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Living Happily in Kin’s Domain


Living Happily in Kin’s Domain




Five years ago, no one would have thought that Vika and Anton would live in the village and study the technology of growing cherries and nuts. She is an athlete, choreographer, teacher at a dance school. He is a mathematician, a system programmer by education, and in fact, the director of the center of student culture at the Siberian Federal University. They were young and successful people. What else would they want from life?

五年前,没有人会想到维卡和安东会住在这个村子里,研究种植樱桃和坚果的技术。 她是一名运动员,编舞家,舞蹈学校的老师。 他是一位数学家,一位受过教育的系统程序员,事实上,他还是西伯利亚联邦大学学生文化中心的主任。 他们都是成功的年轻人。 他们还想从生活中得到什么?

Vika admits that in childhood she dreamed of how she would live away from the bustle of the city: during the holidays she read books to the village children and planned how they would all walk around the large common garden as adults.

维卡承认,在童年时期,她就梦想着如何远离城市的喧嚣生活: 在假期里,她给村里的孩子们读书,计划着他们成年后如何在大公共花园里散步。

Anton’s story is not so simple.


“At some point, I began to get everyone around me with philosophical questions that no one could clearly and distinctly answer. They concerned responsibility, the environment, the ecology of consciousness, ” he recalls. - In search of answers to these questions, I read dozens of books, studied many theories and models. I realized that everything rests in a way of life: until we change it, problems will accumulate. And in the end he settled on the idea of Kin’s Domain.”

“在某种程度上,我开始向身边的每个人提出哲学问题,没有人能够清楚地回答这些问题。 它们涉及责任、环境、意识生态,”他回忆道。 为了寻找这些问题的答案,我阅读了几十本书,研究了许多理论和模型。 我意识到一切都存在于一种生活方式中: 除非我们改变它,否则问题就会累积起来。 最后,他决定建立祖传家园。”

At that time, Vika and Anton were not familiar. She lived in Kharkov (Ukraine), he lived in Krasnoyarsk (Far East of Russia). Without saying a word, almost simultaneously they went across Russia to study the culture of Kin’s Settlements. They met and began their happy story.

当时,维卡和安东并不熟悉。 她住在哈尔科夫,他住在克拉斯诺雅茨克。 他们一言不发,几乎同时穿越俄罗斯,研究亲族定居点的文化。 他们相遇并开始了他们的幸福故事。




In search of an ideal place for a future home, they drove through the entire western part of Russia from the Krasnodar Territory to Karelia.

为了寻找一个理想的地方作为未来的家,他们驱车穿越整个俄罗斯西部地区,从 Krasnodar Territory 到 Karelia。

“It was good everywhere, but something was missing. At some settlements there was not vacant land, at other - people didn’t suit us, that is, they were good, but it was immediately clear that we had no common interests. At some places the climate did not suit us. There were beautiful settlements in the Krasnodar Territory, but it is very hot there. No, we wanted a real winter (shorter and softer than in Siberia, but winter) and a warm summer, so that most of the fruit trees would grow including persimmon. Do you know that persimmons are growing in Belgorod? ” - Vika asks with delight.

“到处都很好,但是缺少了一些东西。 有些定居点没有空地,有些人不适合我们,就是说他们很好,但是很明显我们没有共同的利益。 有些地方的气候不适合我们。 Krasnodar Territory 有美丽的定居点,但那里非常炎热。 不,我们想要一个真正的冬天(比西伯利亚的冬天更短更柔软)和一个温暖的夏天,这样大多数的果树都能生长,包括柿子。 你知道别尔哥罗德正在种柿子吗? ” 维卡高兴地问。

Finally Anton and Vika settled in the Belgorod region, in a small farm Olkhov.


“Among other things, in the Belgorod region we liked that there is the law on Kin’s Settlement. Here everything is fixed at the legislative level and a dialogue with the authorities is easily built. When we come to the administration, they don’t look at us like weirdoes and understand what we want, ” says Anton. - According to the stories of people from other cities, they have a different situation: the authorities do not help, and, sometimes, they even put sticks in wheels.”

