@zhongdao 2020-07-08T20:10:41.000000Z 字数 20945 阅读 1942







免责声明:本文可能包含仅用于提供信息和娱乐目的的与健康或医疗相关的材料。内容并不旨在替代专业的医疗建议,诊断或治疗。如果您对医疗状况有任何疑问,请务必咨询您的医生或其他合格的医疗服务提供者。切勿因您在本网站上阅读过的内容而忽视专业医疗建议或延迟寻求建议。Megre LLC的所有者,作者,编辑或其他人员不是合格的卫生专业人员或研究人员,对于本网站上的任何不正确或不正确信息不承担任何责任。使用本网站上的任何信息均由您自担风险。


西伯利亚清洁是消除毒素并增强身体自然治愈能力的自然方法。在各种来源中,您会发现此处理方法的不同变化有共同点-它们都基于雪松果仁油和雪松树脂。该程序包括在使用天然净化剂清除其余部分的同时,尽量减少进入您体内的毒素。雪松果仁油在细胞水平上起作用,从细胞内部去除有害物质并恢复其正常功能。雪松树脂是最强的天然防腐剂,可对抗炎症,增强和改善雪松果仁油的愈合性能。我们的家庭成员使用雪松果油和10%雪松树脂或雪松果油和MEGRE GRE药进行清洁。根据我们的经验,将油与e剂一起使用可获得最佳效果。Megre Elixir包含不同类型的树脂-不仅来自作为普通富含树脂的油的树,还来自圆锥体。








一门西伯利亚清洁课程需要33天。要正确执行治疗,您需要3瓶含10%雪松树脂的 雪松果仁油或含MEGRE药剂的雪松果仁油。在西伯利亚洁面套装是专为这个目的而设计的。



1-3天– 1/2茶匙
4-6天– 1茶匙
7-9天– 1 1/2茶匙
10-12天– 2茶匙
13-15天– 2 1/2茶匙
16-18天– 3茶匙
19-21天– 2 1/2茶匙
22-24天– 2茶匙
25-27天– 1 1/2茶匙
28-30天– 1茶匙
31-33天– 1/2茶匙


总共54 个单位, 按照每瓶18个单位。

1-13天喝完第1瓶 0.5*3 + 1*3 + 1.5*3 + 2*3 + 2.5 = 17.5
14-20天喝完第2瓶 2.5*2 + 3*3 + 2.5 *2 = 19
21-33天喝完第3瓶 2.5 + 2*3 + 1.5*3 + 1*3 +0.5*3 = 17.5







我们家庭的成员使用雪松果油和10%雪松树脂或雪松果油和MEGRE E药进行清洁。根据我们的经验,将油与e剂一起使用可获得最佳效果。Megre Elixir包含不同类型的树脂-不仅来自作为普通富含树脂的油的树,还来自圆锥体。




胶囊中的MEGRE Elixir是领导积极生活方式的人们的一种选择。它的性质和效果与带分配器的液体长生不老药绝对相同,但在使用上具有优势:

为了获得最佳效果,建议根据建议每月服用MEGRE Elixir。




建议在两次课程之间的一个月内服用适当准备的Megre 雪松果仁油一个月。


1胶囊– 1克 / 1包– 1泡罩包装,每盒10胶囊/ 1件– 3包。胶囊的剂量是为成人设计的。



您绝对应该尝试MEGRE Elixir,因为它:
使用建议:每天服用2次,每月需要6滴油(一个月需要2瓶)。为了获得最佳效果,建议定期使用。服用长生不老药一个月,然后中断一个月,然后重复课程。在课程之间的这段时间里,建议服用西伯利亚雪松果仁油,它是在“ Megre Cedar House”中正确制备的。
– 1包MEGRE Elixir相当于42包雪松果油

–雪松果仁油流淌,但长生不老药滴下来。MEGRE Elixir的产量百分比非常小-从整个包装袋中只能滴几滴。

–这是由Sergei Megre发明的创新产品,其性能令人震惊。

–根据临床研究的结果,发现MEGRE lix剂平衡了血液中铁,红细胞和白细胞的含量:在最初的低水平时增加其数量,而在最初的高水平时减少。

megrellc FAQ


Frequently Asked Questions

Where do the “Megre” products come from?

