@sswsdsn 2019-02-14T08:23:32.000000Z 字数 2863 阅读 400

Huobi Document

Basic Info
Structure is blockchain

Github website

Block explorer website

Consensus/Proof of consistency

It takes how long to generate a block?

Is it possible to generate orphan block?
not possible

Suggested save amount of confirmation for a transaction
33s, for detail:
we have 17 BP, and must have (2/3+1) node confirm for irreversible, also each BP have 3s for produce blocks, that is (2/3+1) * 17 * 3 = 33s


Smallest unit (decimals) of Mainnet token

Transaction model: is it similar to UTXO in Bitcoin or Account in ETH?
like Account in ETH

Transaction Types

Multi-sig supported?

Will failed transaction be included in block and the fee of tx be spent?
yes, it happens in some cases

Basic Features: smart contract/cross-chain/high stealthiness/…
smart contract:based on chrome v8, and contract are wrotten by JavaScript
account model: besides public/private key pairs, we have account models like eos

API Documentation
Detail documentation is required, statements of API in usage, how to invoke, what will return and what does a field mean (in Json format)

Like in Bitcoin, we rely heavly on APIs like getblock, gettransaction, getrawtransaction and so on…

Protocal (RPC、HTTP)?
check here: http://developers.iost.io/docs/en/1-getting-started/doc1.html

Please provide a demo for interacting with node daemon by using Node APIs (Java or Python or Golang)
check for detail: https://github.com/iost-official/java-example

How to set up a MainNet
Hardware requirements
Detailed steps to set up a mainnet
How to set up a PrivateNet or TestNet
For testing functionality of our programe, we prefer privatenet (like regtest mode in Bitcoin)

Features and behaviors of privatenet and testnet must be same

you can check it here: http://developers.iost.io/docs/en/4-running-iost-node/Environment-Configuration/

How to generate large amount of addresses and how to validate an address
Please provide a Java Demo for both functionality

The Demo should include a mapping such that:

256bit private key -> public key -> address

sdk path: https://github.com/iost-official/iost.java
check for detail: https://github.com/iost-official/java-example

Account registeration (if applicable)
For project like XRP, BTS and EOS, please provide a Demo for registering accounts
check for detail: https://github.com/iost-official/java-example

How to make a transaction
Please provide a Java Demo

Demo should include following aspects:

how to construct transaction (or raw transction)
how to calculate transaction fee
how to do serialization
how to sign a transaction
how to broadcast
PS:we will never store our private key in the node or wallet application, please do not provide us a demo which interacts with node or wallet application
check for detail: https://github.com/iost-official/java-example

Plan for cold wallet/off-line signature
please provide a Java Demo

How to know a smart contract deposit(if applicable)
If you are supporting smart contracts, please provide a plan for detecting smart contract deposits
we will provide this by rpc.

Mainnet Launch Time

For launching a new mainnet, it is not easy to avoid various bugfix, so please consider forward compatible (like interfaces and data structure of chain)
