@boxizen 2021-08-11T05:28:14.000000Z 字数 14708 阅读 370


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 28 Mar

Bug Fixes
android: fetch resource with https:// (c3dee7c)
android: should catch resource NotFoundException (6284a49)
android: support engine status enum to int (9708892)
android: use ByteBuffer for onResourceReady (9863317)
core: fix conflict resolve error (903650a)
core: fix dynamic load crash (f9138b2)
core: fix iOS CreateJsError function error (df8355c)
core: fix jni crash (#651) (6ae32cf)
core: format (618a40a)
core: revert v8 refactor (82b0b27)
core: update so (acd5bd1)
docs: fix dynamic import docs (d4a553d)
ios: fix bug for touch handler (15d0bb3)
ios: fix dynamic load for local file (130b9d5)
ios: fix index exceed range of array (34591dd)
ios: improve stability (3dc0743)
android: adjust for wormhole (09fb96b)
core: daymiacLoad support http req (#640) (e7cd1f3)
core: refactor dynamic jni (2f627df)
core: support multi scheme dynamic load (932b51c)
ios: adapter dynamic load (f53bdd1)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 17 Mar

Bug Fixes
android: add d8 setting for qq (e001cdf)
android: as inspect code (357aac2)
android: demo add onResume and onStop (8435397)
android: run fetch image on main thread (bd3479e)
core: add explicit (22d3601)
core: fix codecc (f8212e4)
core: fix codecc warning (#608) (1077a79)
core: fix scope nullptr bug (3df0e8c)
hippy-vue: add child animation destroy logic (e0404fa)
core: adapter 89 chrome dev tools (#626) (bab3d67)
ios: add onInterceptPullUpEvent propery (d46432f)
layout: format files (5d18951)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 10 Mar

Bug Fixes
android: add maven publish (f7c4552)
android: call super.onDestroy() (0f7e2d9)
android: get thirdParty packageName first (3fb32f3)
android: mListScrollListeners ConcurrentModificationException (d8b2ab2)
android: should catch UnsatisfiedLinkError for runScriptFromUri (28d0a02)
core: fix DLOG macro (9eb0bb8)
ios: fix HippyRootView did load finish callback (e646db5)
ios: try catch malloc exception when make image blurred (#603) (cc2521b)
core: avoid crash when the jni method does not exist (05ae0cd)


Bug Fixes
android: add onPreload for preloadItemNumber (9d94837)
android: code style of HippyListAdapter (66b4a39)
android: ignore ClassNotFoundException for add video controller (664dd7a)
android: keep setCustomProp handle (30d24b5)
android: rdm exception bug reports (afcfc0c)
android: some code style problem (2246f53)
android: use LogUtils replace Log (56135da)
ios: fix support for translateZ (6de05fa)
ios: implement backgroundSize setter for HippyImageView (b7ff2b8)
hippy-vue: add animation event & method (4018df8)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 2 Mar

Bug Fixes
android: add gradle features setting, remove PRODUCT_FLAVORS (6e0c501)
android: fix TextNode width when do StaticLayout (9942a2a)
android: fix ViewPager setScrollEnabled not works (cf5514b)
android: resolve touch conflict for nested ViewPager (aa4ac15)
hippy-vue: fixed repeatCount error in animationSet (c16f306)
ios: invoke jscexecutor.invalide on js queue (35262c4)
android: listview add props : overScrollEnabled (3ed9418)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 2 Mar

