@zhongdao 2020-05-22T17:47:28.000000Z 字数 8160 阅读 1552

Anna Heidebrecht – thoughts about Kin Domain in the year of moving from the city to the land


Анна Гейдебрехт Родные берега массив, масло 2018.jpg
*The native land 故土**solid wood, oil painting, 2018 实木,油画2018年*

Anna Heidebrecht:
安娜 · 海德布莱希特:

It’s 2020. And there are many plans and ideas in my head about Kin Domain arrangement: to finish building our little house, to continue planting the living fence, and the alley in memory of ancestors. It’s about connecting with native land again, and feeling the joy of creativity! It seems like we’ve been living here forever, even though just three years ago we still lived in the city. But already back then the dream became so strong that it called us and we followed it. Before leaving we had to express our intentions: what a kin domain means to us, and why creating it.
现在是2020年。 在我的脑海里有很多关于祖传家园的安排的计划和想法: 完成我们的小房子,继续种植生活篱笆,以及为了纪念祖先的小巷。 这是关于再次与故土联系,感受创造力的喜悦! 虽然三年前我们还住在这个城市,但看起来我们已经在这里住了很久了。 但是当时这个梦想已经变得如此强大,以至于它召唤着我们,我们跟随着它。 在离开之前,我们必须表达我们的意图: 祖传家园对我们意味着什么,为什么要创建它

A kin domain in Perm region, near a small village.
一个在 Perm 地区的祖传家园,靠近一个小村庄

**Thoughts about Kin Domain in the year of moving from the city to the land. 关于从城市搬到土地过程中对“祖传家园”的几点思考

**There came spring, awaking the dream and the thoughts of creating a kin domain, awaking images that had been described in “Ringing Cedars of Russia” book series by Vladimir Megre. My beloved Wilhelm and I were drawn to our homeland. We lived in the city long enough, and felt like we completed everything we wanted there, didn’t want to start anything new in that setting. We wanted to create a space of love. And our little cedars, and oaks, and apple tree sprouts already felt too cramped on our window sills. We needed our own land where we could become strong, where we could feel ourselves like the human beings, the way God designed us. 春天来了,唤醒了梦想,唤醒了创造一个祖传家园的想法,唤醒了弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷的《响彻俄罗斯的雪松》系列丛书中描述的意象。 我和我亲爱的威廉被我们的祖国所吸引。 我们在这个城市生活了足够长的时间,觉得我们在那里完成了我们想要的一切,不想在那样的环境中开始任何新的事情。 我们想创造一个充满爱的空间。 我们的小雪松、橡树和苹果树苗已经觉得在窗台上太拥挤了。 我们需要我们自己的土地,在那里我们可以变得强大,在那里我们可以感觉自己像人类一样,就像上帝设计我们的那样


I have a feeling that it’s really a kin domain that allows a person to reach their divine potential, allows them to become a creator of something living and eternal. In a kin domain there will live Love, it will grow and blossom with every minute. Among all the places we chose a piece of land that we liked, a place where we wanted to live and to continue our kin. That piece of land should be not less than one hectare big. Only on a piece of land of that size it is possible to create an independent ecosystem, where each tree will be warmed up by human attention. That is our future Kin Domain, where wealth, wellbeing, and prosperity are possible. 我有一种感觉,这真的是一个祖传家园,允许一个人达到他们的神圣潜力,允许他们成为一个生活和永恒的东西的创造者。 在一个祖传家园里,有生命的爱,它将与每一分钟一起成长和开花。 在所有的地方中,我们选择了一块我们喜欢的土地,一个我们想要生活和延续我们血脉的地方。 那块土地不得少于一公顷。 只有在这么大的一块土地上,才有可能形成一个独立的生态系统,在这里,每棵树都会被人类的注意力加热。 这是我们未来的祖传家园,在这里财富,福祉和繁荣是可能的

![Анна Гейдебрехт - Мысли о Родовом Поместье (6).jpg](https://anastasia.ru/upload/medialibrary/57f/%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%93%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%85%D1%82%20-%20%D0%9C%D1%8B%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B8%20%D0%BE%20%D0%A0%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B5%20(6).jpg)

