@petermark 2022-01-26T07:22:22.000000Z 字数 2542 阅读 120

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery to increase the size and shape of your breasts, you may be wondering about breast augmentation. You may have questions about plastic surgery and how it will affect you, now and in the future

Your initial breast augmentation Auckland and and consultation will focus on your expectations and desired results for your breast augmentation procedures. At this point, your doctor will discuss your desired breast size and shape, the incision site, and the type of implant to be used.

You will need to provide your complete medical history, family history of breast cancer (including previous mammograms and the results of any biopsies), and current medical conditions and medications.

Your plastic surgeon will provide you with information on each type of procedure and help you decide which method will achieve the desired results.

Different surgeons use different techniques for breast augmentation, including the choice of silicone gel implants or saline implants. The best procedure is chosen based on each patient's preferences and needs.

Surgeons use three common incision sites. The most common sites are the periareolar (areola ), transaxillary (armpit), and the inframammary incision (natural crease under the breast).

The choice of incision site will vary depending on the type of implant, the size, the specific anatomy of each woman, and the personal preference of the surgeon or patient.

When choosing the size and type of implant to be used, several factors will be considered. The patient's general body type, skin elasticity, and especially the makeup and anatomy of the breasts are the key factors that will determine the selected implant.

Most patients choose saline breast implants that are filled with sterile saltwater. The amount of salt in the implant can vary, affecting the breast's feel, firmness, and shape. The salt is harmless to the patient, and in a leak, the body will absorb it naturally.

Silicone breast implants can also be used and are filled with a flexible gel. The gel feels and moves like natural breast tissue. If silicone leaks from the breast implant, the gel can move to the part of the tissue where the breast implant was placed.

You must consult your cosmetic surgeon thoroughly before breast augmentation surgery. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to ask questions about the surgeon's experience, breast augmentation procedures, and the results of your surgery to achieve your desired breast shape.

Your surgeon should tell how viable you are as a breast augmentation patient, the differences between saline and silicone gel implants, breast size possibilities, shape, and how the implants conform to your chest muscles or body, including discussing the benefits and risks of breast augmentation surgery.

For a complete understanding of your expectations versus the actual results of the surgery, your plastic surgeon should provide you with a gallery of breast augmentation before and after results images as well.