All our cedar-based products – that is, those containing cedar oil and balm such as pillows, soap and toothpaste – come from Cedar House Megre. Cedar House is in a village in the Taiga forest in the north of the Novosibirsk Oblast. It is our personal production house which we converted into a workshop 20 years ago and which over the years we renovated, refining our production techniques using traditional technology. To this day it remains a small family business with a friendly atmosphere.

“ Megre”产品从何而来? 我们所有的雪松为基础的产品-即那些含有雪松油和香油,如枕头,肥皂和牙膏-来自雪松房子梅格雷。 雪松屋位于新西伯利亚州北部 Taiga 森林中的一个村庄。 这是我们的个人生产车间,我们改造成一个车间20年前,多年来,我们改造,改善我们的生产技术使用传统的技术。 时至今日,它仍然是一个气氛友好的小型家族企业。

Where is the Megre factory situated?
Cedar House Megre is in the village Kandaurovo in the Taiga forest, on the border between the Novosibirsk and Tomsk oblasts.

Megre 工厂位于哪里? 雪松之家 Megre 位于 Taiga 森林中的坎道罗沃村庄,在新西伯利亚和托木斯克之间的边界。

What is different about the way Megre’s cedar production?
The most important thing that we bear in mind when making products at Cedar House Megre is to retain the natural energy contained in every little piece of cedar. This can only be done by paying special attention to every part of the manufacturing process. It is precisely for this reason that we manufacture our products in the Taiga forest, so as not to transport the cones to the city. We do this despite the fact that, naturally, that would be the easier way to do it. Instead we preserve the ancient tradition of keeping the kernels inside the cones, only shelling them just before oil-production process. Nowadays there is practically no-one else who makes cedar oil this way.

梅格雷的雪松制作有什么不同? 当我们在雪松之家梅格雷制作产品时,最重要的事情是保留每一小块雪松中蕴含的自然能量。 这只能通过特别注意制造过程的每个部分来实现。 正是出于这个原因,我们在 Taiga 森林里生产产品,以免把松果运到城市。 我们这样做,尽管事实上,自然,这将是更容易的方式做到这一点。 取而代之的是,我们保留了一个古老的传统,那就是把玉米粒留在球果里,只在开采石油之前去壳。 现在几乎没有其他人用这种方法生产雪松油了。

We collect the cones and sap on our own land in the Taiga that was given to us on long-term lease by the government. The cones from our own patch of forest are very different to the ones found elsewhere.

我们在 Taiga 自己的土地上采集松果和树液,这些是政府长期租借给我们的。 我们自己森林里的松果与在其他地方发现的有很大的不同。

We use traditional instruments and glass vessels in our oil production so that the oil does not come into contact with metal, which oxidises it. All of the fundamental work, including sorting the nuts, is done by hand because the introduction of machinery lowers the quality of the product. In fact, we have reconstructed the methods that our ancestors used for centuries and we manufacture our products in relatively small amounts without damaging the quality.

我们在石油生产中使用传统的仪器和玻璃容器,这样石油就不会与金属接触,而金属又会氧化石油。 所有的基础工作,包括螺母的分类,都是手工完成的,因为机器的引进降低了产品的质量。 事实上,我们已经重建了我们祖先几个世纪以来使用的方法,我们生产的产品数量相对较少,而且没有损害质量。

What is the House of Cones, and where is it?
The House of Cones is what we call the two-storey cedar house in which the cones are stored. It is located on the same territory as the manufacturing plant in the village Kanduorovo, Novosibirsk oblast. This is an ideal method of storing cones, one which our ancestors quietly practised for hundreds of years. These days this method of storing has been almost completely lost.

什么是圆锥之屋,它在哪里? 锥形房子是我们所说的两层雪松房子,里面存放锥形细胞。 这家工厂位于同一片土地上,就像新西伯利亚州 Kanduorovo 的制造工厂一样。 这是一种理想的储藏锥形细胞的方法,我们的祖先已经悄悄地实践了几百年。 如今,这种储存方式几乎完全消失了。

Are there visits to Cedar House?
You can book a visit to Cedar House on specified non-working days. To do so please e-mail export@megre.ru

有人去雪松屋参观吗? 您可以预订参观雪松屋在指定的非工作日。 要做到这一点,请电子邮件 export@megre.ru

Where can one buy «MEGRE» products?
You can acquire “MEGRE” products at the following locations:

在哪里可以买到“ MEGRE”产品? 你可在以下地点购买「 MEGRE 」产品:

Through our online shop 通过我们的网上商店megrellc.com.
Through one of our partner firms. The full list of shipment options to all countries can be found 通过我们的一个合作伙伴公司,可以找到运往所有国家的全部货物清单here 这里
For wholesale orders contact 批发订单联系export@megre.ru
Why is the range on megrellc.com incomplete?
When we ship your order, it crosses Russian borders and has to go through customs. Some products, for example cedar nuts, require a long time for clearing, or some products may be restricted for transport to certain areas. However, we are constantly working to update and improve our range of online products, so sign up to our newsletter to receive updates.

为什么 megrellc 网站上的范围不完整? 当我们装运你们的订单时,它会穿过俄罗斯边境,必须通过海关。 有些产品,例如雪松坚果,需要很长时间才能清除,或者有些产品可能被限制运输到某些地区。 然而,我们一直在努力更新和改进我们的在线产品系列,所以注册我们的时事通讯来接收更新。

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What’s the difference between oil produced by hand and industrially manufactured oil?
Hand-produced oil is manufactured using the technology outlined in Vladimir Megre’s books. It is produced entirely by hand using traditional tools and following traditional methods. We have been reconstructing this technology for a long time and now our methods reflect exactly those used by our ancestors. Our oil is produced by members of a single family. Due to the fact that the process is long and labour-intensive, the amount of oil one can produce by hand is restricted. Industrially manufactured oil differs in its method of production as well as its character (hand-produced oil is more liquid) and taste (the taste of the nut is reduced). This is because in hand-made production the nuts are not dried, leaving more moisture. After pressing the oil, the oil is not left to sit, as in industrial manufacturing but is immediately decanted into bottles, which leads to a build-up of residue in the bottles. Hand-produced oil is more valuable than any other, it has the strongest energy. People who use it often say that it even affects their emotional state. They feel happier and brighter.

手工生产的石油和工业生产的石油有什么区别? 手工生产的石油是使用技术概述的弗拉基米尔梅格雷的书。 它完全是手工制作,使用传统的工具和遵循传统的方法。 我们已经重建这项技术很长时间了,现在我们的方法完全反映了我们祖先使用的方法。 我们的石油是由一个家庭的成员生产的。 由于生产过程漫长而劳动密集,人工生产的石油数量受到限制。 工业化生产的油在生产方法、特性(手工生产的油液体更多)和口感(坚果的味道减少)方面都有所不同。 这是因为在手工生产过程中,坚果没有干燥,留下了更多的水分。 在压榨油之后,油不会像工业生产那样静置,而是立即倒入瓶中,导致瓶中残留物的积累。 手工生产的石油比其他任何产品都更有价值,它具有最强的能量。 使用它的人经常说它甚至影响他们的情绪状态。 他们感到更快乐、更光明。

What’s the difference between wet-milled oil and double-extraction oil?
Wet-milled oil is produced from the first extraction. The oil is cold-pressed from the cedar nut kernel. Wet-milled oil is ideal for use as a food supplement and in the preparation of cold food such as salads and desserts. After the first press there is pulp left over which is then squeezed with a high-pressure press to give the second extraction. Double extraction oil is a blend of first-extraction wet-milled oil with the oil produced by the second pressing. Double extraction oil has a lighter structure and goes well in cosmetic products like make-up remover, or in burn-relief balms, body butter and bathing products. The oil can also be used in the cooking of cakes, main dishes and other hot food.

湿磨油和双萃油有什么区别? 湿磨油是从第一次萃取生产出来的。 油是从雪松果仁中冷压出来的。 湿磨油是理想的食品补充剂,并在配制冷食品,如沙拉和甜点。 在第一个压力机之后,剩下的纸浆,然后用高压压力机挤压,以进行第二次提取。 双萃油是将一次萃取的湿磨油与二次压榨生产的油混合而成。 双萃取油结构更轻,适用于化妆品,如卸妆品,或烧伤缓解香膏,身体黄油和沐浴产品。 该油还可用于蛋糕、主菜等热食的烹饪。

Why does cedar oil need additional ingredients (buckthorn, propolis, resin)?
We enrich the cedar oil with natural additives in order to enhance specific beneficial properties. For example, oil with resin contains high levels of purifying properties and is a powerful immunostimulator. Oil with propolis helps to quickly recover from viruses, colds and flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other respiratory problems. Oil with buckthorn has a rich micro-elemental make-up which helps with deficiency disease, strengthens the immune system and heals skin and internal wounds.