This is where we will plant a living fence of many tires. The plants in the fence will fit well with each other, they will please the eye, and please the ear with their rustling, and protect the space from the unwanted guests, strange sounds and prying eyes. A living fence doesn’t require constant fixing; it reproduces itself, gives healing aromas and essences, and serves as a home for birds. All the planting in the kin domain will be done by us or by friends and relatives that we will invite. So that the plants know exactly whom they grow for, and whose thought they support. So that they get love and joy while growing into the ground with their roots. 我们将在这里种植一个有许多轮胎的活栅栏。 栅栏里的植物彼此配合得很好,它们会取悦眼睛,它们的沙沙声取悦耳朵,保护空间不受不速之客、奇怪的声音和窥探的眼睛的侵扰。 一个活着的篱笆不需要不断的修复,它能自我繁殖,散发出具有治疗作用的香气和精华,并成为鸟类的家园。 所有的种植在祖传家园将由我们或由朋友和亲戚,我们将邀请。 这样植物就能确切地知道它们是为谁而生长的,以及它们支持谁的思想。 使他们得到爱和喜乐,同时用他们的根扎入土中

We will identify and give purpose to the planted plants. We will lay out a cedar alley in memory of our ancestors. The trees of that alley will be a good memory for the gone relatives. The kin members need to be honored and remembered, for their souls not to go into oblivion. And the best memory to them will be living creations. 我们将识别种植的植物并赋予它们生存的意义。 我们将搭建一条雪松林小道来纪念我们的祖先。 那条小巷的树木将成为逝去亲人的美好回忆。 家族成员需要被尊重和记住,为了他们的灵魂不会被遗忘。 对他们来说,最好的记忆就是活生生的创造物

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We will create rooms in the domain that will literally be living – we will plant them. We will create animal pens from growing plants. We will raise animals when we feel an inner desire for it, when we realize that we are ready to grant them enough attention. We will make several bee decks among bushes and trees capable of blooming, where bees will settle. The decks will copy the structure of the natural homes of bees. We will treat the bees and their natural life with respect, love and gratitude. Each living creature in the domain will be our friend and helper; and their purpose we will yet have to understand. 我们将在这个家园创造出真正有生命力的房间——我们将种植它们。 我们将用生长中的植物制作动物围栏。 当我们意识到我们已经准备好给予动物足够的关注时,当我们感到内心对动物的渴望时,我们就会饲养它们。 我们将在灌木丛和能够开花的树木之间建造几个蜜蜂平台,蜜蜂将在那里安家落户。 甲板将模仿蜜蜂天然家园的结构。 我们将用尊重、爱和感激来对待蜜蜂和它们的自然生命。 家园中的每一个生物都将是我们的朋友和帮助者; 他们的目的我们还需要去了解

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We will create a pond. A pond is necessary to regulate humidity and climate in the domain. There will be aquatic plants growing in it, and it will have fish. It will be possible to plunge into the pond and swim in it. It will become a mirror of heaven and a source of vital power. 我们要建一个池塘。 池塘是调节该领域湿度和气候的必要设施。 那里会有水生植物生长,还会有鱼。 你可以跳进池塘里游泳。 它将成为天堂的一面镜子和生命力的源泉

Near the entrance to the Kin Domain we will build a house. It won’t be too big, but cozy, warm, and comfortable. The house should be good enough to last for our time, and the children will build themselves a new house, out of other more perfect material. Near the house we will lay out a vegetable garden. It will be created according to the principles and laws of nature, in accordance with it. We will make the garden in such way that it will require a minimum amount of costs and labor, will give a rich, tasty and healthy harvest. The harvest from the vegetable garden of kin domain will have incomparable properties; will be of the highest quality and environmentally safe. It will nourish body and soul, because we will take care of the growing crop, fill its seeds with information about ourselves. 在祖传家园入口附近我们将建造一所房子。 它不会太大,但是舒适,温暖,舒适。 这所房子应该足够好,可以维持我们的时间,孩子们将用其他更完美的材料为自己建造一所新房子。 我们将在房子附近布置一个菜园。 它将根据自然的原则和规律被创造出来,与之相一致。 我们将以这样的方式使花园,它将需要最低的成本和劳动力,将给一个丰富,美味和健康的收获。 来自祖传家园的蔬菜园的收获将具有无可比拟的特性,将具有最高的品质和环境安全。 它将滋养我们的身体和灵魂,因为我们会照顾生长中的庄稼,用关于我们自己的信息填满它的种子

