@Belinda 2015-06-08T02:57:30.000000Z 字数 1584 阅读 1179

thinking in react(part2)


italicized 斜体

represents 代表

SearchBar 收缩栏

category 类别

turquoise 绿松石(一种颜色)

rendering 渲染

affordances 启示

certainly 肯定的

make sense to 有道理

identified 确定

arrange 安排

hierarchy 层次结构

You'll see here that we have five components in our simple app. I've italicized the data each component represents.


FilterableProductTable (orange): contains the entirety of the example

FilterableProductTable (orange):包裹了整个简单的收索栏,接收所有的用户输入

ProductTable (green): displays and filters the data collection based on user input

ProductTable (green):通过在用户输入的基础上进行数据的过滤和展示。

receives all user input

SearchBar (blue):接收所有的用户输入

ProductCategoryRow (turquoise): displays a heading for each category

ProductCategoryRow (turquoise):为每个类别展现一个头部

displays a row for each product

ProductRow (red):每个产品展示一行

If you look at ProductTable, you'll see that the table header (containing the "Name" and "Price" labels) isn't its own component.


This is a matter of preference, and there's an argument to be made either way.


For this example, I left it as part of ProductTable because it is part of rendering the data collection which is ProductTable's responsibility.


However, if this header grows to be complex (i.e. if we were to add affordances for sorting), it would certainly make sense to make this its own ProductTableHeader component.


Now that we've identified the components in our mock, let's arrange them into a hierarchy. This is easy. Components that appear within another component in the mock should appear as a child in the hierarchy:

