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Do Pills Work For Premature Ejaculation?

While there is evidence to support many different PE pills, it is important to recognize that none of these medications are magic cures and that you must continue to take them to maintain the effects.

Also, while these medications may help some men, they don't work for everyone, and different things seem to work better for different people, so there may be a bit of trial and error required to get your desired results.

SSRIs in particular are remarkably patient-specific. Even in treating depression, doctors often test multiple drugs over a period of time to see what works, sometimes taking months or even years before the most effective drug is revealed.

Also, some points you have to keep in mind are that while some studies have shown impressive increases in mean IELT, and of course these are averages and do not reflect what happens to everyone.

There is always a lot of patient variability depends on the age of the person, type of dosage he is consuming, which kind of erectile dysfunction he might facing, the person's overall health condition, etc.

A pill that instantly makes any man last all night in devastating splendor just doesn't exist.

Do Pills Work For Premature Ejaculation?

In addition to SSRIs, the following medications have also been explored as current or future pills to treat premature ejaculation:


Tramadol is a strong narcotic-like pain reliever that is often given to treat pain, but is occasionally prescribed off-label to treat premature ejaculation.

Studies have shown that it actually increases IELT in men who take it.

However, it is not entirely clear how it works to delay ejaculation. That said, it tends to inhibit the reuptake of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin, suggesting that the mechanism of action might be similar to SSRIs.

Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors:

You know them as erectile dysfunction drugs: sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra). By promoting blood flow to the penis, these drugs help men maintain erections. Some evidence suggests that they might also help some men delay ejaculation.

For example, a 2007 study concluded that sildenafil is a "very effective and safe" treatment for PD and may increase the IELT. However, not all studies have produced consistent results.

For example, a 2005 study found that sildenafil did not significantly increase the IELT. However, it did increase the sexual satisfaction of men with PD, in part; because it reduced the time it took for men to have another erection after ejaculation.

Modafinil (Provigil):

This medication is used to treat narcolepsy, a sleep disorder. Experiments are currently underway to test its effectiveness as a premature ejaculation pill, and preliminary evidence has been promising.

For example, a 2016 study found that Modafinil was linked to a "modest" improvement in IELT among men with PD.

Silodosin (Rapaflo):

This treatment for benign prostate tumors may show promise as a premature ejaculation pill. A 2017 study found that men taking this drug reported longer IELTS.
