@Belinda 2015-05-18T07:01:54.000000Z 字数 1399 阅读 1139



comments 评论

custom 定制

backend 后台

neat 整洁

features 特征

Live updates 实时更新

are popped into 出现

format 格式化

functionality 功能

intimately 密切

We'll be building a simple but realistic comments box that you can drop into a blog, a basic version of the realtime comments offered by Disqus, LiveFyre or Facebook comments.

我们将会建立一个简单却现实的评论包,您可以使用到您的博客项目,基础版本的组件由Disqus, LiveFyre 或 Facebook comments组提供。

We'll provide:
1. 查看所有评论功能
2. 表单提交组件
3. 为您提供定制的后台客户端

    Optimistic commenting: comments appear in the list before they're saved on the server so it feels fast.


    Live updates: other users' comments are popped into the comment view in real time.


    Markdown formatting: users can use Markdown to format their text.

markdown格式:用户可以使用markdown to their格式话他们的文本。

    While it's not necessary to get started with this tutorial, later on we'll be adding functionality that requires POSTing to a running server. 

If this is something you are intimately familiar with and want to create your own server, please do.


    For the rest of you who might want to focus on learning about React without having to worry about the server-side aspects, we have written simple servers in a number of languages - JavaScript (using Node.js), Python, Ruby, Go, and PHP.

如果您是想要专心集中在学习React上,而不想当心服务器方面的事情的话,也没关系,我们有提供了多重语言的服务器。如 Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, 和PHP等.

    These are all available on GitHub. You can view the source or download a zip file to get started.

这些内容在 github 上都有,你可以查看原文件,或则下载zip包,开始学习。
