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Things You Should Know About a Nose Job

Rhinoplasty, or nasal surgery, is surgery to change the way the nose works and looks. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than two hundred thousand rhinoplasties are performed annually, making it the most common form of facial plastic surgery.

A nose job can simultaneously help you improve breathing and achieve a more balanced shape. A common medical cause of rhinoplasty is difficulty breathing through the nose.

Nasal congestion can cause problems with exercise, interfere with sleep, contribute to snoring and sleep deprivation, or interfere with other activities. If medical treatment fails, surgery may be the next step.

If the septum (the midline wall of cartilage that divides the right and left sides of the nose) is deviated, then septoplasty alone can cure this problem.

However, when the septal deviation is more severe, or near some important areas of nasal support, rhinoplasty is required to ensure proper breathing and nasal shape.

Rhinoplasty removes the septal defect and strengthens the vital respiratory areas of the nose with strategically placed cartilage grafts.

However, this is done for cosmetic reasons as well. The most common applications are to reduce the angle of the nose, improve the tip or correct inconsistencies.

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anaesthesia. A very small incision is made along the base of the nose, which is not noticeable once the skin has healed.

This incision is connected to the incisions inside the nose, which are never visible. They allow access to the nasal cartilage and bones. After this, the nostrils are enhanced and the nose is reconstructed (if desired) through careful and complex adjustments to the bones and cartilage.

Most rhinoplasties are bone-sparing. If patients have had significant nose trauma in the past, the nasal bones are sometimes moved into a more favourable position during surgery. For cosmetic reasons, nasal congestion can be smoothed out with a straight profile or a gentle curve.

You should expect to take a week off from work or school. During this time a method of rest, ice and nasal cleaning is recommended. Although pain relievers are provided, most people only need them for a few days.

It is difficult to breathe easily through the nose during recovery because splints are placed inside the nose to keep the septum straight. The swelling peaks on the third day and then subsides.

Wounds under the eyes can be occasional. For the week after surgery, you will wear a small cast on your nose to protect your nose and reduce swelling.

Splints and casts are removed one week after surgery. You can then return to work and resume cardio exercises, such as walking or running. You will need to avoid contact sports for six weeks.

Otherwise, within two weeks after surgery, you should return to your normal activities and routines.

Although your skin is likely to recover within the first month, a full recovery can take up to a year. Most of the swelling goes away in the first month and all the swelling should go away in a year or less.
