@zhongdao 2019-08-15T16:24:33.000000Z 字数 22909 阅读 1451




Kin’s Domains -- What they are, why they matter, and how they are changing the world.


Quick Note: This report is broken into 3 sections:

简单说明: 本报告分为三个部分:

  1. What Kin’s Domains are 什么是祖传家园
  2. The Differences Between Kin’s Domain Settlements and Eco-Villages 祖传家园聚落与生态村落的差异
  3. The 17 United Nations “Sustainable Development Goals”, and how they are all addressed by the Kin’s Domain model. 17个联合国“可持续发展目标” ,以及它们是如何通过祖传家园方案得到解决的

One Hectare (2.5 acres) of land for every family. 每个家庭1公顷(2.5英亩)的土地

A Kin’s Domain is a 2.5 acre piece of the Earth where a family creates a living Paradise garden for themselves and their (future) children, to pass on in perpetuity.


Humanity needs a way of living that will regenerate our planet, our lives, and our families.

“If the human community consists of rational beings, why does it pollute the water it drinks and the air it breathes?

“Why have people chosen a way of life that leads them to consume mostly low-quality food?

“Why, as we keep speaking of spirituality, culture and human values, are there constant wars in the world?”
“当我们不断谈论精神、文化和人类价值时,为什么世界上总是有战争? ”

These questions are taken from the Ringing Cedars of Russia series by Vladimir Megre, in which the idea of Kin’s Domains is proposed as the solution to these problems, and all world crisis. In these books he provides a great deal of evidence, that Kin’s Domains would be the most sustainable and most widely accepted model of living currently available to the world.

这些问题来自于弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷的《俄罗斯的鸣响雪松》系列,其中祖传家园的概念被提出来作为解决这些问题和所有世界危机的方法。 在这些书中,他提供了大量的证据,证明 祖传家园 将是目前世界上最可持续和最广泛接受的生活模式。

A Kin’s Domain is a piece of the Earth that a family takes to create a living Paradise for themselves and their future children, to hand down to them in perpetuity. It is the Domain of their Kin.

祖传家园是地球的一部分,一个家庭为他们自己和他们未来的孩子创造一个活生生的天堂,永远传给他们。 这是他们家族的领地。

It is at least 2.5 acres of land (100m x 100m), where a family plants a living fence of trees and bushes around the perimeter. On the inside, they dig a pond, plant a forest, an orchard, flower and vegetable gardens, build a house and keep bees and animals, all with the intention of passing this land down to generations of their children. They use strictly organic methods of gardening, and create no pollution of any kind. The families who create Kin’s Domains are doing so to ensure the best possible future for their children.

这里至少有2.5英亩(100米 x100米)的土地,一个家庭在周边种植了树木和灌木组成的活篱笆。 在里面,他们挖了一个池塘,种了一片森林,一个果园,花园和蔬菜园,建了一座房子,养了蜜蜂和动物,所有这些都是为了把这片土地传给他们的子孙后代。 他们采用严格的有机园艺方法,不会产生任何形式的污染。 创建 祖传家园 的家庭这样做是为了确保他们的孩子拥有最好的未来。

When each willing family does this, bit by bit, the world will be transformed into a blooming heavenly oasis. Each family, willingly and enthusiastically, takes to the land and regenerates the Earth. There are already more than 400 Kin’s Domain settlements in Russia and eastern Europe, with the largest of them having over 200-300+ families.

当每个愿意的家庭这样做,一点一点,世界将变成一个盛开的天堂绿洲。 每个家庭都乐意和热情地到土地上重建整个地球。 在俄罗斯和东欧已经有400多个亲族定居点,其中最大的有200-300多个家庭。

This is not a movement that is being forced or recommended by anyone externally, but instead it is an idea being carried out by people of their own free will, largely without governmental support. An idea like this which so many people are doing on their own, should be supported by all governments, because they lose nothing, and have everything to gain.

