@shaobaobaoer 2018-03-06T15:26:13.000000Z 字数 2388 阅读 1218


LL 亲生A WL 领养B
Zed B Cluo A

in home celebrate

A cheers 反正就是 比较开心 庆祝

in hotel
b in :what are u doing? why are u so happy ? are u celebrating?
MA : we do nothing just celebrate sth.Oh ~ it comes to dinner time ! why not sit down and enjoy meal together?
WB: So...Let me think what the verb sth. means... Are u celebrating for getting father's heritage ?
WA: Heritage ? what heritage ? I do not know ?
MA: I don't know what u are talking about , wait a moment WL, I will take some nice foods from kitchen ... wait for me a moment
(some sound out side the door)
MA: Oh ~ dear , what's wrong outside the door? A thief or sth. terrible happened ?
MB : (open the door, picking up the mobile phone dropping on the floor )Hello ...
WB: Oh ? dear why u are here ? I comes here to get a clear explanation about the heritage . So are u also know that things , really.
MB: Yeah...yeah (一脸怂样) , I wanna to understand what happen and why u come out to your sister's home, so I ...
WB: So ! Sister , can u provide a clear explanation about the distribution of father's heritage. and why u take away father's will(遗嘱)?
WA: Actually , father says he will provide me the 99 percentage of his property and leave the rest for u . That's what he said , did u sanctified yet ?
MA: Accept the fact ,my brother. Actually , after discussion we assume we will bring u fifty thousand dollars which is the 25 percentage of the elder's property.
MB: Oh ! That is really wonderful !!!(手舞足蹈) Dear let's back home ? We receive fifty thousand dollar's ! did u know what that mean ! u know that !!! u know that really !
WB: Shut up son of the bitch!!! I cannot accept that !!! It is not fair ! Let me see the will ! Know (angry)
WA: As u see my sister ---(摊开一张纸头)
WB: Oh !!! No !!! it is not True!!! (表情一转,自己脑补)If u won't pay in half what u receive from father's heritage I will stay here ! never go to anywhere !!!( run to another place)
at home
MA: Oh my brother they seems not happy enough . Actually I didn't care for that small account of money , did u think so?
MB: I agree with u . Ah ~~ that maybe so-called women , mean and closefisted.
MA: We need to do something to win their happiness , really ?
MB:Let's fight with each other ? fake fight u know that !!!
at bedroom
WA: Stop ! WL ! did u want to know why father do so?
WB: Because father didn't love me ! (哭腔)
WA: No ! No ! No ! the reason is that U ARE FAKE !
WB: Pardon?
WA: I mean u are not Biological ! FAKE SISTER HAHA!!!
WB: No ! I will find father for explanation !
(WA & WB come back)
WB: What! what are u doing !
MA: U like this ! Yeah? (重击一拳)
WB: U ! What fucking u are doing ? (反击一拳)
(door open father come in )
FA: What are u doing ladies and gentle man?
WB: Am i u daughter or not?
WA: Nice distribution!
MA&MB: He beats me !
FA: Keep silent ! U LL I know that u take away my will ! I owns a good health ? (职责LL)
And WL , didn't listen to your sister's word, u are my real daughter. And my son-in-law, are u a child ? fight for meaningless things?
