@NovLego 2019-11-21T08:42:09.000000Z 字数 1518 阅读 252

From XGCD to Multiplicative Inverse

Question 1

By XGCD,we can solve the equation:,where and are relative prime integers,and is 's inverse modulus .

If is another inverse of modulus ,that will satisfy .So we get: .

-> .

That is, mod equal to instead of .

So, is the unique inverse of modulus .

Question 3

From Question 1 we know that has a unique inverse and .

And from Question 2,we know that only and has a inverse which is itself.

In other words,except for and ,there exists many pairs of number that they inverse each other modulus p.

= = -1.


From to

1.If has x distincted prime factors and is odd,then has solutions(n>1).

2.If has x distincted prime factors and is even,then the equation has solutions.

3.If isn't a prime and is the power of 2,then the equation has 4 solutions.

Congruent Equation

Solve the following equation:,where and are not relative prime.
Let .

1.when will the congruence has no solution:
If can't divide ,I think the equation is unsolvable.

2.If the congruence has solutions,how many incongruent solutions does it have?
I wonder if zero is a legal solution.If it is,then there will be incongruent solutions.

So,If we can solve this congruence,that means where is an integer.

By XGCD,we can solve ,then we get

The solution of the congruence is .
