@zhongdao 2019-09-23T18:26:42.000000Z 字数 46533 阅读 2496




Why customize LiveCDs 为什么要定制 livecd

你可以将 Ubuntu 桌面 LiveCd 定制为:

How to Customise the Ubuntu Desktop CD 如何定制 Ubuntu 桌面光盘

创建自定义 LiveCD 最简单的方法是使用 Ubuntu 定制工具包。 接下来是用手工的方式完成同样的工作。

IconsPage/warning.png This guide is for the Desktop LiveCd; there is another page referring to customisation of the Alternative Install Cd & the Server Install Cd. Also, there is a guide on how to create a LiveCd without using an existing LiveCd.

这个指南是针对桌面 LiveCd 的; 还有一个页面提到了自定义备选安装 Cd & the Server Install Cd。 另外,还有一个关于如何在不使用现有 LiveCd 的情况下创建一个 LiveCd 的指南。

System Requirements 系统需求

IconsPage/warning.png When customizing 9.10 Karmic Koala (or later) in an 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope (or earlier) environment, squashfs-tools must be updated to version 4.0. Conversely, the version of squashfs-tools in Ubuntu 9.10 is not compatible with earlier versions of Ubuntu.

在9.04 Jaunty Jackalope (或更早)环境中自定义9.10 Karmic Koala (或更高版本)时,squashfs-tools 必须更新为4.0版本。 相反,Ubuntu 9.10中的 squashfs-tools 版本与较早版本的 Ubuntu 不兼容。

IconsPage/warning.png The architecture (Amd64 or i386) to be stored on the LiveCD should be the same as the architecture used to perform the customization, or the LiveCD may not run. It is not trivial to customize an AMD64 LiveCD using an i386 operating system, for example.

存储在 LiveCD 上的体系结构(Amd64或 i386)应该与用于执行定制的体系结构相同,否则 LiveCD 可能不会运行。 例如,使用 i386操作系统定制 AMD64 LiveCD 并非易事。

Install pre-requisities 安装前所需

  1. sudo apt install squashfs-tools genisoimage

Obtain the base system获取基本系统

Note: the example shown here uses the ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso Desktop CD. Replace it with the name of your iso. For example, if you have a ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso image, the command:

注意: 这里显示的示例使用 ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386。 桌面光盘。 将其替换为 iso 的名称。 例如,如果你有一个 ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386。 Iso 映像,命令:

  1. mv ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso ~/livecdtmp

would be changed to:


  1. mv ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso ~/livecdtmp
  1. mkdir ~/livecdtmp
  2. mv ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso ~/livecdtmp
  3. cd ~/livecdtmp

Extract the CD .iso contents提取 CD.iso 内容

安装 Desktop. iso

  1. mkdir mnt
  2. sudo mount -o loop ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso mnt

将.iso 内容提取到目录“ Extract-cd”中

  1. mkdir extract-cd
  2. sudo rsync --exclude=/casper/filesystem.squashfs -a mnt/ extract-cd

Extract the Desktop system提取桌面系统

提取 SquashFS 文件系统

  1. sudo unsquashfs mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs
  2. sudo mv squashfs-root edit

Prepare and chroot 准备和chroot

警告: 如果在14.04 LTS 中执行此操作,您将失去网络连接(名称解析部分)。 / etc / resolv. Conf 是并且应该仍然是 / run / resolvconf / resolv 的符号链接。 现在的保守主义。 若要启用名称解析,请暂时编辑该文件。 如果需要 chroot 中的网络连接

  1. sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf edit/etc/

On more recent releases, you can avoid this issue by just binding /run instead, which will pull your host's resolvconf info into the chroot:

在最近的版本中,你可以通过绑定 / 运行来避免这个问题,这会把你主机的 resolvconf 信息拉到 chroot 中:

  1. sudo mount -o bind /run/ edit/run

NOTE: Recommended that you do not do this unless you know what you're doing Depending on your configuration, you may also need to copy the hosts file

注意: 建议您不要这样做,除非您知道您在做什么根据您的配置,您可能还需要复制主机文件

  1. sudo cp /etc/hosts edit/etc/


  1. sudo mount --bind /dev/ edit/dev
  2. sudo chroot edit
  3. mount -t proc none /proc
  4. mount -t sysfs none /sys
  5. mount -t devpts none /dev/pts

(这些挂载主机系统的重要目录——如果您稍后决定删除 edit / directory,那么在这样做之前一定要卸载,否则您的主机系统至少在重新启动之前暂时无法使用)

To avoid locale issues and in order to import GPG keys

为了避免区域设置问题和导入 GPG 密钥

  1. export HOME=/root
  2. export LC_ALL=C





  1. dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

  1. dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl
  2. ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl



  1. dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -nr | less


  1. aptitude purge package-name

Custom Background for GNOME为 GNOME 定制背景

通常,后台文件位于 / usr / share / backgrounds 中。 将 png 文件复制到那里,调整所有者和文件访问权限,并编辑文件:

  1. /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntu-wallpapers.xml and

    / usr / share / gnome-background-properties / ubuntu-wallpapers.xml 和

  2. /usr/share/gconf/defaults/16_ubuntu-wallpapers or other files in the same directory. by changing the string /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png to point to your file

    Usr / share / gconf / defaults / 16 ubuntu-wallpapers 或同一目录中的其他文件。 通过更改字符串 / usr / share / backgrounds / warty-final-ubuntu.png 来指向您的文件

Eventually change or add attributes to other configuration files such as: /var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml or /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml).

最终更改或添加属性到其他配置文件,如: / var / lib / gconf / debian.defaults /% gconf-tree.xml 或 / etc / gconf / gconf.xml。 缺省值 /% gconf-tree.xml)。

Historical: More for Dapper...

历史: 更多关于 Dapper..。

Change gconf values (fonts, panels etc.)更改 gconf 值(字体、面板等)

要对 gconf 属性进行任何更改,必须在 / etc / gconf / gconf.xml 文件中添加所需的值。 缺省值 /% gconf-tree.xml。 在文件中添加一个值会改变 Gnome 或其他应用程序的默认值,这样你就可以改变字体、背景、主题、光标等。

Instead of editing the file with gedit or another text editor, you can use the gconftool-2, under the chroot environment, running the following line:

与使用 gedit 或其他文本编辑器编辑文件不同,您可以使用 chroot 环境下的 gconftool-2,运行以下行:

  1. gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type string --set yourkey "yourvalue"

其中 string、 yourkey 和 yourvalue 必须是要更改的类型、键和值..。

Making several gconf changes对 gconf 做一些修改

Editing gconf by setting each value separately takes too much time. There is a better way:

通过分别设置每个值来编辑 gconf 花费了太多时间,有一个更好的方法:

Make a test user and adjust the settings as you wish. Run

  1. gconftool-2 --dump /the/settings/branch/you/need > ~/live/your-new-settings.xml
  2. sudo chown root:root ~/live/your-new-settings.xml
  3. sudo mv ~/live/your-new-settings.xml ~/live/edit/your-new-settings.xml

然后,在 chroot 环境中,运行

  1. gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --load /your-new-settings.xml
  2. rm /your-new-settings.xml

这样你就可以导入整个分支,例如 / apps / panel-Gnome 面板的所有设置。 请注意,这种方式不仅导入了键,还导入了它们的描述,因此所有的 GConf 描述都将被更改为为测试用户设置的语言,并且无法安全地将它们更改回来。 有些程序(例如,Preferences 菜单中的键盘快捷键)使用 GConf 中的描述。

Setting regional defaults设定区域性违约

Legacy Boot 传统启动

Change default language of gfxboot 更改 gfxboot 的默认语言

这个自定义必须在 chroot 之外完成。

  1. sudo aptitude install dpkg-dev uck
  2. apt source gfxboot-theme-ubuntu gfxboot
  3. cd gfxboot-theme-ubuntu*/
  4. make DEFAULT_LANG=fi
  5. sudo cp -af boot/* ../extract-cd/isolinux/

将“ fi”更改为您的首选语言环境。 请注意,这不会改变 F2菜单中哪些语言可用。 有关 gfxboot 定制的更多信息,请参见 Ubuntu 定制工具包。

Change default keyboard 更改默认键盘

在12.04中,更改活启动的默认键盘不像在10.04或更早的时候那么明显了。 例如,如果您希望保持默认语言为英语,但是将默认键盘设置为“ GB” ,则必须编辑文件 / usr / lib / ubiquity / ubiquity / misc.py。 如果你看一下第620行左右的硬编码默认表,你就会明白到底发生了什么..。

  1. // In /usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/misc.py line 620:
  2. default_keymap = {
  3. 'ar': 'ara',
  4. 'bs': 'ba',
  5. 'de': 'de',
  6. 'el': 'gr',
  7. 'en': 'us',
  8. etc...

您可以通过编辑此表来设置默认语言的默认键图,但是请记住,如果您更新图像上的 ubiquity 包,那么任何更改都将被清除。

Also note this only works for X. To set the console keyboard:
还要注意,这只对 x 有效

  1. dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration


Uefi 引导使用 GRUB 而不是 gfxboot。 没有为实时会话更改语言或键盘的选项,因此默认情况下都是英语。 因此需要修改 GRUB 配置。 在 Ubuntu 芬兰混音脚本中这样做:

  1. sed -i '6i loadfont /boot/grub/fonts/unicode.pf2' boot/grub/grub.cfg
  2. sed -i '7i set locale_dir=$prefix/locale' boot/grub/grub.cfg
  3. sed -i '8i set lang=fi_FI' boot/grub/grub.cfg
  4. sed -i '9i insmod gettext' boot/grub/grub.cfg
  5. sed -i 's%splash%splash locale=fi_FI console-setup/layoutcode=fi%'
  6. boot/grub/grub.cfg
  7. sed -i 's/Try Ubuntu without installing/Kokeile Ubuntua asentamatta/'
  8. boot/grub/grub.cfg
  9. sed -i 's/Install Ubuntu/Asenna Ubuntu/' boot/grub/grub.cfg
  10. sed -i 's/OEM install (for manufacturers)/OEM-asennus
  11. (laitevalmistajille)/' boot/grub/grub.cfg
  12. sed -i 's/Check disc for defects/Tarkista asennusmedian eheys/'
  13. boot/grub/grub.cfg
  14. mkdir -p boot/grub/locale/
  15. mkdir -p boot/grub/fonts/
  16. cp -a /boot/grub/locale/fi.mo boot/grub/locale/
  17. cp -a /boot/grub/fonts/unicode.pf2 boot/grub/fonts/

Customization limits自定义限制

定制之后,请确保没有使用 UID 999的用户。 否则您的映像将无法启动,因为没有初始用户可用(参见 / usr / share / initramfs-tools / scripts / casper-bottom / 25adduser,-‘ db set passwd / user-uid 999')。 例如,在安装 virtualbox / guestadditions 之后,可能会发生这种情况

While in chroot:

在 chroot 中:

  1. awk -F: '$3 == 999' /etc/passwd

如果你得到任何结果,试着改变 uid:

  1. usermod -u 500 $hit

Miscellaneous Defaults杂项默认值

您可能希望在 / etc / default 中编辑文件,以便在启动时更改系统行为。 您还可以编辑 / etc / profile,/ etc / bash。 和 / etc / bash 完成,以更改系统上所有用户的登录设置。 您不能直接编辑 live cd 用户(例如,casper、 ubuntu 或用户)的默认值,因为该帐户是在启动时创建的。 您可以直接编辑 root 的默认文件(chroot 环境中的 / root)。

If you wish to change the default timezone used by the live cd, run:

如果您希望更改 live cd 使用的默认时区,请运行:

  1. dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

如果您已经添加了语言环境并希望将其设置为缺省值,请更新 / etc / default / locale。 你可能需要编译语言环境:

  1. locale-gen new_locale
  2. update-locale LANG=new_locale LANGUAGE=new_locale LC_ALL=new_locale

这些更改必须以根用户身份在 chroot 环境中进行。

Advanced Customizations高级定制

Live CD Kernel 内核

If you want to customize further the boot process, you can change the livecd kernel, by copying the vmlinuz and initrd you want in place of the ones you find in extract-cd/casper.

如果希望进一步定制引导过程,可以通过复制所需的 vmlinuz 和 initrd 来替代在 extract-cd / casper 中找到的内核,从而更改 livecd 内核。



  1. sudo cp edit/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-k7 extract-cd/casper/vmlinuz
  2. sudo cp edit/boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-k7 extract-cd/casper/initrd.gz

Note that the initial ramdisk filename for newer releases (since 9.10) is casper/initrd.lz (not .gz).

请注意,较新版本(自9.10以来)的初始 ramdisk 文件名是 casper / initrd。 没有。 Gz).

Removing the (Casper) Autologin 删除(Casper)自动登录

The autologin feature of the Jaunty/9.04 live CD is a bit of an on-the-fly boot-hack. After extracting the initrd.gz, you need to edit the casper-bottom/25configure_init script and then recreate the initrd.gz file, replacing the original in extract-cd/casper. The process to do so goes like this:

Jaunty / 9.04 live CD 的自动登录特性有点像动态启动黑客。 提取 initrd.gz 之后,需要编辑 casper-bottom / 25configure init 脚本,然后重新创建 initrd.gz 文件,替换 extract-cd / casper 中的原始文件。 这样做的过程如下:

  1. # cd extract-cd/casper
  2. # mkdir tempdir
  3. # cd tempdir
  4. # gunzip -dc ../initrd.gz | cpio -imvd --no-absolute-filenames
  5. # cp scripts/casper-bottom/25configure_init scripts/casper-bottom/25configure_init.orig
  6. # vi scripts/casper-bottom/25configure_init

现在查找第25行,该行有 If判断语句测试 $USERNAME。

Line 25 performs a conditional evaluation and if it evaluates to true, it will execute the code within the if block. The if block contains code to modify files used in the boot process to create the live cd autologin.