“除其他事情外,我们喜欢别尔哥罗德地区有关于祖传家园定居的法律。 在这里,一切都在立法层面固定下来,与当局的对话也很容易建立起来。 当我们进入政府部门时,他们不会像看怪人一样看我们,也会理解我们想要什么。”。 - 根据其他城市的人的故事,他们的情况不同: 当局不提供帮助,有时甚至阻止。

With a smile, Vika and Anton recall that when they first arrived at their site it was morning January 1, 2018, but the weather was more like late autumn: gray, gloomy and dirty.

微笑着,维卡和安东回忆起他们第一次到达现场是在2018年1月1日的早晨,但天气更像是深秋: 灰暗、阴郁和肮脏。

“We were on the way to the land and thought that even if in such weather we would like the site, then at another time of the year - and even more so. And so we got out of the taxi ... and fell in love with that land”.

“我们在去陆地的路上,认为即使在这样的天气,我们也会喜欢这个地方,然后在一年中的其他时间——甚至更多。 于是我们下了出租车... ... 爱上了那片土地”。





They started building their house in April. They immediately decided that it would small - 20 square meters. They managed the construction in a couple of months.

他们在四月份开始盖房子。 他们立即决定,这很小,-20平方米。 他们在几个月内完成了这项工程。

Since the Domain officially belongs to the Olkhov farm, it fell under the electrification program, and in the autumn a light and heating appeared in the house of Vika and Anton. Electricity also allowed Borkins to work, after all, Borkins earn their living using a computer and the Internet: they have their own gift studio. The furniture in the house is made by Anton out of wood.

由于土地法律上属于奥尔霍夫农场,它属于电气化计划,并在秋天出现在维卡和安东的房子的灯光和供暖。 电力也让波金斯工作,毕竟,波金斯靠电脑和互联网谋生: 他们有自己的礼物工作室。 房子里的家具是安东用木头做的。

“Of course, this small house is just a temporary dwelling. In a couple of years we’ll start building a bigger house - in fact, we are planning to be a large family, ”Vika and Anton share their plans.

“当然,这个小房子只是一个临时住所。 再过几年,我们将开始建造一个更大的房子——事实上,我们正计划组建一个大家庭,”维卡和安东分享了他们的计划。

Next summer they want to dig a pond, lay a garden where nuts, fruits, berries and necessarily persimmons will grow. Now Vika is studying books on gardening and articles on landscape design.

明年夏天,他们想挖一个池塘,在花园里种植坚果、水果、浆果和柿子。 现在维卡正在学习园艺书籍和景观设计的文章。

The Borkins are actively socialize on social networks, where they report about their every day.

Borkins 一家在社交网络上积极参与社交活动,他们每天都在那里汇报自己的生活。

“We are promoting our lifestyle in such a way. We are trying to show that not everyone who leaves the city to live in the wilderness are weirdoes. We talk about a conscious attitude to life, about the different subtleties of moving to the Kin’s Domain, about how cool it is to have your own land, ” says Vika.

“我们正在以这种方式推广我们的生活方式。 我们试图表明,并不是所有离开城市到荒野生活的人都是怪人。 我们谈论有意识的生活态度,谈论移动到祖传家园的不同细微之处,谈论拥有自己的土地是多么的酷,”维卡说。

And that works: over a year more than 50 people came to visit the Borkins who learned about them from the Internet. People traveled from all over the country: from the Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh, Tambov, Kursk, Yaroslavl, Moscow Regions and also from Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Germany.

这种做法是有效的: 一年多以来,超过50人前来拜访博尔金一家,博尔金一家是从互联网上了解他们的。 人们来自全国各地: 从 Krasnodar Territory,沃罗涅日河,坦波夫,库尔斯克,Yaroslavl,莫斯科地区,还有乌克兰,哈萨克斯坦和德国。

“In the spring we are waiting for two families from Germany, one from America and one from Canada. They want to see the land as they are dreaming of moving to Russia, ” the guys say.

“今年春天,我们正在等待来自德国的两个家庭,还有美国的一个,加拿大的一个(共计4个家庭)。 他们梦想着搬到俄罗斯,他们希望看到这片土地。”。

By Alina Michailova

作者: Alina Michailova