为什么雪松油需要额外的原料(鼠李、蜂胶、树脂) ? 我们用天然添加剂丰富香柏油,以提高特定的有益性能。 例如,树脂油含有高水平的净化性能,是一个强大的免疫刺激剂。 含有蜂胶的油能帮助人们迅速从病毒、感冒、流感、肺炎、肺结核和其他呼吸道疾病中恢复过来。 沙棘油含有丰富的微量元素,有助于治疗缺乏症,增强免疫系统和治疗皮肤和内部伤口。

What’s the minimum age one can take cedar oil?
You can take cedar nut oil at any age and it can even be given to newborn babies as a single drop or rubbed on a dummy.

什么是最低年龄可以采取雪松油? 你可以在任何年龄使用雪松果油,它甚至可以作为一滴或在假人上摩擦给新生儿使用。

What if I have an allergic reaction to cedar oil?
Allergies to cedar oil are extremely rare. Allergic reactions are more likely to be related to other chemicals used by the manufacturers during the oil-making process. We have never heard of such a reaction to “Megre” products. For this reason, the first thing you should do if you have an adverse reaction is check the quality of the product and consider trying another manufacturer. If you are certain that the product is good quality and it is the cedar oil causing the reaction, you should go to a dietologist. We can recommend our dietologist.

如果我对雪松油过敏怎么办? 对雪松油过敏是极其罕见的。 过敏反应更有可能与制造商在制油过程中使用的其他化学物质有关。 我们从未听说过对“ Megre”产品的这种反应。 基于这个原因,如果你有不良反应,你应该做的第一件事是检查产品的质量,并考虑尝试其他制造商。 如果你确定产品质量好,是雪松油引起的反应,你应该去看食品专家。 我们可以推荐我们的饮食专家。

Are the pendants sold online from the same ringing cedars from the books, or are they normal ones?
Our pendants are made from Siberian cedar wood. The ringing cedars described in Vladimir Megre’s books have not been cut down, and they needn’t be, for Siberian cedar contains very powerful energy. Simply spend a bit of time in the Taiga and you’ll see – touch a cedar tree, a normal one, not a ringing cedar, and you’ll feel the cosmic energy. Any piece of Siberian cedar contains the same properties.

这些吊坠是从书上同样响亮的香柏树上在网上出售的,还是它们是正常的? 我们的吊坠是用西伯利亚雪松木制成的。 弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷书中描述的响亮的雪松并没有被砍伐,而且也不需要被砍伐,因为西伯利亚雪松蕴含着非常强大的能量。 只要在针叶林里呆上一段时间,你就会看到——触摸到一棵正常的雪松,而不是一棵响亮的雪松,你就会感受到宇宙的能量。 任何一块西伯利亚雪松都有同样的特性。

Is it OK to get a cedar pendant wet?
It is OK to get a pendant wet, nothing will happen.

雪松吊坠弄湿可以吗? 弄湿吊坠也可以,什么事都不会发生。

What’s the difference between cedar pillows filled with cone petals, cedar shavings, or cedar nut husk?
We use 3 types of filling for our cedar pillows – cedar cone petal, cedar wood shavings, and cedar nut husk. Cone petal filled pillows (http://megrellc.com/product/pillow-filled-with-cedar-cone-leaves/) are the most powerful. They have a massaging effect. Pillows with cedar wood shavings are resilient, with excellent orthopaedic properties. They keep the head and neck in the correct position in order to relax the spine and diminish the pain caused by osteochondrosis. Cedar nut husk pillows are the softest. They are nice to touch and act as an anti-stress tool.

雪松枕头填充了锥形花瓣,雪松刨花,或雪松坚果外壳之间有什么区别? 我们使用三种类型的填充我们的雪松枕头-雪松锥花瓣,雪松木刨花,和雪松坚果外壳。 锥形花瓣填充枕头( http://megrellc.com/product/pillow-filled-with-cedar-Cone-leaves/ )是最强大的。 它们有按摩效果。 枕头与雪松木刨花是有弹性的,具有优良的整形性能。 他们保持头部和颈部在正确的位置,以放松脊柱,减少由骨软骨病引起的疼痛。 雪松果壳枕头是最柔软的。 它们非常适合触摸,并且可以作为一种抗压工具。

What age and skin-type responds the best to cedar creams and balms?
The “cedar” range of creams and balms is suitable for all ages and skin-types. The products are made from all-natural elements which means that your organism takes what it needs from the product and discards the rest.