这不是一个任何外部人士强迫或推荐的运动,而是一个由人民自愿实施的想法,在很大程度上没有政府的支持。 这样一个想法,这么多人正在做自己的,应该得到所有政府的支持,因为他们什么也不失去,有一切的收益。

If people are willing to accept land, plant gardens on it, become self-sustainable, and regenerate the environment in the process, should we not help them?


Kin’s Domains address all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, while requiring minimal financial resources. Read our report on Kin’s Domains and the 17 SDGs below.

祖传家园 涉及所有17个联合国可持续发展目标(SDG),同时只需要极少的财政资源。 阅读我们关于 祖传家园 的报告以及下面的17个 SDG。

“Creating a Kin’s Domain means improving the environment, and that’s the main purpose of a Man’s being. If God had created the environment, and his children were talented so much as to improve it – that would be the utmost spirituality of mankind.”

“创建一个 祖传家园 意味着改善环境,这是人类存在的主要目的。 如果上帝创造了环境,他的孩子们才华横溢,甚至能够改善环境——那将是人类的最高灵性。”

– Vladimir Megre

How to Create a Kin's Domain (Step-by-Step) 如何创建 Kin 域(一步一步)

The Difference Between Kin's Domain Settlements and Eco-Villages


Discover the important and major differences between the two models, and what makes Kin’s Domains unique.

发现两个方案之间的关键点和主要差异,以及什么使 祖传家园 独特。

Kin’s Domain Settlements and “Eco-Villages” are not the same thing.


A Kin’s Domain is 2.5 acres (1 hectare) of land, which a single family transforms into a flourishing garden Paradise and home for themselves and their children. A Kin’s Domain Settlement is a community comprised of many individual Kin’s Domains.

亲属领地是2.5英亩(1公顷)的土地,一个单独的家庭将其改造成一个繁荣的花园天堂,是他们自己和孩子的家园。 一个亲属的领域解决是一个社区包括许多个人亲属的领域。

The “Eco-Villages” of the West have a much more “communal” focus, where everything is shared between individuals. There are many other differences.

西部的“生态村”有一个更加“公共”的焦点,那里的一切都是个人之间共享的。 还有其他许多不同之处。

Here Vladimir Megre (author of the Ringing Cedars books) explains his experience at the NEXUS Summit located at the United Nations in 2015, when he was sharing the idea of Kin’s Domains:

下面是弗拉基米尔•梅格雷(Vladimir Megre)(《鸣响的雪松》(Ringing Cedars)系列丛书的作者)在2015年联合国 NEXUS 峰会上的经历,当时他正在分享“祖传家园”(Kin's Domains)的想法:

V.M: “Now, it used to be that we’d sometimes call our settlements “eco-villages.” It turns out that that was a mistake. And a big one. As soon as you say the word “eco-village”, including there, people immediately imagine the eco-villages that already existing, and what people do there.

V.m: “过去,我们有时会把我们的定居点称为“生态村” 事实证明那是个错误。 还有一个大的。 只要你一提到“生态村”这个词,包括那里,人们立刻就会想到已经存在的生态村,以及人们在那里做什么。

As a general rule, everything in these settlements is communal. There aren’t family homesteads [kin’s domains, family homestead is a different translation of the Russian word родовое поместье] there; everything is communal.

作为一般规则,这些定居点的一切都是公共的。 那里没有家庭宅邸[ kin's domain,family homestead 是俄语的另一种翻译] ,一切都是公共的。

What I mean, is that everyone works a communal field, or somewhere else… well, like the way it is in the Tamera Settlement: they have communal breakfast, lunch and dinner there. You can have a bite to eat… well, it’s like some cafeteria. You can have a bite. There’s a kind of trend there, where people say, “Let’s call ourselves an eco-village, too,” and so on. But if everyone were to decide to call themselves eco-villages, then it would also be the case that, “See, everything here is communal, like during Communism.”