第25行执行条件计算,如果计算结果为 true,则执行 if 块中的代码。 If 块包含修改启动过程中用于创建 livecd 自动登录的文件的代码。

To disable the autologin feature, Remove USERNAME string to see if it's length is non-zero. By removing the variable, and leaving two double quotes, this statement evaluates to false because the two double quotes effectively make a zero-byte string. Be sure to leave no whitespace between the quotes because whitespace will make the evaluation true and execution wil fall into the if block.

要禁用自动登录功能,删除 USERNAME 字符串,看它的长度是否为非零。 通过删除变量并保留两个双引号,此语句计算为 false,因为这两个双引号实际上构成了一个零字节字符串。 确保引号之间没有空格,因为空格会使求值为真,执行将落入 if 块中。

  1. 21:log_begin_msg "$DESCRIPTION"
  2. 22:
  3. 23:# Arrange for shells on virtual consoles, rather than login prompts
  4. 24:
  5. 25:if [ -n "$USERNAME" ]; then


  1. 25:if [ -n "" ]; then

保存文件并退出编辑器。 然后,从 extract-cd / casper / tempdir 运行以下命令重新创建 initrd.gz 文件。 还有其他方法可以在这个页面上重新创建 initrd.gz 文件,这些方法也可以工作:

  1. # cp ../initrd.gz ../initrd.gz.orig
  2. # find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > ../initrd.gz

这将创建一个新的 initrd.gz 文件,不需要自动登录。 然后,您可以按照本页所述继续重新掌握 CD。 在重新掌握 cd 之前,请确保创建用于登录的用户和密码。 如果你没有,你将不能登录后启动!

Also, I have read a few articles mentioning that Karmic (9.10) uses initrd.lz instead of initrd.gz. I do not know if this is true, but should mention it in case you are not getting the expected results. To unpack the initrd.lz file, you need to do this:

此外,我还阅读了一些文章,其中提到 Karmic (9.10)使用 initrd.lz 而不是 initrd.gz。 我不知道这是不是真的,但是如果你没有得到预期的结果,应该提一下。 要解压 initrd.lz 文件,您需要这样做:

  1. # cd extract-cd/casper
  2. # mkdir lztempdir
  3. # cd lztempdir
  4. # lzma -dc -S .lz ../initrd.lz | cpio -imvd --no-absolute-filenames

并重新创建 initrd.lz 文件:

  1. # cp ../initrd.lz ../inird.lz.orig
  2. # find . | cpio --quiet --dereference -o -H newc | lzma -7 > ../initrd.lz

Boot init启动 init

您必须在 edit / usr / share / initramfs-tools / scripts / casper-bottom / * 中编辑文件。例如,您可以更改主机名或 livecd 用户。



  1. sudo nano edit/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper


  1. sudo nano edit/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser

编辑 livecd 用户的密码。

If you're customizing 10.04, you need to edit variables in /etc/casper.conf for the user and host names instead of modifying the scripts

如果要自定义10.04,需要在 / etc / casper 中编辑变量。 而不是修改脚本

P.S. in order to obtain an encrypted password, you have to use the mkpasswd program that's shipped with whois package!

附注: 为了获得加密的密码,你必须使用随 whois 包裹附送的 mkpasswd 程序!

Rebuilding initrd重建 initrd

在修改了内核、 init 脚本或添加了新的内核模块之后,需要重新构建 initrd.gz 文件并将其替换为 casper 目录。

  1. sudo chroot edit
  2. mkinitramfs -o /initrd.gz 2.6.15-26-k7

(replace the kernel version with the one that the CD will boot with - this can be found in edit/lib/modules) * do I need to mount proc, sys, devpts after chroot here ? Gordon

(用 CD 将引导的版本替换内核版本——这可以在 edit / lib / modules 中找到) * * * * 是否需要在这里挂载 chroot 之后的 proc、 sys、 devpts? 戈登

Exit from the chroot jail and move this file to extract-cd/casper:

从 chroot 监狱退出并移动这个文件到 extract-cd / casper:

  1. exit
  2. mv edit/initrd.gz extract-cd/casper/


请务必删除任何不再需要的临时文件,因为 CD 上的空间是有限的。 一个典型的例子是下载的包文件,可以通过以下方法清除:

  1. aptitude clean

Or delete temporary files


  1. rm -rf /tmp/* ~/.bash_history

NOTE: Deletion probably not needed and may cause network problems later on Or delete hosts file

注意: 删除可能不需要,可能会导致网络问题后来或删除主机文件

  1. rm /etc/hosts

WARNING: See note earlier about resolv.conf, do not remove it in 14.04 LTS anymore or even in 12.04 LTS. Or nameserver settings

警告: 请参阅前面关于 resolv.conf 的说明,不要在14.04 LTS 或甚至12.04 LTS 中删除它。 或命名服务器设置

  1. rm /etc/resolv.conf


  1. rm /var/lib/dbus/machine-id

  1. rm /sbin/initctl
  2. dpkg-divert --rename --remove /sbin/initctl

来自于 chroot 环境。

now umount (unmount) special filesystems and exit chroot

现在 umount (卸载)特殊文件系统和退出 chroot

  1. umount /proc || umount -lf /proc
  2. umount /sys
  3. umount /dev/pts
  4. exit
  5. sudo umount edit/dev

Producing the CD image 生成 CD Image

Assembling the file system 组装文件系统


  1. chmod +w extract-cd/casper/filesystem.manifest
  2. sudo su
  3. chroot edit dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package} ${Version}\n' > extract-cd/casper/filesystem.manifest
  4. exit
  5. sudo cp extract-cd/casper/filesystem.manifest extract-cd/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop
  6. sudo sed -i '/ubiquity/d' extract-cd/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop
  7. sudo sed -i '/casper/d' extract-cd/casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop


  1. sudo rm extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs
  2. sudo mksquashfs edit extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs -nolzma

For slightly higher compression at the cost of compression time, you can increase the block size:


  1. sudo mksquashfs edit extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs -b 1048576

对于以压缩时间为代价的尽可能高的压缩,您可以使用 xz 方法,最好完全排除 edit / boot 目录:

  1. sudo mksquashfs edit extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs -comp xz -e edit/boot

更新 filesystem.size 文件,这是安装程序所需要的:

  1. sudo su
  2. printf $(du -sx --block-size=1 edit | cut -f1) > extract-cd/casper/filesystem.size
  3. exit

在 extract-cd / readme. diskdefines 中设置图像名称

  1. sudo vim extract-cd/README.diskdefines

(you can use "sudo nano extract-cd/README.diskdefines" if you have difficulties understanding vim)

(你可以使用“ sudo nano extract-cd / readme。 如果你在理解 vim 方面有困难,可以使用 diskdefines

Remove old md5sum.txt and calculate new md5 sums

删除旧的 md5sum.txt 并计算新的 md5求和

  1. cd extract-cd
  2. sudo rm md5sum.txt
  3. find -type f -print0 | sudo xargs -0 md5sum | grep -v isolinux/boot.cat | sudo tee md5sum.txt

创建 ISO 镜像

  1. sudo mkisofs -D -r -V "$IMAGE_NAME" -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../ubuntu-9.04.1-desktop-i386-custom.iso .

