivalence between networks. That is, a distribution P can have many P-maps, but all of them are I-equivalent (different BN structures can actually encode the same set of conditional independence).

Undirected graphical models(UGM)

Canonical example

Defn: An UG is an I-map for a distribution if i.e., entails .

Defn: is a Gibbs distribution over if it can be represented as

Boltzmann machine

A fully connected graph with pairwise (edge) potentials on
binary-valued nodes (for or ) is called a Boltzmann machine.

  • nodal potential + pair potential

Conditional Random Fields


