@StarSky 2018-08-22T09:29:48.000000Z 字数 1430 阅读 894

2017-08-03 bug about JNI


  1. I have noticed the different between two .h file is the jobject or jclass , In the beginning I thought it's because of the envorment , but then I found it linked to static or nonstatic[1], I'm so inspired that to believe I will solve the problem in the next second. heihei, but the reality is cruel. NOT WORK.

  2. the log from c++ show that the function had been called successful, but I don't remember what I had done at the time.

  3. log ERROR recording.

jmeter log shows JVM has crashed

INFO c.j.j.g.u.JSFContext: JSF catch JVM shutdown event, Run shutdown hook now.tail: jmeter.log: file truncated

and the log of tomcat shows error maybe linked to log4j when restart the tomcat.

log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.java.io.FileNotFoundException

and when I run the .jar file by java -jar
It said that:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.jd.jrdp.recognizer.util.IdcardRecognizerJNI.recognizeFrontImg(ILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
at com.jd.jrdp.recognizer.util.IdcardRecognizerJNI.recognizeFrontImg(Native Method)
at com.jd.jrdp.recognizer.util.IdcardRecognizerJNI.main(IdcardRecognizerJNI.java:57)



haha ⬆️ it raised of "HAVEN'T BEEN LOAD CORRECTLY!!!!"

1. the order in is importent[2]
else may you will meet the error:

**** undefined symbol: _ZN25ThaiIdcardFrontRecognizerC1Ev