Bug Fixes
ios: fix viewpager bug (54b0e06)
android: add usesCleartextTraffic=true (6c21253)
android: merge some bug fix from QB branch (5ad10ae)
android: merge some bug fix from QQ branch (a9b9460)
android: onCreateSuspendViewHolderWithPos should return null (7efa9c9)
android: support only include armeabi (3e60c4d)
android: update v8 77 so (a05fdaf)
android: webview set allow content access to false (b12e5cf)
core: avoid iOS map crash (7657ab5)
core: fix debug crash (748c6de)
core: fix js exception report bug (1b27277)
feat: change build-core script (38b99dd)
hippy-core: remove getOwnPropertyDescriptors (58f5ff7)
hippy-react-web: correct margin and padding style values (#543) (0754a68)
hippy-react,hippy-vue: add examples webpack sourcetype (839da97)
hippy-vue: fix vue webpack dll problem (bbdc95c)
hippy-vue,hippy-react: added example babel plugins (cd54ce9)
hippy-vue,hippy-react: change webpack vendor script (4ac88cb)
ios: add @autoreleasepool in hippy custom js thread callback block (b0518a2)
ios: fix apng image delay time error (f8eb557)
ios: fix backgroundSize property of View component (e16cedf)
ios: fix device orientation change event bug (d80c6a3)
ios: fix image down sample error (b967ceb)
ios: fix image insets error (9651d84)
ios: fix potential crash because of a nil context pointer (e8c1820)
ios: fix protential crash when AppDelegate.window called (5048b0b)
ios: fix text input placeholder error (83b6f48)
ios: fix view creation missing if view is created lazily (b8747ac)
ios: fix viewpager component bug (#564) (56c481b)
android: add gaussian blur property to image (6c7290e)
android: add local aar dependencies in demo (227302c)
android: change gaussian blur property type (2733d1a)
android: night mode support (31ca5d1)
android: support abi and v8 gradle setting (8961799)
android: support assemble by product flavors (d0ecb6a)
android: support register multi module name (3060283)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 25 Jan

Bug Fixes
android: add debug and release argument for cmake (fff9084)
android: add support-annotations:28.0.0 (46d5bf2)
ios: block ui actions when bridge is invalide (2581f3d)
ios: fix error on drawing image with backgroundPositionX/Y (a57240a)
ios: fix reference cycle in block (3a77ebe)
ios: no more tracking safa area for tableview (df91cb4)
hippy-core: add navigatorBarHeight (71b5470)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 20 Jan

Bug Fixes
android: can not find cmake path (720750a)
ios: fix image load error event (d4099ee)
ios: fix network type judgment method (#517) (73daf87)
ios: hippy now will send ‘destroyInstance’ event to JS (b0ae490)
ios: optimize image load error message (e20bed9)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 19 Jan

Bug Fixes
hippy-react: fix appendChild error in react16 by key diff (233e40c)
ios: fix crash due to a nil pointer of JSGlobalContextRef (8aedca6)
hippy-react: added demo key (bd2201b)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 13 Jan

Bug Fixes
ios: fix bug that onPageScroll and onPageSelected invoke incorrect (f86623d)
core: added destroyInstance event (1dd9783)
hippy-react: added Text displayName (f591206)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 11 Jan

Bug Fixes
android: revert RecyclerViewBase onTouchMove call (2bbf339)
core: fix exception rethrow bug (60cf9cc)
hippy-react-web: correctly add px to number style values (f774726)
hippy-vue,hippy-react: fixed listview appear & disappear event (86c02fd)
ios: fix a notification error with wrong object (ae8fa7f)
ios: fix header file include error (7786837)
ios: fix image show when image source did not change (a67e81d)
ios: onPulling will occur on right number (f79d99d)
ios: remove an unused gesture (7259e94)
ios: remove check numberOfRows property (269a75c)
core: add delloc event (b11ae13)
hippy-react: forward Text ref (5595dc1)
hippy-react-web: added ScrollView scrollEnabled attribute (efb1ea1)
hippy-vue-demo,hippy-react-demo: add dynamic import demo (c4f357b)
hippy-vue,hippy-react: added willAppear & willDisappear event (d0eb0f1)
ios: add appear event for cell in list view (#496) (2b9b653)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 4 Jan

Bug Fixes
hippy-react-web: fixed image newProps src unRendered problem (#472) (86bd187)
hippy-vue: fix css rulesets concat error (d0c900c)
ios: fix gif play error when using gif cache data (32d0729)
ios: set a switch for red box show (eb44a9c)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 29 Dec 2020

Bug Fixes
hippy-react-web: fixed image onLoadEnd undefined (#470) (6e312b6)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 29 Dec 2020

Bug Fixes
android: local image uri start with file:// (34ba5cf)
core: add jni code (f5451fd)
hippy-core: fixed network header default type (#466) (2879afc)
hippy-react-web: fixed api to web issues and some warnings (#456) (80efec7)
hippy-react,hippy-vue: fixed boxShadow annotation (#460) (fceb70e)
android: support dynamic load (67b0b3f)
core: add dynamic load (20e2ed9)
core: update so (5d6a25c)
ios: add dynamic load (50c427a)
ios: same businesses will share same memory in LocalStorage modul (8ab4b3b)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 24 Dec 2020