Testing the CD 测试 CD

使用 qemu 模拟器进行测试

  1. qemu -cdrom ubuntu-9.04.1-desktop-i386-custom.iso -boot d -m 512

或者如果你有 kvm 的硬件加速

  1. kvm -cdrom ubuntu-9.04.1-desktop-i386-custom.iso -boot d -m 512

You can also test with virtualbox-ose, which is free software and available in the Ubuntu universe repository.

您还可以使用 virtualbox-ose 进行测试,该软件是免费软件,可以在 Ubuntu universe 存储库中使用。


Some experience problems virtualizing the iso after changing the livecd linux kernel. If you do, go click F6 when the boot screen is showing. Move the cursor between splash quiet and -- and write: all_generic_ide

在更改 livecd linux 内核后,遇到了 iso 虚拟化的一些问题。 如果你这么做了,在启动屏幕显示的时候点击 F6。 在 splash quiet 和---- and write: all generic ide 之间移动光标

Burning the image to CD将图像烧录到 CD 中

很简单! 就这么做

  1. cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386-custom.iso

Additional uses for the image 其他用途

Install Ubuntu from a USB stick

用 u 盘安装 Ubuntu

Installation From Image Loaded On Hard Drive




If you are answering a question, please rewrite the question into a tip that answers the question. (to help keep things to the point.)

如果你正在回答一个问题,请把这个问题改写成一个小窍门,回答这个问题。 (以帮助保持事情的要点。)

New questions at the bottom (I guess.)


I have created an small Customization Example (named Firebird Live CD) by adding an firebird2.1-superand flamerobin packages (this apply to ubuntu Hardy Heron also it was tested with xubuntu 8.04) http://flamerobin.blogspot.com/2008/08/creating-flamerobinfirebird-livecd-with.html

通过添加 firebird2.1-superand famerobin 软件包,我创建了一个小的定制示例(名为 Firebird Live CD)(这适用于 ubuntu Hardy Heron,也曾在 xubuntu 8.04 http://flamerobin.blogspot.com/2008/08/creating-flamerobinfirebird-livecd-with.html 中测试过)

Warning: qemu did not work for me as given in the guide above. Even the normal 8.04 live cd would not boot correctly. Every time, I would get thrown into the ash shell (busybox, initramfs) and while there, a "cat /casper.log" would reveal that it was "Unable to find a medium containing a live filesystem". Just use virtualbox-ose. It actually works with virtualbox. However, after using apt to install virtualbox-ose, I had to run "sudo depmod" again in order for the vboxdrv module to be found by modprobe. Hope that helps!

警告: qemu 不为我工作,如上面的指南所给出的。 即使是普通的8.04 live cd 也不能正确启动。 每次,我都会被扔进 ash shell (busybox,initramfs) ,在那里,一个“ cat / casper.log”会显示它“无法找到包含活动文件系统的媒介”。 只需使用 virtualbox-ose。 它实际上与 virtualbox 一起工作。 但是,在使用 apt to install virtualbox-ose 之后,我不得不再次运行“ sudo demod” ,以便 modprobe 能够找到 vboxdrv 模块。 希望能有所帮助!



Warning: Squashfs is currently in development and is thus not finalized as a format. This means you cannot assume a filesystem.squashfs created using the Ubuntu 9.04 version of makesquashfs will be compatible with the squashfs drive an older live CD. I was customizing an Ubuntu 7.10 LiveCD and when testing it always booted it an (initramfs) prompt--the squashfs was not getting mounted as /. I had to build from within an Ubuntu 7.10 chroot to get it to work.

警告: Squashfs 目前正在开发中,因此还没有最终确定为一种格式。 这意味着你不能假设使用 Ubuntu 9.04版本的 makesquashfs 创建的文件系统 squashfs 将与老版本的 live CD 的 squashfs 硬盘兼容。 我当时正在定制一个 Ubuntu 7.10 LiveCD,在测试时它总是会启动一个(initramfs)提示符—— squashfs 没有作为 / 挂载。 我必须使用 Ubuntu 7.10 chroot 才能让它正常工作。


-- 鲍勃 / 保罗

I have created an small Customization Example (named Firebird Live CD) by adding an firebird-super-server and flamerobin packages (this apply to ubuntu dapper drake) http://flamerobin.blogspot.com/2006/05/creating-flamerobinfirebird-live-cd.html I created an updated guide with Ubuntu Festy Fawn also with an iso download for the Firebird/Flamerobin live cd http://flamerobin.blogspot.com/2007/09/creating-flamerobinfirebird-livecd-with.html

我创建了一个小的定制示例(名为 Firebird Live CD) ,通过添加一个 Firebird-super-server 和 famerobin 包(这适用于 Ubuntu dapper drake) ,我用 Ubuntu Festy Fawn 创建了一个更新的指南,同时还有一个 Firebird / famerobin Live CD http://flamerobin.blogspot.com/2006/05/creating-flamerobinfirebird-Live-CD.html 的 iso 下载 http://flamerobin.blogspot.com/2007/09/creating-flamerobinfirebird-livecd-with.html

I have created tool for automatic remastering of live CD images. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/ .

我已经创建工具自动 remastering 的 live CD 图像。 参见 http://uck.sourceforge.net/



http://www.atworkonline.it/~bibe/ubuntu/custom-livecd.htm seems to have some nice info. no license that I can see so we would need to ask permission from the author to us its material.

Http://www.atworkonline.it/~bibe/ubuntu/custom-livecd.htm 似乎有一些不错的信息。 没有许可证,我可以看到,所以我们需要请求许可的作者给我们的材料。

If you want to make the CD boot faster, you might try sorting the files so that they are in the CD in the order that they are accessed: http://lichota.net/%7Ekrzysiek/projects/kubuntu/dapper-livecd-optimization/

如果你想让 CD 启动速度更快,你可以尝试对这些文件进行排序,这样它们就可以按照被访问的顺序存放在 CD 中: http://lichota.net/%7ekrzysiek/projects/kubuntu/dapper-livecd-optimizatio 文件

Great How To. I am having one issue however. I would like to use custom xorg.conf and sources.list files. Any tips on doing this? Thanks.

伟大的如何做。 然而,我有一个问题。 我想使用自定义 xorg.conf 和 sources.list 文件。 有什么建议吗? 谢谢。

I've managed to get Synaptic running from within the chroot environment, but it does hang when I try to apply packages. What you do is run "Xnest -ac :1" to get an Xnest server to run on display :1 without access control so anyone can connect to it. Then, in the chroot environment, run "export DISPLAY=:1" to get programs to use the display. Then, type "metacity &" to be able to move windows. Finally, run "synaptic".

我已经设法让 Synaptic 在 chroot 环境中运行,但是当我尝试应用软件包时,它确实会挂起。 你要做的就是运行“ Xnest-ac: 1”来让 Xnest 服务器在 display 上运行: 1而不需要访问控制,这样任何人都可以连接到它。 然后,在 chroot 环境中,运行“ export DISPLAY: 1”以获得使用显示的程序。 然后,键入“ metacity & ”以便能够移动窗口。 最后,运行“ synaptic”。

It works fine until you try to apply packages, where it hangs for me. --JeremyVisser

它工作良好,直到你尝试应用包,在那里挂为我。 文 / JeremyVisser

Shouldn't the mkinitramfs command use the casper scripts, like "mkinitramfs -o initrd.gz 2.6.15-23-386 -d /usr/share/initramfs-tools"?

Mkinitramfs 命令是否应该使用 casper 脚本,如“ mkinitramfs-o initrd.gz 2.6.15-23-386-d / usr / share / initramfs-tools” ?

There are tricks on how you can get to feel the GNOME system in your chroot environment.

有一些技巧可以帮助你在 chroot 环境中感受 GNOME 系统。

\1. Copy your xorg.conf in the chrooted "etc/X11/" directory.

\1. 将 xorg.conf 复制到编号为“ etc / x11 / ”的目录中。

  1. cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf edit/etc/X11/

\2. 使用 MAKEDEV 在 chroot 系统上创建通用设备

  1. cd /dev/
  2. MAKEDEV generic

\3. 启动 x 或者重启 gdm

  1. /etc/init.d/gdm start

假设您想在桌面上进行修改,这将由所有新用户使用,只需将您的 $HOME 更改为 / etc / skel / 并启动 gdm 或 x。

  1. export HOME=/etc/skel/

如果您想加载所有 GNOME 需要的其他东西(即,dbus,avahi,network-manager) ,只需启动(单用户模式) ,并在您的 chrotted 环境中启动 dbus。

  1. /etc/init.d/dbus start


  1. sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
  2. sudo nano /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf # See notes about resolv.conf earlier this page. Add temporarily eg. nameserver, but do not touch /etc/resolv.conf in any way
  3. sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf edit/etc/X11/
  4. sudo chroot edit
  5. mount -o none /proc
  6. mount -o none /sys
  7. export HOME=/etc/skel/
  8. cd /dev/
  9. MAKEDEV generic
  10. /etc/init.d/dbus start
  11. /etc/init.d/gdm start

--- joelbryan

-- joelbryan



I am about to build a new Livecd and have a question: When I change the username, hostname and the user's password the user login automatically during booting the livesystem. But this is not desired. Is it correct, that I have to enter a password under a Desktop LiveCD when I delet the encrypted password in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser ?

我即将构建一个新的 Livecd,并且有一个问题: 当我更改用户名、主机名和用户密码时,在引导系统期间用户自动登录。 但这并不是人们所希望看到的。 在 / usr / share / initramfs-tools / scripts / casper-bottom / 10adduser 中删除加密密码时,我必须在 Desktop LiveCD 下输入密码,这是否正确?



Changing username and password will not change login behaviour, because this is done in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/15autologin

更改用户名和密码不会改变登录行为,因为这是在 / usr / share / initramfs-tools / scripts / casper-bottom / 15 autologin 中完成的

--- [Alexander Hosfeld](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Alexander Hosfeld)

文 / Alexander hofeld

Having trouble starting a MySQL server from within the chroot jail. Any suggestions?

在 chroot 监狱中启动 MySQL 服务器有困难,有什么建议吗?

- Dave



I am trying to make a customized live cd of Kubuntu 6.06 that will be completly preconfigured, so that when the user clicks on the install icon on KDE the installer should do everything by itself, meaning that the installer should not ask any questions to the user.

我正在尝试制作一个定制的 Kubuntu 6.06 live cd,将完全预先配置,这样当用户点击 KDE 上的安装图标时,安装程序应该自己做所有的事情,这意味着安装程序不应该向用户提出任何问题。

To do this I am trying to write a preseed file to tell the installer the information that it needs.


The problem is that even with this preseed file I could only tell the installer what is the username that it should use, the rest of the information is simply ignored by the installer.


I must be doing something wrong and would appreciate any and all help given me.


Thanks, Komyg


PS: Should I post my preseed file here?

附注: 我应该把我的预先准备好的文件放在这里吗?

If the livecd is not going to be used for the purposes of installing what files can be removed? Can the "pool" files containing the .debs be removed too?

如果 livecd 不用于安装目的,那么可以删除哪些文件? ”池”文件能否包含。 黛儿也要去掉吗?

- Mike


If I want to put in my LiveCD applications that aren't in the sources.list (like ooffice 2.2 or perl audio converter), what cain I do?

如果我想放入不在 sources.list 中的 LiveCD 应用程序(比如 ooffice2.2或 perl 音频转换器) ,我该怎么做?

- Isoldanne

- 伊索尔丹尼

When you're in the chroot you can install applications just like you would on a live system. If you install from source you can feel free to delete the source tarbal and make folders after you do 'make install'.

当你在 chroot 你可以安装应用程序就像你会在一个活的系统。 如果你从源代码安装,你可以随意删除源代码 tarbal 和使文件夹后,你做'使安装'。

- Bob/Paul

鲍勃 / 保罗

To get desired /etc/X11/xorg.conf one can modify the /usr/bin/dexconf. This script generates xorg.conf automatically in liveCD session according to the booted machine.

要获得所需的 / etc / x11 / xorg。 Conf one 可以修改 / usr / bin / dexconf。 这个脚本根据引导的机器在 liveCD 会话中自动生成 xorg.conf。

For example:


  1. # diff ~/bin/dexconf /usr/bin/dexconf
  2. 268,269c268
  3. < Option "XkbLayout" "us,il"
  4. < Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"
  5. ---
  6. > Option "XkbLayout" "$XKB_LAYOUT"

I cant do chroot. When i run it a get this error

我不能做 chroot。当我运行它得到这个错误

chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory

Chroot: can not run command‘ / bin / bash': No such file or directory

Please help me out


Hi, I've created a simple script to ease remastering the Kubuntu Live CD. It uses aufs to avoid copying all the files back and forth.

