@woshichuanqilz 2016-08-09T09:19:59.000000Z 字数 1363 阅读 1141

How do I find & solve question in my work ? (For Xiazi)


Where should I start ?
At first I found it's very boring and time-consuming to use the windows native search engine. Like this :

So I want to find a software which is more faster. : )

Search Files In Folder

1. Find Everything

Google Search Result


The website I prefer to search for information:
1. zhihu
2. Google
3. This is for coder :) in most situation stackoverflow

And Forum for certain specialty
1. Now just use for Vim Google Group
2. Excel General
3. AutoHotkey

2.ShortCut to Active the Everything

Search Result : shortcut to open programs windows

I find a way about Use [Ctrl Alt {X}] to Active a program, it's hard to press.

So I modify the Search Key word to

Search result : customize hotkey for program in windows

It is a little hard to find what you want in the Google search result

We get a answer like AHK. Or We can ask the question in the stackoverflow .
And we can use the New hotkey win + f for the alternate

  1. #f::
  2. {
  3. Run, C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe
  4. }

3. Search in the certain path

Google result : Everything search in certain path

And we get this :

How do I search for files and folders in a specific location?

4. Fuzzy search in Everything

You need to learn regex.
How do I use wildcards
Here Is The Content

How do I use wildcards?
Using a * in your search will match any number of any type of character.
For example, here is how to search for files and folders that start with e and end with g: e*g
Using a ? in your search will match one character.
For example, here is how to search for files that have a 2 letter file extension: *.??

5. Open the file in the contains folder

