@markenowens 2023-03-27T11:38:09.000000Z 字数 2156 阅读 48

How to Troubleshoot Neon LED Signs
Neon signs are a classic style of illuminated sign that are often very popular. They have a warm and nostalgic glow that is easy to see and can help your business stand out from the competition. Whether you have an old neon sign that needs repair or you're looking to upgrade to LED neon signs, it's important to know how to troubleshoot these types of lights.
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The lights inside a neon sign are made from a glass tube that is filled with different gases. These gases are then fused together to create various colours. These gases also react differently with electricity, so neon signs can be customised to produce different colours and even have the ability to dim or create a strobe effect.

The process of creating a neon sign involves heating, shaping and twisting a glass tube, then filling it with various gases to produce different colours. The tube is then fused to a transformer that supplies the required power and controls the lighting. There are a few different reasons that an LED neon sign may need repair or maintenance. The most common is that the light may not be functioning properly. If the light does not work, it's a good idea to check for the following problems:

Dust buildup is another problem that can occur with an LED neon sign. This can be caused by people walking on it, dripping water or condensation on the surface of the sign, and the sign getting exposed to weather conditions. If you're wondering how to keep an LED neon sign clean, here are a few tips: Make sure to use a soft duster to remove any loose dust and dirt. Alternatively, you can use a brush to gently remove any remaining residue.

Unplug the neon sign from the power source and give it a chance to cool down before you begin cleaning it. This will help to ensure that no hazardous chemicals or gases are released and cause further damage.

Next, locate the very tiny mercury balls inside the glass tubing. Once you find them, tilt the sign so that they can move to the areas of the tube that are not lighting up. This will help to re-distribute the mercury and make the lights brighter again.

If you're still having trouble, call a professional neon repair company to take a look at it for you. They'll be able to give you a better idea of what is wrong with your neon sign and provide advice on how to fix it.

It's always a good idea to have your LED neon sign serviced and repaired regularly, as it will save you money in the long run. It's also an excellent way to improve the overall look of your business and increase its brand awareness.