我的意思是,每个人都在一个公共场所工作,或者在其他地方... ... 好吧,就像塔梅拉殖民地那样: 他们在那里吃公共早餐、午餐和晚餐。 你可以随便吃点东西... ... 嗯,就像一些自助餐厅。 你可以吃一口。 这里有一种趋势,人们会说,“让我们也称自己为生态村” ,等等。 但如果每个人都决定称自己为生态村,那么情况也会是这样,“看,这里的一切都是公共的,就像共产主义时期一样。”

There’s an article on the Internet. The article’s author is Tatiana Ginzburg, and she travelled around, looking into the many settlements in which she’s been: in Italy, Finland, and America. At one of the assemblies in the Tamera Settlement we had a representative there, from the Kovcheg (“Ark”) Kin’s Domain Settlement. And here’s how she writes about his speech:

网上有一篇文章。 这篇文章的作者是 Tatiana Ginzburg,她周游世界,寻找她曾经去过的许多定居点: 意大利、芬兰和美国。 在塔梅拉定居点的一个集会上,我们有一位来自 Kovcheg (“方舟”)金氏定居点的代表。 她是这样描述他的演讲的:

This was Dima from Kovcheg. “He presented Kovcheg as a super cool eco-village and he got a big hand from the audience. Westerners don’t understand what a ‘family homestead’ is. That is, they don’t understand that there can be a settlement on the land and that it’s not communal. That is, the point of the settlement is to live on the land, not to create something communal.

这是来自 Kovcheg 的迪玛。 “他把 Kovcheg 描述成一个超级酷的生态村,观众给了他很大的鼓励。 西方人不理解什么是家庭宅地。 也就是说,他们不明白在这片土地上可以有一个定居点,而且这里不是公共的。 也就是说,定居点的意义在于居住在土地上,而不是创造一些公共的东西。

And for that reason, if they’re presented with a Russian settlement with a hundred homes, then they’re overjoyed, delighted, and they think of it in their own way: ‘this is a commune,’ ‘this is an eco-village’ in their sense of the word, where people work together, eat together and share communal property. Now, Dima didn’t draw special attention to this point, in case, God forbid, people might not like him.”

因为这个原因,如果他们看到一个有着上百套住房的俄罗斯定居点,他们会欣喜若狂,兴高采烈,他们会以自己的方式思考: “这是一个公社,”“这是一个生态村” ,在他们的意义上,人们在这里一起工作,一起吃饭,共享公共财产。 现在,迪马并没有特别关注这一点,以防万一,上帝保佑,人们可能不喜欢他。”

It would seem that it’s just one word, and what goes along with it: “family homestead” or “eco-village.” But as soon as we call ourselves an eco-village, then people lose interest. “Why should I go to faraway Russia when I can have this right here, close by? Here you have America, here… it’s the very same thing.” That is, clearly we need to be more attentive to what Anastasia said. Be more attentive to the words “family homestead” and “family homestead settlement,” understand what’s behind them, and get this out to others.

它似乎只是一个词,以及随之而来的: “家庭宅地”或“生态村” 但是一旦我们称自己为生态村,人们就会失去兴趣。 “我可以在这附近拥有它,为什么我要去遥远的俄罗斯? 这里是美国,这里是... ... 这完全是一回事。” 也就是说,显然我们需要更加关注 Anastasia 所说的话。 更加注意“家庭宅基地”和“家庭宅基地定居”这两个词,理解它们背后的含义,并把它们推广给其他人。

The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals + Kin's Domains

17个联合国可持续发展目标 + Kin's Domains

Discover how the Kin’s Domain model thoroughly addresses all 17 of the U.N. SDGs.

发现 Kin's Domain 模型是如何彻底解决联合国所有17个 sdk 的。

Goal 1: No Poverty

目标1: 没有贫穷

What are the conditions which cause poverty? Families don’t control their own land and their food supply, thus they have to work for these two basic human rights. If every family can provide suitable living conditions and a steady food supply for themselves (let alone when they are in community with like-minded families, and have the support of their government), then the causes of poverty, and poverty itself is eliminated. With families all provided an opportunity for income generation through small scale, local and organic agriculture, and small batch, high quality manufacturing operations, poverty cannot exist, as the conditions causing it have been removed.