Bug Fixes
android: add shadow offset props (0f8eb08)
android: draw shadow with border radius (87a608a)
hippy-react: fixed hairlineWidth NaN in ios (82faee1)
hippy-vue,hippy-react: compatible loadMore and endReached event (#429) (d992cbe)
ios: fix crash caused by a nil pScope (2ae1349)
ios: fix memory leaks in HippyBaseListViewCell (#453) (39d1760)
ios: hippy image loader will search the cache (c13f4d1)
demo: perf demo dev debug experience (#452) (20fda8c)
hippy-react: added hippy-react boxShadow attr and demo (#458) (6fd6a34)
hippy-vue: change boxShadowOffset standard format (7be6617)
hippy-vue: vue css selectors support dynamic import (#440) (3baa571)
hippy-vue-example: change dev cssloader path (#451) (795bf75)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 11 Dec 2020

Bug Fixes
android: correct text truncate (58efa65)
android: support customize debug port (2b88947)
hippy-react: continue finding nodeId if stringref's stateNode is a (#442) (3860d3f)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 3 Dec 2020

Bug Fixes
hippy-react: fix pullHeader and pullFooter (#420) (abfc574)
hippy-react-web: suppress childContextTypes warning (#431) (4a7ba66)
hippy-react,hippy-vue: fixed setNativeProps demo (#436) (cf8be7c)
hippy-vue,hippy-react: added setNativeProps on element (#430) (d1f7e21)
hippy-vue,hippy-react: perf setNativeProps (5cd1291)
support isomorphic rendering (#415) (c131734)


@ilikethese ilikethese released this on 24 Nov 2020

Bug Fixes
hippy-debug-server: fixed the way the server read from file (#405) (fa16ee8)
hippy-debug-server: response 404 when file not found (#410) (8b161a8)
ios: change way to get bridge property (1f7a843)
ios: fix bugs that some js exceptions may not be caught (629fa22)
ios: fix loop count property (7a3f093)
ios: fix loop count property (6d44bf4)
ios: fix multiple thread competion (f281bd1)
ios: fix the bug that get wrong _bridge value (b4132c7)
ios: fix threads competion bugs (258a480)
ios: have to consider an exception for QB (9d4f724)
ios: jscontextref held by jscontextgroupref cannot be deallocated (e85e0a3)
ios: now modal component property will be set corrently (0fbc5ad)
ios: use isEqualToString for NSString comparison (fef7971)
hippy-debug-server: modify debug server to support multiple files (#411) (508ec9f)
hippy-vue: added iOS12 statusBarHeight (d33e993)
hippy-vue, hippy-react: changeTryConvertNumberCompatibility (714faaf)
ios: add method for HippyBridge (a24dbfd)
ios: check necessity of reloading image for HippyImageView (34ce4eb)
ios: fix incorrect of image cache (c00c344)
ios: increase error infomation propery (f2f24e8)
ios: modify pod config file (d889fd4)
ios: perfect error function (dbfefd5)
ios: set predrawing no for animated image (d80b04a)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 12 Nov 2020

Bug Fixes
hippy-vue: fixed focus event support for div (#387) (21d8b58)
hippy-vue: fixed tryConvertNumber bug & some compatible issue (ba8836d)