什么年龄和皮肤类型的回应最好雪松霜和护肤品? 雪松系列的面霜和镇定剂适合所有年龄和皮肤类型。 这些产品是由纯天然的元素制成的,这意味着你的生物体从产品中获取它所需要的,然后丢弃其余的。

Where can I get the toothpaste? What’s different about it?
All cedar toothpaste in the “cedar” series is made from natural ingredients making it completely safe to use. It can be given to children and is completely harmless even if swallowed. All of the toothpastes in the series have a base of cedar oil and resin, and therefore have healing properties which help cure cuts on mucus membranes and fight bacteria.
Toothpaste with mint essential oil has a mouth-freshening effect.
Toothpaste with cedar essential oil contains ground cedar nut hull for a deeper clean.
Toothpaste with cedar nut oil and resin is very gentle to the teeth and is best for children or people with sensitive teeth. Toothpaste with cedar oil cake with added polishing properties gives you naturally shiny teeth.

我在哪里可以买到牙膏? 有什么不同? 所有雪松牙膏在“雪松”系列是由天然成分,使其完全安全使用。 它可以给孩子服用,即使吞食也是完全无害的。 该系列的所有牙膏都以雪松油和树脂为基础,因此具有愈合特性,有助于治愈粘膜伤口和抗菌。 含有薄荷精油的牙膏具有清洁口腔的作用。 牙膏与雪松精油含有更深的清洁坚果壳地雪松。 含有雪松坚果油和树脂的牙膏对牙齿非常温和,最适合儿童或敏感牙齿的人使用。 牙膏与雪松油蛋糕增加抛光性能给你自然光泽的牙齿。

Why doesn’t natural toothpaste froth up?
The intense foam you get with standard toothpaste is caused by SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfat) and other chemical ingredients which have been added to speed up the cleaning process. Organic cosmetics use natural soapy ingredients – usually oils which have been mixed with birch ash. It does not foam as much as SLS and cleans teeth more gently and carefully. There is also comparatively less of it than SLS in industrial toothpastes. That’s why natural toothpastes hardly foam.

天然牙膏为什么不起泡沫? 标准牙膏产生的强烈泡沫是由 SLS (十二烷基硫酸钠)和其他化学成分引起的,这些成分被加入到清洁过程中来加快速度。 有机化妆品使用天然肥皂成分——通常是混合了桦树灰的油。 它不像 SLS 那么多泡沫,而且更加温和仔细地清洁牙齿。 在工业牙膏中,它的含量也比 SLS 少。 这就是为什么天然牙膏几乎没有泡沫的原因。

How is Cedar Elixir different to cedar oil?
Cedar Elixir is oil which has been extracted from the whole cedar cone whereas cedar oil is extracted from the cedar nut kernel. They are different both in taste and colour: Cedar elixir has a deep green hue with a very strong, unique, musky taste. Good quality cedar oil is light in colour with a barely perceptible nutty taste.

雪松药水和雪松油有什么不同? 雪松药剂是从整个雪松球果中提取出来的油,而雪松油则是从雪松果仁中提取出来的。 它们在味道和颜色上都是不同的: 雪松药水有一种非常强烈,独特,麝香味道的深绿色调。 高品质的雪松油是轻的颜色与几乎感觉不到坚果的味道。

The main difference is that cedar oil has a more gentle effect on the organism and works by disseminating its micro-elements and vitamins throughout the body. It can be taken regularly and is suitable for everyone regardless of age or health state.
Cedar Elixir works on a cellular level and is a biologically active element with strong purifying effects. Besides cedar nut kernel oil, the Elixir contains ethers, resins and other substances pressed from the shell and scales of the cone. These substances give the Elixir intense anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral properties as well as the ability to regulate metabolic processes. Cedar oil can be measured by the spoon and added to food whereas Cedar Elixir is taken in drops, the amount of which should be regulated depending on the state of one’s health.