造成贫困的条件是什么? 家庭不能控制自己的土地和食物供应,因此他们必须为这两项基本人权而努力。 如果每个家庭都能为自己提供适当的生活条件和稳定的粮食供应(更不用说当他们与志同道合的家庭共同生活并得到政府的支持时) ,那么贫穷的根源和贫穷本身就消除了。 由于所有家庭都通过小规模、当地和有机农业以及小批量、高质量的制造业活动提供了创收机会,因此贫穷不可能存在,因为造成贫穷的条件已经消除。

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

目标2: 零饥饿

With families practicing small scale regenerative growing methods, all of their food needs are met by themselves, and the community around them on their Kin’s Domain settlement. At the minimum, purchased food can be supplemented by food grown on the domain. With the Kin’s Domain model, there is greater opportunity than ever for world food security. For instance, one family in Los Angeles is able to grow 7000 pounds of organic food per year on a tenth of an acre, supplying 90 percent of their diet. They spend less than 2 per day per person on other kitchen staples and make over 20,000 a year selling excess produce. When people are properly re-skilled and educated on efficient gardening techniques, imagine what can be done on 2.5 acres. Then imagine what could be done if even 5% of America lived on Kin’s Domains, and the food surpluses that would create for the country.

随着家庭实践小规模再生种植方法,他们所有的食物需求都是由自己满足,他们周围的社区在他们的亲属的领域定居。 在最低限度,购买的食品可以补充食品生长的领域。 有了金氏领域模型,世界粮食安全比以往任何时候都有更大的机会。 例如,洛杉矶的一个家庭每年可以在十分之一英亩的土地上种植7000磅的有机食品,提供他们90% 的饮食。 他们每人每天在其他厨房用品上的花费不到2美元,每年卖出多余的农产品可以赚到2万美元。 当人们在有效的园艺技术方面得到适当的再熟练和教育时,想象一下在2.5英亩土地上可以做什么。 然后想象一下,即使只有5% 的美国人生活在 Kin's domain,以及为这个国家创造的粮食过剩,我们能做些什么。

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

目标3: 健康和幸福

As a result of families cleaning their environment, planting trees (purifying the air, attracting rain), gardens and orchards, consuming the highest quality organic produce, a tight-knit and supportive social environment where everyone is united in a common aspiration, families living on Kin’s Domains enjoy a substantially higher level of health and well-being than their city dwelling counterparts. They consume food of the highest, beyond organic, quality, engage in stimulating exercise while tending their land, and are daily engaged in the work which they feel is most meaningful to them: creating a corner of the Earth to hand down to their descendants.

由于家庭清洁环境,种植树木(净化空气,吸引雨水) ,花园和果园,消费最高质量的有机农产品,一个紧密联系和支持的社会环境,每个人都团结在一个共同的愿望,生活在 Kin's 领地的家庭享有比他们的城市居民更高的健康和福祉水平。 他们消费最高级的、超越有机质量的食物,在照料土地的同时从事刺激性的运动,并且每天从事他们认为对他们最有意义的工作: 创造地球上的一个角落,传给他们的后代。

Goal 4: Quality Education

目标四: 优质教育

On Kin’s Domain settlements, education is taken into the hands of parents who are invested and engaged in their children’s education. Since the “classes” are smaller, students receive more individual attention, and lessons are more participatory and engaging. Without the external stressors of the traditional school system used in cities, children living on domains will excel academically.

