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How to Apply for AAT Distance Learning Courses?

You might be questioning how to apply for AAT courses. Applying is a two-step process that will help you determine if you are eligible and what coursework is best suited for your needs. The first step is the eligibility assessment, which will tell you whether or not AAT courses are right for you. If the answer to those issues is yes, then it's time to participate in the application process!

Step One: Eligibility Assessment. First, you will require to decide which of the three eligibility assessment exams is right for you based on your current education and work experience. These are the AAT Entry Level Generalist exam, AAT Advanced Business Management (ABM) exam, or an Experiential Learning Qualification Exam (ELQ). If this sounds like a lot of information to process at once, don't worry! There is plenty more where that came from in our blog post here.

It's important to note that if those questions answer yes then it's time to participate in the application process! It might sound intimidating but we've got all the resources you need to come back tomorrow when we'll have everything ready to go for you.

The process is pretty straightforward: the first stage of applying to aat courses is completing a piece of application information and a passport size photo, which can be submitted either at home or in person at one of our twelve centers across England, Scotland, and Wales viz Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow (Scotland), Leeds and Liverpool on Merseyside;

London Stansted Airport campus; Manchester Airport Campus; Newcastle upon Tyne airport campus. If this sounds like too many places that's why we're here! We'll have all the information you need right here so come back tomorrow when it will be much easier than ever before!

If successful, applicants must complete their practical assessment - called a ‘competency test’- at one of the centers as set out above and pay a £300 non-refundable administration fee.

The cost for AAT courses:

AAT Distance Learning Courses are priced between £850 to £1300 per module. The modules last six months with many students completing two or more modules each year.

You may be eligible for financial support such as Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) if you are in full-time education or education up to age 18; Income Support; Job Seekers' Allowance (JSA); Universal Credit including those who have been sanctioned by their work coach and Youth Transition Fund.

It is always worth contacting your local job center's benefits team before applying for funding elsewhere! Please note that you will want to present the course application with your National Insurance number.

The AAT Distance Learning courses are a great way to expand your knowledge in the field of accounting. You can peruse at your pace and have access to support personnel if you need it. So, if you're interested, don't hesitate! Apply today for one of our distance learning classes and start building up your skills so that you can provide better service as an accountant or bookkeeper.