主要的区别在于,雪松油对机体有更温和的作用,并通过将其微量元素和维生素散布到全身而起作用。 它可以定期服用,适合每个人,不论年龄或健康状况。 雪松丹参工程在细胞水平,是一个生物活性元素,强大的净化效果。 除了雪松坚果仁油,药剂还含有醚类、树脂和其他物质,这些物质是从外壳和圆锥体鳞片上压出来的。 这些物质赋予长生不老药强烈的抗炎、杀菌和抗病毒特性,以及调节代谢过程的能力。 雪松油可以通过勺子测量,并添加到食品中,而雪松药剂是以滴的形式服用,其数量应根据个人的健康状况进行调节。

Can pregnant and breast-feeding women use Cedar Elixir?
There are no negative side-effects of taking Cedar Elixir during pregnancy, however, it does have particular qualities which should be taken into account. Cedar Elixir possesses strong purifying properties which work on a cellular level, as well as on the whole organism. Detoxifying procedures must be exercised with extreme caution during pregnancy. Another characteristic of Cedar Elixir is its ability to activate bodily processes, which may aggravate some chronic or latent conditions. For these reasons it is best to only take Cedar Elixir when pregnant if in perfect health, or under strict observation of your doctor. It is possibly better to take Cedar Elixir in cedar oil, which contains the same properties but has a gentler effect on the organism.

孕妇和哺乳期的妇女可以使用雪松灵药吗? 怀孕期间服用雪松灵没有副作用,但是,它确实有一些特殊的品质需要考虑。 雪松丹参具有强大的净化性能,在细胞水平上工作,以及对整个有机体。 排毒程序必须在怀孕期间以极其谨慎的方式进行。 雪松药剂的另一个特点是它能够激活身体机能,这可能会加重一些慢性或潜伏性疾病。 由于这些原因,最好只采取雪松药当怀孕时,如果在完美的健康,或在您的医生严格观察。 最好是在雪松油中加入雪松药剂,雪松药剂具有相同的性质,但对机体有温和的作用。

Indeed, the Elixir can be beneficial to breast-feeding mothers as it helps the body rehabilitate and adjusts metabolic processes, however, it is of utmost importance to be aware of any negative reactions the feeding child may have, and to begin taking the Elixir in the smallest possible doses, starting at a single drop, before increasing intake.


What’s the minimum age one can take Elixir?
Cedar Elixir can be given to children at 12 months, beginning with one drop and then increasing the dose incrementally. Cedar Elixir does not cause allergic reactions, however it is important to carefully follow your child’s reactions to it, as it may have unforeseen individual effects, especially if taken for the first time. In most cases children just need time to get used to the new taste, as the Elixir has a very poignant fir-like taste. Children of 12 can be given adult doses.

长生不老药的最低服用年龄是多少? 雪松药剂可以给孩子在12个月,开始一滴,然后增加剂量递增。 雪松灵不会引起过敏反应,但是仔细观察孩子对它的反应是很重要的,因为它可能会有不可预见的个体影响,特别是如果是第一次服用。 在大多数情况下,孩子们只是需要时间来适应新口味,因为万能药有一种非常强烈的冷杉般的味道。 12岁的儿童可以接受成人剂量的疫苗。

How is Cedar Elixir taken?
The standard method that we recommend is to take a course of Elixir every day for one month, about 20 – 30 minutes before eating. Liquid Elixir should be taken as 6 drops a day, once in the morning or as 3 drops every morning and evening.

雪松灵药是如何服用的? 我们建议的标准方法是每天服用一个疗程的长生不老药,持续一个月,大约在吃前20-30分钟。 每天6滴,早上一次或每天早晚3滴。

If you’re taking Cedar Elixir for the first time, we recommend you start out with a course of Elixir with cedar oil first, in order to prepare your body and test its reactions to it.


Can Cedar Elixir cure depression?
Cedar Elixir works on both a physical and profound level within the organism. Some reviews by customers have stated that taking the Elixir improved their psychological state, mood, and quality of sleep. It is true that it is effective in the treatment of over-tiredness and anxiety, however, if one suffers from serious chronic depression, it would do better to address the causes of the illness rather than expecting a miracle cure. Integrated as part of multifaceted therapy, however, it can definitely help you emerge from a crisis more quickly.