在金氏领地定居点,教育被采取的父母谁是投资和从事他们的子女的教育手中。 由于“班级”较小,学生得到更多的个人关注,课程更具参与性和吸引力。 如果没有传统城市学校系统的外部压力,生活在这些领域的孩子将在学业上出类拔萃。

Goal 5: Gender Equality

目标5: 两性平等

Men and women uniting in love to create happy families will experience the highest form of gender equality that man has to offer. Men and women coming together for the purpose of creation of children, and of the establishment of a family domain where their kin will live in perpetuity, will respect and treat eachother with the highest dignity and fairness possible. Indeed, they would not even aspire to such things if they were not already thinking of the opposite gender with the highest respect. And the entire community around them thinks and acts this way.

男人和女人在爱中联合起来创造幸福的家庭,将体验到男人所能提供的最高形式的性别平等。 男子和妇女为了生儿育女和建立家庭领域而走到一起,他们的亲属将永远生活在一起,他们将以最高的尊严和公平对待彼此。 事实上,如果他们不是怀着最崇高的敬意思考异性,他们甚至不会渴望这样的事情。 他们周围的整个社区都是这样思考和行动的。

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

目标6: 清洁饮水和卫生

All families who are establishing kin’s domains are committed to maintaining clean and fresh water supplies. Lakes and other bodies of water are cleaned by residents of the settlements, and are never polluted by them. Sanitation is handled in the most eco-friendly ways possible. Large sewer systems do not exist on domains. Compostable toilets are used. All waste that can be composted, is. With less use of packaged manufactured good, waste generated per family decreases.

所有建立亲属领地的家庭都致力于保持清洁和淡水供应。 湖泊和其他水体由定居点的居民进行清理,从不受到污染。 环境卫生是以最环保的方式来处理的。 大型下水道系统不存在的领域。 使用可堆肥的厕所。 所有可以堆肥的废物。 减少使用包装好的生产品,每个家庭产生的废物减少。

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

目标7: 负担得起的清洁能源

Families living on domains opt for the cleanest and most ecologically sustainable forms of energy available (solar, wind, hydro, etc.) In some cases, families live without electricity and oil entirely. They keep use of such resources to a minimum.

生活在这些领域的家庭选择最清洁和生态上最可持续的能源形式(太阳能、风能、水电等)在某些情况下,家庭生活完全没有电和石油。 他们尽量减少使用这些资源。

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

目标8: 体面工作和经济增长

Families living on kin’s domains have decided to create a new ways of life for themselves and their descendants, and so by virtue of that decision, the work they do is inherently decent and becoming of them. With a myriad of options for generating income via their life on the land, all families are provided opportunities for long term, sustainable, and scalable economic growth. Not to mention that virtually none of the jobs are polluting the environment or detracting from society in any way. Examples of these economic opportunities include beekeeping, baking, growing and selling fruits and vegetables, making clothes, and so on.

生活在亲属领地上的家庭决定为他们自己和他们的后代创造一种新的生活方式,因此凭借这一决定,他们所做的工作本身就是体面的,并且符合他们的身份。 通过在土地上的生活创造收入的种种选择,为所有家庭提供了长期、可持续和可扩展的经济增长的机会。 更不用说这些工作几乎没有以任何方式污染环境或损害社会。 这些经济机会的例子包括养蜂、烘焙、种植和销售水果和蔬菜、制作衣服等等。

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

目标9: 工业、创新和基础设施

The inhabitants of kin’s domain settlements do not endeavor to set up large scale factories out of the desire to not pollute the environment. They provide their own infrastructure, usually on an individual family basis, and also on a settlement-wide basis. They create their own roads, provide their own electricity, water, etc. The kind of industry being practiced on Kin’s Domains is small scale and regenerative.

住在祖传家园的居民并不是出于不污染环境的愿望而设立大规模的工厂。 它们提供自己的基础设施,通常是以个别家庭为基础,也是以整个定居点为基础。 他们建造自己的道路,提供自己的电力、水等。 在金氏领域实践的产业是小规模的、可再生的。

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

目标10: 减少不平等

Families living on kin’s domains have decided to create a new ways of life for themselves and their descendants, and so by virtue of that decision, the work they do is inherently decent and becoming of them. With a myriad of options for generating income via their life on the land, all families are provided opportunities for long term, sustainable, and scalable economic growth. Not to mention that virtually none of the jobs are polluting the environment or detracting from society in any way. Examples of these economic opportunities include beekeeping, baking, growing and selling fruits and vegetables, making clothes, and so on.

生活在亲属领地上的家庭决定为他们自己和他们的后代创造一种新的生活方式,因此凭借这一决定,他们所做的工作本身就是体面的,并且符合他们的身份。 通过在土地上的生活创造收入的种种选择,为所有家庭提供了长期、可持续和可扩展的经济增长的机会。 更不用说这些工作几乎没有以任何方式污染环境或损害社会。 这些经济机会的例子包括养蜂、烘焙、种植和销售水果和蔬菜、制作衣服等等。

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

目标11: 可持续城市和社区

Kin’s Domains settlements will be completely sustainable and ecologically frienly in the highest way, by themselves. But the impact of the idea is far reaching. Not everyone will be able to transition to living life fully on the land instantly, nor should they, as haste breeds mistakes. There will be thousands and millions of people trying to transition to life on their very own Kin’s Domain, but they will start by cleaning up the places where they are. Inspired by a new vision of life, they will begin to take charge of the health and cleanliness of their cities. They will grow gardens where they can. Plant trees along the streets. Redesign whole sections of cities to be more beautiful and green. Also, those on Kin’s Domain settlements that are near cities will sell their products to those living in the cities, thus improving the quality of life of those in the cities. Those living in the cities will see the settlements near them and be inspired to change their lives.

的领域住区将完全可持续和生态友好的最高方式,自己。 但是这个想法的影响是深远的。 不是每个人都能够立刻过渡到完全生活在这片土地上,他们也不应该这样做,因为匆忙会导致错误。 将有成千上万的人试图过渡到生活在他们自己的亲属的领域,但他们将开始清理他们所在的地方。 受到新生活愿景的启发,他们将开始负责他们城市的健康和清洁。 他们会在可能的地方种植花园。 沿着街道种树。 重新设计城市的整个区域,使之更加美丽和绿色。 而且,那些在 Kin's Domain 定居点附近的人会把他们的产品卖给那些生活在城市里的人,从而提高城市里人们的生活质量。 那些生活在城市中的人们将看到他们附近的定居点,并受到启发去改变他们的生活。

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

目标12: 负责任的消费和生产

People trying to establish Kin’s Domains take sustainable production and consumption extremely seriously. Since they will be living so close to the land, they are hyper-aware of what waste they produce, whether through consumption or production. Production waste created by those living on settlements is extremely minimal, since they aren’t engaging in any large scale industrial manufacturing processes. There is no industrial pollution — zero. Mostly all products made on kin’s domains are ecologically friendly and don’t create any waste — food products, handmade clothing, crafts, animal products like milk and honey, etc. All of these are very minimal in waste. And since kin’s domain settlers are the ecologically conscious type, they are keen to make as little waste as possible in their consumption as well. And lastly, since they are all attempting to become self-sufficient, they cut down on consumption where they can. They produce much more (green products), and consume much less (all products) than the average city dweller.

试图建立 Kin 域名的人们极其重视可持续生产和消费。 因为他们将生活在离土地如此近的地方,所以他们高度意识到他们产生了什么废物,无论是通过消费还是生产。 生活在定居点的人产生的生产垃圾是极其微小的,因为他们没有参与任何大规模的工业制造过程。 没有工业污染,没有工业污染。 大多数情况下,在亲属域名上生产的所有产品都是生态友好的,不会产生任何浪费ーー食品、手工制作的衣服、手工艺品、牛奶和蜂蜜等动物产品。 所有这些都是非常少的浪费。 由于亲属的领地定居者是生态意识类型,他们热衷于使尽可能少的浪费在他们的消费。 最后,由于他们都试图实现自给自足,他们尽可能地减少了消费。 他们比一般城市居民生产更多(绿色产品) ,消费更少(所有产品)。

Goal 13: Climate Action

目标13: 气候行动

The Kin’s Domain model is the highest and most scalable method of climate action available. One of the first steps in establishing a Kin’s Domain is planting a “living fence” of trees that encirlces the land. This comes out to dozens of trees, bushes, and etc. planted around the 2.5 acre allotment. That’s only the beginning. One of the next steps is planting a small forest! The forests vary in sizes according to the plan of the family. But all the same, each family plants hundreds of trees over the course of years, which we all know will trap lots of Co2 in the soil. Every single family, without exception, does this of their own free will. Then they plant a vegetable garden, flower gardens, an orchard, and whatever else they desire on top of it. Needless to say, with hundreds of families living on a Kin’s Domain settlement, this has a tremendous impact on the environment, especially when scaled over hundreds of settlements, as we see in Russia. All the newly planted trees slow down the wind and attract rain, and eventually builds soil. It is a tremendously regenerative circle of action. There are already many examples of families taking marginal lands and transforming them into flowering oases’. The beneficial impact of one family living on a kin’s domain versus one family living in a city apartment cannot be understated. There is no comparison.

Kin's Domain 模型是现有的最高级和最可扩展的气候行动方法。 建立亲属领地的第一步是种植围绕土地的树木的“活篱笆”。 在2.5英亩的分配地周围种植了数十棵树、灌木和其他植物。 这只是个开始。 接下来的步骤之一是种植一小片森林! 森林的大小根据家庭的计划而不同。 但是尽管如此,每个家庭在几年的时间里种植了数百棵树,我们都知道这会在土壤中留下大量的二氧化碳。 每个家庭,无一例外,都是自愿这样做的。 然后他们在上面种植蔬菜园、花园、果园以及其他他们想种的东西。 不用说,数以百计的家庭生活在一个亲属领地定居点,这对环境有巨大的影响,特别是当规模超过数以百计的定居点,我们看到在俄罗斯。 所有新种植的树木都能减缓风速,吸引雨水,最终形成土壤。 这是一个极具再生性的行动循环。 现在已经有很多家系将边缘土地改造成开花绿洲的例子。 一个家庭生活在亲属的领域相对于一个家庭生活在城市公寓的有益影响不能被低估。 没有可比性。

Goal 14: Life Below Water

目标14: 水下生活

Pollution of water is unthinkable for families on Kin’s Domains. They wouldn’t even think of it. They actively take steps to clean the waters around them, through physically removing garbage from bodies of water, and planting trees and other plants around them. Kin’s Domains families are predominantly vegan, and so won’t be using the sea for fishing or purchasing fish from the supermarket, which eliminates their contribution to pollution of the oceans through that industry. Families on Kin’s Domains do not engage in large scale industrial manufacturing of any kind, so they also will not pollute the oceans that way either.

水污染对亲属领地上的家庭来说是不可想象的。 他们连想都不会想。 他们积极采取措施清理周围的水域,通过物理清除水体中的垃圾,并在周围种植树木和其他植物。 的域名家族主要是纯素食主义者,因此不会利用海洋捕鱼或从超市购买鱼类,这消除了他们通过该行业对海洋污染的贡献。 祖传家园上的家庭不参与任何形式的大规模工业制造,所以他们也不会以这种方式污染海洋。

Goal 15: Life on Land

目标15: 陆地生活

Kin’s Domains are the definiton of “regenarative”. Families plants forests, orchards, gardens, dig ponds, and bit by bit transform their 2.5 acre plot into a flowering oases. They keep bees, plant all types of plants for bees, and do not use toxic pesticides which kills bees. All the plant life they care for attracts wildlife. They do not kill those animals.

金氏域是“再生式”的定义。 家庭植物、森林、果园、花园、挖池塘,一点一点地把他们2.5英亩的土地变成开花的绿洲。 他们养蜂,为蜜蜂种植各种植物,并且不使用杀死蜜蜂的有毒杀虫剂。 它们所关心的所有植物都吸引着野生动物。 他们不杀那些动物。

One of the number one priorities for families on kin’s domains is soil health. They practice only organic agriculture, and most of them practice permaculture methods. Kin’s Domains transform arid lands into flowering forests in a matter of years. There is no cost to the government to do this, since the families do all of the labor for free themselves. The only cost to the government is the cost of land which they allot to the families. This is very significant because it means that the kin’s domain movement is a large scale, environmentally regenerative project which is carried out willingly and enthusiastically by citizens. This type of project has never existed before.

家庭在亲属领域的首要任务之一是土壤健康。 他们只从事有机农业,而且大多数人使用永久栽培法。 金氏王国在几年内将干旱的土地变成了开花的森林。 政府这样做不需要付出任何代价,因为这些家庭自己免费做所有的劳动。 政府的唯一成本是分配给家庭的土地成本。 这是非常重要的,因为它意味着亲属的领域运动是一个大规模的,环境再生项目是由公民自愿和热情地进行。 这种类型的项目以前从未存在过。

Animal welfare and biodiversity conservation is a top concern in this model. Using permaculture methods, families will sustainably manage forests and gardens on their own lands, therefore eliminating large scale infrastructure and maintenance costs for the state.

在这种模式中,动物福利和生物多样性保护是首要关注的问题。 使用永续栽培方法,家庭可以在自己的土地上可持续地管理森林和花园,从而消除国家的大规模基础设施和维护成本。

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

目标16: 和平、正义和强有力的机构

Kin’s Domains communities are self governing. They are tight-knit social webs where all families on the settlement are in closes relation with eachother. Families are accountable to each other. All decisions made in regards to the wellbeing of the settlements will be made by their inhabitants. Nothing can escape the watchful eye of close neighbors. Crime is non-existent on kin’s domain settlement, as their environment does not provide the conditions for it to breed. The basic human needs for food, shelter, water, clothing, and community are met in spades.

的域名社区是自治的。 他们是紧密的社会网络,所有定居点上的家庭彼此关系密切。 家庭对彼此负责。 所有关于定居点福利的决定将由定居点居民作出。 没有什么能逃过近邻的警惕的眼睛。 亲属领域的定居并不存在犯罪,因为他们所处的环境并不为犯罪的滋生提供条件。 人类对食物、住所、水、衣服和社区的基本需求都得到了满足。

Their way of life is peaceful, right off. Their lives are about environmental stewardship and family. The Kin’s Domain model provides a framework for an ecologically sustainable and peaceful society of the highest type.

他们的生活方式是平静的,一开始就是这样。 他们的生活是关于环境管理和家庭的。 金氏领域模式为最高类型的生态可持续与和平社会提供了一个框架。

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

目标17: 千年发展目标伙伴关系

In review, we can see that Kin’s Domains throughly address each of the 17 SDGs, which is unique unto all other models, that may only address one, two, or a few. The Kin’s Domain model is a framework for a society which actively works towards the fulfillment of all the goals, in every aspect of their life, every day. This is unique, as no other model currently available can say it addresses all of the goals so extensively. The best part is, is that it is a movement which is truly by the people, for the people, and for the world. Families on kin’s domains take the health and wellbeing of the Earth and all of it’s beings directly into their own hands, and work their utmost to maintain and regenerate it in the best ways they know how.

回顾一下,我们可以看到 Kin 的领域完全解决了17个 sdg 中的每一个,这是所有其他模型所独有的,可能只解决一个、两个或几个。 金氏领域模型是一个社会的框架,这个社会每天都在积极地为实现他们生活的每个方面的所有目标而努力。 这是独一无二的,因为目前没有其他可用的模型可以说它如此广泛地解决了所有的目标。 最好的部分是,这是一个真正由人民,为人民,为世界的运动。 亲属领地上的家庭将地球及其所有存有的健康和福祉直接掌握在自己的手中,并竭尽全力以他们所知道的最佳方式来维护和再生地球。