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The kin domain will be rich in different types of trees, shrubs, cereals, herbs, flowers, berries, and mushrooms. There will be conifers and broadleaved trees, fruit and berry trees. We will conceive, bear and give birth to our children here, in Kin Domain. We will inhale the aromas of summer, taste the fruits of autumn, admire the patterns of winter, enjoy the spring awakening. Everything that we will experience in Kin Domain, it will capture in living pictures of nature. That is a co-creation with nature, with embodied thoughts of God. 祖传家园将是丰富的不同类型的树木,灌木,谷物,草药,花卉,浆果和蘑菇。 那里有针叶树、阔叶树、果树和浆果树。 我们将怀孕,生育和生育我们的孩子在这里,在祖传家园。 我们将吸入夏天的芳香,品尝秋天的果实,欣赏冬天的模式,享受春醒。 我们将在祖传家园体验的一切,它将捕捉到大自然的生动画面。 这是一个与自然共同创造,具体化的思想上帝

We will plant the Tree of Kin on the wedding hill, and around it we will plant trees named after our children. Here children will be able to relax and calmly reflect, finding answers to their questions. 我们将在婚礼山上种植亲族之树,在它周围种植以我们的孩子命名的树。 在这里,孩子们可以放松下来,平静地反思,找到问题的答案
![Анна Гейдебрехт - Мысли о Родовом Поместье (8).jpg](https://anastasia.ru/upload/medialibrary/938/%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%93%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%85%D1%82%20-%20%D0%9C%D1%8B%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B8%20%D0%BE%20%D0%A0%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B5%20(8).jpg)

Children born here will see and experience true pristine life. Here their thought will begin its rapid movement following the thought of the Creator. In the Kin Domain they will be able to be themselves and will determine their life path. 在这里出生的孩子将会看到并体验到真正的原始生活。 在这里,他们的思想将随着造物主的思想而开始迅速运动。 在祖传家园,他们将能够成为他们自己,并将决定他们的人生道路

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We will write a Book of Kin, where children will be able to learn about our path, our aspirations and dreams. They will learn about our mistakes and insights. And the children will continue the Book of Kin, passing it on to grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The Kin Domain will also be inherited by the future generations, while becoming more and more perfect. 我们将写一本亲情之书,让孩子们了解我们的道路,我们的愿望和梦想。 他们会从我们的错误和洞察力中吸取教训。 孩子们将继续读《亲族书》 ,传给孙辈和曾孙辈。 祖传家园也将继承的后代,同时变得越来越完善

When our bodies are already old and we want to be born again, we will ask our children to bury our bodies in the Kin Domain, and to plant two magnificent trees in those places. At the end of our journey of this life we will appoint a meeting with my beloved husband in the next incarnation. And, just as we used to, we will walk along the living fence, whirl on the sunny meadow, and admire a moonlit night at the quiet pond. And there will be that point on Earth where, over the years, the soul will rush to. And there will be those people, our descendants, who with their good thoughts will call us to a new incarnation. 当我们的身体已经老了,我们想要重生,我们会要求我们的孩子把我们的身体埋葬在祖传家园,并在那些地方种植两棵宏伟的树木。 在我们这个生命旅程的最后,我们将在下一次的化身中指定一次与我亲爱的丈夫的会面。 而且,就像我们过去一样,我们会沿着生活的篱笆走,在阳光普照的草地上旋转,在宁静的池塘里欣赏月光下的夜晚。 地球上将会有那么一个点,随着时间的推移,灵魂将会冲向那个点。 将会有那些人,我们的后代,他们会用他们美好的思想召唤我们来到一个新的化身

![Анна Гейдебрехт - Мысли о Родовом Поместье (10).jpg](https://anastasia.ru/upload/medialibrary/dea/%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%93%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%85%D1%82%20-%20%D0%9C%D1%8B%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B8%20%D0%BE%20%D0%A0%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B5%20(10).jpg)

We are starting to improve the habitat. There are no limits to perfection. And when we come to the edge of everything, then new spaces will open before us. A destructive thought has a limit, and creative thought is limitless. We are the creators of Kin Domain!

Family of Wilhelm and Anna Heidebrecht

我们正开始改善栖息地。 完美是没有界限的。 当我们来到一切的边缘,新的空间将在我们面前打开。 破坏性的思想是有限的,创造性的思想是无限的。 我们是 祖传家园的创造者!

威廉和安娜 · 海德布莱希特一家2017