雪松灵药能治愈抑郁症吗? 雪松灵丹在生物体内的物理层面和深层次上都起作用。 一些顾客的评论指出服用长生不老药可以改善他们的心理状态、情绪和睡眠质量。 的确,它在治疗过度疲劳和焦虑方面是有效的,但是,如果一个人患有严重的慢性抑郁症,最好的办法是解决疾病的原因,而不是期待奇迹般的治愈。 然而,作为多方面治疗的一部分,它绝对可以帮助你更快地摆脱危机。

Does Cedar Elixir have any side-effects?
On taking Elixir for the first time, people often report reactions such as inflammation, rashes, or nausea. This is because Cedar Elixir purges the cells of built-up toxins, left-over medicine and other pollutants. These reactions are in fact part of the detoxifying process. One important thing to remember is that the body will get accustomed to the Elixir. Start with a small dose and slowly increase it. After a while, the detoxifying effects will be gentler and longer-lasting. Start with one drop.

雪松灵药有什么副作用吗? 在第一次服用长生不老药时,人们通常会报告出现炎症、皮疹或恶心等反应。 这是因为雪松药剂能清除细胞内积聚的毒素、残留的药物和其他污染物。 这些反应实际上是解毒过程的一部分。 一个重要的事情是要记住,身体会习惯于长生不老药。 从小剂量开始,慢慢增加剂量。 一段时间后,排毒效果会变得更温和,持续时间更长。 从一滴开始。

What is Elixir Plus?
Elixir Plus, or Elixir with cedar oil, is a mix of Cedar Elixir and cedar oil. It contains the same ingredients as the Elixir, but is weaker.

什么是长生不老药? 长生不老药,或长生不老药加雪松油,是雪松长生不老药和雪松油的混合物。 它含有与长生不老药相同的成分,但是更弱。

Elixir Plus can be taken between courses of Cedar Elixir. We recommend taking Elixir Plus to prepare your organism for Cedar Elixir and test any reactions you may have to it. Elixir Plus can be taken as an alternative to cedar oil as part of the Siberian Cleansing course.

长生不老药可以在雪松长生不老药之间服用。 我们建议服用万能药来准备你的有机体为万能药和测试任何反应,你可能有它。 长生不老药可以作为雪松油的替代品,作为西伯利亚清洁课程的一部分。

I want to offer “Megre” products in my town, how can I begin collaboration with you?
Write to us at export@megre.ru or on the webpage chat under the heading “wholesale” and our manager will inform you of the best method for collaboration.

我想提供“麦格雷”产品在我的城市,我如何开始与您的合作? 写信给我们在 export@megre.ru 或在网页聊天在“批发”的标题下,我们的经理会告诉你最好的合作方法。

弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷和图书公司
How can I get in touch with Vladimir Megre?
For inquiries, queries and offers, write to Vladimir Megre on his personal website vmegre.com through the contact form and he will get in touch with you. To do so follow this link

我怎样才能联系上弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷? 如果你有任何疑问,请通过联系表格写信给 Vladimir Megre 在他的个人网站 vmegre. com,他会和你联系的。 要做到这一点,请点击这个链接

How can I meet Vladimir Megre in person?
Vladimir Megre organises public meetings and conferences in various cities in Russia and abroad. All events are listed on his site vmegre.com, which you can follow for updates.

我怎样才能见到弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷本人? 弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷在俄罗斯和国外的许多城市组织公共会议。 所有活动都在他的网站 vmegre. com 上列出,你可以关注更新。

When is the new Vladimir Megre book coming out?
The new book in the “Ringing Cedars of Russia” series is already planned and underway. The author has not yet said when the book will be published, but as soon as it is finished the information will appear on the author’s website vmegre.com and our online shop megrellc.com.

弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷的新书什么时候出版? “俄罗斯响彻雪松”系列丛书中的新书已经计划出版并正在筹备中。 作者还没有说这本书什么时候出版,但是一旦完成,这些信息将会出现在作者的网站 vmegre. com 和我们的在线商店 megrellc. com 上。

How is Anastasia and how can she be reached?
There is a lot of information on this topic given on the author’s website: vmegre.com. Look, for example, under the section “Frequently Asked Questions” where you may find an answer to your question.

安娜斯塔西娅是怎样的人,怎样才能联系到她? 在作者的网站上有很多关于这个话题的信息: vmegre. com。 例如,在“常见问题”一节中,您可以找到问题的答案。