嗨,我创建了一个简单的脚本来简化 Kubuntu Live CD 的重刻录。 它使用 aufs 来避免来回复制所有文件。

Maybe it will be usefull to others too. The script must be run as root.

也许这对其他人来说也是有用的,脚本必须以 root 身份运行。

  1. CD="${1:-kubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso}" ; shift
  2. # exit after any error:
  3. set -e
  4. which mkisofs mksquashfs tempfile sed
  5. WDIR=`mktemp -d $PWD/kubuntu-remastered.XXXXXXXXXX`
  6. ISO="$WDIR/${CD##*/}"
  7. ISO="${ISO%.iso}-remastered-KDM.iso"
  8. EXIT=""
  9. function addExit {
  10. EXIT="$@ ; $EXIT"
  12. }
  13. function mnt {
  14. local margs="$1" ; shift
  15. local mp="$WDIR/$1"
  16. for D in "$@" ; do
  17. mkdir -v -p "$WDIR/$D"
  18. done
  19. mount -v $margs "$mp"
  20. addExit "umount -v $mp"
  21. }
  22. # mount the CD image
  23. mnt "-t auto $CD -o loop,ro" cd
  24. # mount compressed filesystem
  25. mnt "-t squashfs $WDIR/cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs -o ro,loop" sq
  26. # create joined writable filesystem for the new CD
  27. mnt "-t aufs -o br:$WDIR/cd-w=rw:$WDIR/cd=ro none" cd-u cd-w
  28. # create joined writable filesystem for the new compressed squashfs filesystem
  29. mnt "-t aufs -o br:$WDIR/sq-w=rw:$WDIR/sq=ro none" sq-u sq-w
  30. echo ">>> Updating CD content"
  31. (
  32. cd sq-u
  34. # ...
  35. # ...
  36. )
  37. echo ">>> Compressing filesystem"
  38. mksquashfs $WDIR/sq-u/ $WDIR/cd-u/casper/filesystem.squashfs -noappend
  39. echo ">>> Recomputing MD5 sums"
  40. ( cd $WDIR/cd-u && find . -type f -not -name md5sum.txt -not -path '*/isolinux/*' -print0 | xargs -0 -- md5sum > md5sum.txt )
  41. echo ">>> Creating ISO image $ISO"
  42. mkisofs \
  43. -V "Custom KUbuntu Live CD" \
  44. -r -cache-inodes -J -l \
  45. -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
  46. -c isolinux/boot.cat \
  47. -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
  48. -o "$ISO" \
  49. $WDIR/cd-u
  50. # The trap ... callbacks will unmount everything.

--- Petr Pudlak

文 / Petr Pudlak

I need to know how to configure the live cd so that it does not use SWAP!

我需要知道如何配置 live cd,使它不使用 SWAP!

Please help me!


-- iceman

-- 冰人

Hi, I've been experiencing problems with aptitude and I'm pretty sure its because I'm doing all this stuff on NTFS partition (according to this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=521905). But I have no other choice,coz' I've got less then 1,7GB on my ext3 partition. Any suggestion ? THX

嗨,我一直遇到问题与资质,我敢肯定这是因为我正在做的所有这些东西在 NTFS 分区(根据这个线程 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=521905)。 但是我别无选择,因为我的 ext3分区只有不到1,7gb 的空间。 有什么建议吗? 四氢呋喃

Error messages I've been getting, when trying to install or update aptitude:

试图安装或更新 aptitude 时收到的错误消息:

"E: Couldn't make mmap of 25165824 bytes - mmap (19 No such device) W: Unable to munmap E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened."

E: 无法生成25165824字节的 mmap (19 No such device) w: 无法生成 e: 包列表或状态文件无法解析或打开

-heethen (heethen at centrum dot cz)

- heethen (heethen at centrum dot cz)

I would suggest creating an ext3 filesystem within your NTFS partition. To create the file, type

我建议在 NTFS 分区内创建一个 ext3文件系统。 要创建文件,输入

dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/hda1/workspace.img bs=1024 count=$((1024*1024*15))

Dd if / dev / zero of / mnt / hda1 / workspace. Img bs 1024 count $(1024 * 1024 * 15)

Where I assumed your NTFS partition was on hda1, and you wanted to call the new filesystem workspace.img (it's really just a file within NTFS), and that you wanted 15Gb of room to work. (You don't need that much, but with 15Gb you should have plenty of room.) Then you format the new filesystem with the command

我假设您的 NTFS 分区在 hda1上,您希望调用新的文件系统 workspace.img (它实际上只是 NTFS 中的一个文件) ,并希望有15Gb 的空间可以工作。 (你不需要那么多,但是有了15Gb 的空间,你应该有足够的空间。) 然后使用命令格式化新的文件系统

sudo /sbin/mkfs.ext3 /mnt/hda1/workspace.img

Sudo / sbin / mkfs. Ext3 / mnt / hda1 / workspace. Img

then create a mountpoint


sudo mkdir /mnt/workspace

Sudo mkdir / mnt / workspace

then mount the new filesystem


sudo mount -o loop /mnt/hda1/workspace.img /mnt/workspace

Sudo mount-o loop / mnt / hda1 / workspace. Img / mnt / workspace

You can then use as much space on the NTFS partition as you want, and have all the benefits of ext3 (like getting the * thing to work). --Tom

然后,您可以在 NTFS 分区上使用尽可能多的空间,并且具有 ext3的所有好处(比如让 * * * 工作)。 -- 汤姆

Editing gconf by setting each value separately takes too much time. There is a better way:

通过分别设置每个值来编辑 gconf 花费了太多时间,有一个更好的方法:

Make a test user and adjust the settings as you wish. Run


  1. gconftool-2 --dump /the/settings/branch/you/need > ~/live/your-new-settings.xml
  2. sudo chown root:root ~/live/your-new-settings.xml
  3. sudo mv ~/live/your-new-settings.xml ~/live/edit/your-new-settings.xml

然后,在 chroot 环境中,运行

  1. gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --load /your-new-settings.xml
  2. rm /your-new-settings.xml

这样你就可以导入整个分支,例如 / apps / panel-Gnome 面板的所有设置。

---Jacob Popov ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso

—— Jacob Popov ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386。 同“ iso”

Is there no way to copy the user's gconf-values to the default gconf-values in the chrooted environment? This would be a lot easier than writing commands.

是否没有办法将用户的 gconf-value 复制到 chrotted 环境中缺省的 gconf-value? 这比编写命令要容易得多。

It took me a long time to find the details for configuring a static IP on the live CD without doing it in the root file system. This enables you to create a few boot options with different static details and a DHCP on but all from the same rootfs.

