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Where to Find the Best Luxury Home Cinema System
There are several different ways to find a luxury home cinema system. Many consumers choose to purchase their entire home theatre package from a consumer electronics store. This allows them to purchase the components at a lower cost than if they purchased them separately. However, when it comes to choosing the right luxury home cinema system for your needs, you can also purchase the various components separately. Listed below are some of the most popular products that customers seek out when looking for a luxury home cinema system.

Before you start looking for the right system for your needs, you should first determine the type of luxury home cinema you have for your home. If you have a large living room, you will want to select a larger room. Buying a larger room will make your space feel more spacious. You can purchase a larger theater if you want to increase the comfort level of your home. It will be more comfortable to sit in front of a large screen than a small one.

A high-end luxury home cinema system may include a Blu-ray disc player, high-definition video projector, large flat screen HDTV, digital media receiver, five to eleven speakers, subwoofers, and a surround sound system. A 3D-enabled home theater requires glasses for 3D viewing. You should also consider the type of screen that you want to use with your home cinema system.

You can choose to build a custom luxury home cinema system yourself or buy pre-built components. If you are a DIYer, you can purchase individual components to build a high-end system. You can also purchase a HTIB (Home Theater Integration Board) package, which includes all the components and cables. Purchasing the entire HTIB package is ideal if you need to add more audio elements in the future.

If you are not interested in purchasing an already-made home cinema package, consider building your own. Theo Kalomirakis, a pioneer in luxury-home theater design, has worked with companies such as IMAX and Walt Disney. His designs are unique and will make you feel as if you are watching a movie in an actual movie theater. While this method may be more affordable, it may not offer the same benefits as a custom system.

The best luxury home cinema systems are expensive and can run into the millions of dollars. The most expensive ones will cost over $100,000 US. Depending on your preferences, a high-end system may include a large digital projector, two screens, and a custom-built screening room. Among the most important components are the speakers and the power amplifiers. Oftentimes, a high-end set-up will include the highest-quality surround-sound speaker cabinet and an amplifier with multiple channels.