@zoomchan-cxj zoomchan-cxj released this on 30 Oct 2020

Bug Fixes
android: avoid null pointer before bouncing RefreshWrapper (43c2fb5)
android: change hippy.jar storage path (161cb38)
android: change style of font size invalid (a0b534f)
android: checkUpdateDimension window height==width problem for QB (1011371)
android: compile problem (631c9d3)
android: context holder memory leak (b810bc1)
android: correct list view onEndReached to onLoadMore (eaa7e5f)
android: dispatchFunction with promise for textinput getValue (f886e0b)
android: fetchImage param should support different type (497ba71)
android: fix support-ui code style (04c9959)
android: get listView frame size function (74e2769)
android: imageview will flash when list loadmore (#228) (366247a)
android: list view flash when exceed 7 item in screen (0109fe5)
android: list view init position incorrect when contain pull header (c6eb90d)
android: list view item reuse tintcolor invalid problem (7270141)
android: make ListViewItem as same type props with iOS (1ae5b54)
android: memory leak suspect (a9ef48d)
android: modal view crash when activity destroyed (e73b656)
android: module load listener memory leak (55a084f)
android: optimize view hippmap tag impl (f433ec4)
android: pic not display when adapter call back file path (7620d7a)
android: revert build gradle publish config (b2c67e3)
android: revert fetch image optimize in support ui (416a6e2)
android: set engine context null may case crash (10146f0)
android: support ui fetch image and react bug fix (d829ed4)
android: temporary remove example third party adapter (6d148ec)
android: tkd list view loadMoreFinish incorrect (6659a07)
android-viola: modify maven configuration (7558e6a)
android-viola: modify maven configuration for 0.1.2 (b7da1f0)
doc: add a new attribute to listView (8232db6)
hippy-react: fix hippy-react animationSet destroy problem (#382) (3c66ca6)
hippy-react: removed unncessary Object.values() (8a68d44)
hippy-react: restore the ListView type props be number (#367) (231ec5a), closes /github.com/Tencent/Hippy/commit/9de74e331b797c2137b1d0e3d08cd0dde0ee821a#diff-ccaf44058906717491bd079958ea5684a93acaa5d726e22cb34c0a6c82c79
hippy-vue: fix hippy-vue transform multi-animation not working (84bd58b)
ios: cancel previous custom image loading when a new request come (3aef246)
ios: clear resources before Engine destroy (fe6e080)
ios: code format, add a break to match static analysis (61a43db)
ios: fix a potential crash (6239592)
ios: fix animated image refresh bug (8d5e306)
ios: fix animated images check (eb85032)
ios: fix border radius bug (bbb971f)
ios: fix box shadow propery (e816c31)
ios: fix bugs that onInterceptTouchEvent not work (d615374)
ios: fix dev window height on iphoneX (7e5df6e)
ios: fix footer pull method name (bef9a19)
ios: fix HippyTiming crash (08fae32)
ios: fix imageload failed message (6dfe123)
ios: fix list item view type and onEndReach event not trigger (46bad5d)
ios: fix measureInWindow bug (fceb0e7)
ios: fix measureInWindow method,add measureInAppWindow (e66cab1)
ios: fix touch handler bugs (d706657)
ios: fix UIFont constructor crash on iOS14 (be1ce5d)
ios: fix websocket bug (f45a9bb)
ios: fix websocket function (987b08c)
ios: fix websocket module function.remove debug code (8bb3b37)
ios: set default image need not update imageview (53a1eb2)
ios: support default font family name (b97ca96)
ios: update props without shadowview (52f8295)
swiper: fixed props passing (3081d69)
vue: fixed remove style issue (#329) (33f2f7d)
android: add cell exposure event support (fd9c464)
android: add exposure event enabled control (c2f6307)
android: add listView event support 1 (1e85d9d)
android: add listView event support 2 (a3712b2)
android: add listView horizontal support (cf6e439)
android: add page-slider and list view direction prop support (14ae0a6)
android: add page-slider and page support (826369f)
android: add pullHeader and pullFooter event support (eeaac37)
android: add pullHeader and pullFooter view support (f6e432f)
android: add tdk feature step 1 (dbc60c4)
android: add view hippymap tag support (799305a)
android: optimize list view item exposure impl (5e09690)
android: support box-shadow feature (3dbbe85)
core: catch hippy-base exception (#353) (0601446)
core: refactor core (f996af3)
hippy-react: add new method measureInAppWindow (e25bb67)
hippy-react: added PullHeader and PullFooter components support (2fcdee9)
hippy-vue: add new method measureInAppWindow (e6348a2)
hippy-vue: added pull-header and pull-footer components support (3fbc862)
hippy-vue: added the callback execution before start (1a1cc3f)
hippy-vue: box-shadow style support (0604461)
hippy-vue: export parseColor api for HippyVue (a354c94)
ios: add custom viewcontroller transition animation (9931ca4)
ios: add image provider protocol (#349) (d7ff14f)
ios: add listitemview appear and disappear event (dbdc70a)
ios: add pull header and pull footer components (ac79c90)
ios: change hippyDeepCopyProtocol method name (beb417e)
ios: expose image method public (18307b9)
ios: expose some properties and methods for Modal component (cd60af2)
ios: fix viewpager error (c0c7bcc)
ios: no exception thrown in release mode in HippyFatal method (049f57e)
适配core代码,新增EngineMapper文件 (d4487e2)
ios: hippyImageView not support all animated image (c864c34)
ios: implemention of refresh method (d237501)
ios: optimize animated image logic (c71e09d)
ios: remove macro of scroll delegate method (1ad5d26)
ios: support auto spacing feature (dfffe2b)