我花了很长时间才找到在 live CD 上配置静态 IP 的详细信息,而不是在根文件系统中进行配置。 这使您可以创建一些具有不同静态细节的引导选项和一个 DHCP,但所有这些都来自同一个 rootfs。

There is a casper parameter which is in the form:





-- 银色的


I think I have discovered how to do this:


1) Edit accordingly /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/23networking

1)相应地编辑 / usr / share / initramfs-tools / scripts / casper-bottom / 23 networking

2) Run update-initramfs -u -k $version

2)运行 update-initramfs-u-k $version

- Robert


In order to get the livecd to boot from a static address found in the /etc/network/interfaces file.

为了让 livecd 从 / etc / network / interfaces 文件中的静态地址引导。

I edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and add a static address for the interface eth0.

我编辑 / etc / network / interfaces 文件,并为接口 eth0添加一个静态地址。

  1. auto eth0
  2. iface eth0 inet static
  3. address 10.xxx.xxx.xxx
  4. netmask
  5. gateway 10.xxx.xxx.1

编辑 somepath / isolinux / text。 在 splash 之后添加 ip fromedia

  1. label live
  2. menu label ^Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer
  3. kernel /casper/vmlinuz
  4. append file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quiet splash ip=frommedia --

这是一个有点难以找到。感谢罗伯特尼古拉斯 a。图比匹兹堡美国

I've tried installing adobe flash player but while it installs fine on chroot, and then shows as installed when booting from CD. Firefox thinks it is not installed and I need to install it manually. Anybody come upon a similar problem

我已经尝试安装 adobe flash 播放器,但当它安装在 chroot 上,然后显示安装时,从 CD 启动。 火狐认为它没有安装,我需要手动安装。 任何人都会遇到类似的问题

I tried to customize Ubuntu Hardy by installing the RT kernel and did the changes as written in the howto... it goes well, but booting in vbox is really slow. What could be the cause? I tried is once again and also in another vbox installation, but still that problem. Would be nice if someone can point me to an solution! thanks in advance see also thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7334890#post7334890 edit: I think it has something to do with the fact that it is an RT kernel (from Hardy) ... Someone with experience with adding custom RT kernels?

我试图通过安装 RT 内核来定制 Ubuntu Hardy,并且按照 howto 中写的那样进行了改动... ... 它进行得很顺利,但是在 vbox 中引导真的很慢。 原因是什么? 我试了一次又一次,也在另一个 vbox 安装,但还是那个问题。 如果有人能给我指出一个解决方案就好了! 我认为这与它是一个 RT 内核(来自 Hardy)的事实有关... ... 有人有添加定制 RT 内核的经验吗?

I wrote a script to automate the extraction / chroot / regeneration processes: http://david.decotigny.fr/wiki/wakka.php?wiki=RemasterUbuntu . It has been tested on a jaunty x86_64 host for a jaunty i386 CD image.

我写了一个脚本来自动化提取 / 改色 / 再生过程: http://david.decotigny.fr/wiki/wakka.php?wiki=remasterubuntu。 它已经在一台活泼的 x8664主机上进行了测试,以获得活泼的 i386 CD 图像。

-- DavidDecotigny

文 / DavidDecotigny

To put the default user in the "video" group,

要将默认用户放在“ video”组中,

  1. printf "\nADD_EXTRA_GROUPS=1\nEXTRA_GROUPS="video"\n" >> /etc/adduser.conf


In order to edit a Karmic LiveCD in any release prior to Karmic, it looks like you will need to upgrade squashfs-tools to support SquashFS v4.0:

为了在 Karmic 之前的任何版本中编辑 Karmic LiveCD,看起来你需要升级 SquashFS-tools 来支持 SquashFS v4.0:

  1. root@maxwell:/home/Z_Custom# unsquashfs mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs
  2. Filesystem on mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs is (4:0), which is a later filesystem version than I support!

我在我的 Intrepid 安装中安装了 Karmic 发行版的 squashfs-tools 4.0-1,现在看起来一切正常。 也许我们应该更新这些方向来反映这一点?



--John D. Zollo

文 / John d. Zollo

Hi.. How can I add an a Post Installation script? I mean, I want to execute a script just after the installation process. THis script is simple and set a few things to customize the installation.

嗨。 . 如何添加安装后脚本? 我的意思是,我想在安装过程之后执行一个脚本。 这个脚本很简单,只需要设置一些东西就可以定制安装。

Any ideas?


Best Regards


-- Alejandro

文 / Alejandro

Hallo, I'm trying to remaster ubuntu 9.10 livecd. I'm following instruction from this page. When I'm trying to boot from customized system it's seems I can't login to the system, so I can't got the system running.

你好,我正在尝试重新掌握 ubuntu 9.10 livecd。 我是按照这一页的指示来做的。 当我试图从定制的系统引导时,似乎我不能登录系统,所以我不能让系统运行。

I am following instruction from limitation part about user id. And make sure there are none of users has uid more then 999. But, after making the squashfs file system I got a message that told me about a user with uid 1000. Actually my host system has a user with uid 1000. I'm using this user to remaster ubuntu livecd.

我遵循指示从限制部分关于用户标识。 并确保没有任何用户的 uid 超过999。 但是,在制作了 squashfs 文件系统之后,我得到了一条消息,告诉我有一个用 uid 1000的用户。 实际上我的主机系统有一个 uid 1000的用户。 我正在使用这个用户重新掌握 ubuntu livecd。

Does my uid (1000) that I used for remastering the livecd make the new live cd can't login? If it does, how to fix it? Am I must use another user with uid less then 999 to remaster the livecd?

我用来重新控制 livecd 的 uid (1000)是否使新的 live cd 无法登录? 如果出现问题,如何解决? 我是否必须使用另一个 uid 小于999的用户来重新掌握 livecd?

Best Regards




Hello, what is the best way to remaster the Karmic release LiveCD (in VirtualBox) to include all the latest updates (more than 150) including new kernel and udev? The kernel changed from 2.6.31-14 to 2.6.31-16 and also udev.

您好,重新掌握 Karmic 发行版 LiveCD (在 VirtualBox 中)以包含所有最新更新(超过150个)(包括新内核和 udev)的最佳方法是什么? 内核从2.6.31-14更改为2.6.31-16,还有 udev。

apt autoremove removes the old headers, but I have to purge the old kernel manually (apt purge linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic).

Apt autoremove 会删除旧的头文件,但是我必须手动清除旧的内核(apt purge linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic)。

The first problem is, update-initramfs -u -k all still runs for the old kernel, too. Only aptitude reinstall udev seems to stop this (depmod -a && dpkg --configure -a && dpkg-reconfigure udev does not help).

