@StarSky 2017-06-28T09:41:26.000000Z 字数 782 阅读 1069

2017-06-08 Mat operate

工作日记 OpenCV

np.delete() was used in Python,so I'm searching for some function with the same result in c++.
Coincidently, I noticed that two blog I watched was from the same author, but I'm not clear why the author use matdata.push_back() rather that hconcat() or vconcat() he refered in the second article. Also I don't understand the usage of the push_back for a mat data. confused haha
By the way, thanks to the updating that when he found the raw function in OpenCV which can replace the one he write before.
ps: When I check my google mails, I found the email that recieved in the period when I'm finding the job, sometimes I would assume that if I chose working for the PICOOC at the first time, what will I do now, maybe do AI also, haha.

delete several col/row
combine 2 mat into one