第一个问题是,update-initramfs-u-k 仍然为旧内核运行。 似乎只有 aptitude 重新安装 udev 才能阻止这种情况(demod-a & & dpkg -- configure-a & dpkg-reconfigureudev 不起作用)。

The second problem is, how do I prepare initrd and isolinux to run and install from a subdirectory (to create a multi-boot DVD)? The base of the DVD is Ubuntu, so / contains ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso, /kubuntu contains kubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso and so on. Most things run fine when I introduce the prefix to scripts/casper and /isolinux/text.cfg:

第二个问题是,如何准备 initrd 和 isolinux 从子目录运行和安装(创建多引导 DVD) ? Dvd 的基础是 Ubuntu,因此 / 包含 Ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386。 同样,kubuntu 包含 kubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386。 Iso 等等。 当我向 scripts / casper 和 / isolinux / text 引入前缀时,大多数情况都运行良好。 Cfg

  1. LIVE_MEDIA_PATH=casper
  2. $path/.disk/casper-uuid
  3. append file=/cdrom/preseed/kubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash --



  1. LIVE_MEDIA_PATH=kubuntu/casper
  2. $path/kubuntu/.disk/casper-uuid
  3. append file=/cdrom/kubuntu/preseed/kubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/kubuntu/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash --

但是前缀发行版只显示桌面上有一个安装 Ubuntu 9.10的链接,而不是 Kubuntu (Xubuntu,LUbuntu,...)。

Thanks, René Leonhardt

谢谢,伦 · 莱昂哈特



I was hoping to be able to remaster the Ubuntu Live disc so that I can stick it into almost any computer, have it boot up but NOT go into the GUI, just auto login and run a media player with arguements (like a stream address). Was hoping to be able to make my own easy internet radio appliance. Give old pentium computers with soundcards to businesses and they can play my station on their PA for free!

我希望能够重新掌握 Ubuntu Live 光盘,这样我就可以把它插入几乎任何一台电脑,让它启动但不进入 GUI,只需自动登录并运行一个带有争论的媒体播放器(比如一个流地址)。 我希望能够制造自己的轻松网络收音机设备。 把带声卡的旧奔腾电脑送给企业,他们就可以免费在他们的扩音器上播放我的音乐了!

-- Matt

文 / Matt

I updated the Karmic Live CD with the latest updates inside chroot using aptitude with update, dist-upgrade, purge linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic, install zsh zsh-doc, install ubuntu-restricted-extras, and enabled DVD playback.

我用 aptitude with update,dist-upgrade,purge linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic,install zsh zsh-doc,install ubuntu-restricted-extras,and enabled DVD playback 更新了 Karmic Live CD 中的最新更新。

The resulting iso file turned out larger than a CD, and I put it on a USB Disk. The system boots fine, has the latest updates and can play restricted formats 'out of the box'. When I travel, I can just carry a USB Disk instead of a computer!

结果得到的 iso 文件比 CD 还大,我把它放在一个 USB 磁盘上。 该系统启动良好,有最新的更新,可以播放限制格式“开箱即用”。 当我旅行的时候,我可以只带一个 u 盘而不是一台电脑!

All releases including Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala now have newer kernels available via updates. The kernel in the live CD *MUST* match the ones inside squashfs. If it does not, you get strange problems (like the wireless interface not being detected or CDs not being recognized)

包括 Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala 在内的所有版本现在都通过更新提供了更新的内核。 Live CD 中的内核必须与 squashfs 中的内核匹配。 如果没有,就会出现奇怪的问题(比如无法检测到无线接口或无法识别 cd)

i.e. for Karmic


  1. sudo cp edit/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-16-generic extract-cd/casper/vmlinuz
  2. sudo cp edit/boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-16-generic extract-cd/casper/initrd.gz

因为 Karmic 使用 initrd.lz,我不得不解压缩。 把 gz 文件放回去。 Lz 格式。

  1. cd extract-cd/casper
  2. sudo mv initrd.lz inird.lz.orig
  3. gzip -dc initrd.gz | sudo lzma -7 > initrd.lz
  4. cd ~/live

为了节省空间,可以在更改目录之前删除原始 initrd 文件

  1. sudo rm -f inird.lz.orig initrd.gz

最佳,Pradeep Sekar

I have a few questions, I am remastering a copy of 9.04 for a community school program i ran into a few problems


#1 how do you remove the option to update to 9.10 in the update manager #2 how do you get the CD to be recongnized in ubiquity installer as the named distro instead of ubuntu 9.04 (when i go to reinstall the softare still says it is a ubuntu 9.04 cd) #3how do you install a new kernel into the live cd and install part, i was able to upgrade it to 28.18 but when i try putting 31 on it ...it just wont boot.

# 1如何在升级管理器中删除升级到9.10的选项 # 2如何让 CD 在无处不在的安装程序中被重新配置为 ubuntu 9.04版本而不是 ubuntu 9.04版本(当我重新安装软件的时候,它仍然说它是一张 ubuntu 9.04版本的 CD) # 3如何在 live CD 中安装一个新的内核并安装部分,我可以升级到28.18版本,但是当我尝试安装31版本的时候,它就不能启动了。

#4 i have a repos server, i edit the sources.list but ubuntu repos are still the primary, how do i change that over?

# 4我有一个回购服务器,我编辑源代码列表,但 ubuntu 回购仍然是主要的,我怎么改变它呢?

#5 finally, i took out gnome games, and i want to add a list of eduacational games, but i want that as a optional install. (some computers won have game son there) is there a way to add the /.Games folder without actaully having data in it? i tried doing this in the chroot adn root menu and it still does not show up on install...

# 5最后,我拿出了 gnome 游戏,我想添加一个教育游戏列表,但我希望这是一个可选安装。 (有些电脑赢得了游戏的儿子在那里)有没有一种方法来添加 / 。 游戏文件夹中没有数据? 我尝试在 chroot 和 root 菜单中这样做,但是它仍然没有出现在安装..。

Thank you




Can anyone tell me how I can take out the option of installing the Live CD at boot. I just want them to be able to use it, not install.

有人能告诉我怎样才能去掉在启动时安装 Live CD 的选项吗。 我只是希望他们能够使用它,而不是安装。




文 / Steve

You can edit the boot options in extract-cd/isolinux/text.cfg Delete all lines and sub-lines of a label you don't like: For example you can delete:

您可以在 extract-cd / isolinux / text 中编辑引导选项。 Cfg 删除不喜欢的标签的所有行和子行: 例如,可以删除:

  1. label live-install
  2. menu label ^Install Ubuntu
  3. kernel /casper/vmlinuz
  4. append file=/cdro...

-- jancelis

To remove the autologin, you make us work in the extract-cd directory. Does this mean that this process has to be the last one ? Do we have to do it after all the modifications on the edit directory ? Do we have to first create the new user in the chroot ? thx --lsga

要删除自动登录,您需要我们在 extract-cd 目录中工作。 这是否意味着这个过程必须是最后一个? 在对编辑目录进行所有修改之后,是否必须执行此操作? 我们必须首先在 chroot 中创建新用户吗? 谢谢,伊斯加

I'm having trouble properly adding a repository. How do you add one to a live cd? --Muscovy

我无法正确地添加存储库。 如何将其添加到 live cd 中? 文 / Muscovy

Hi, I'm working on a unnattended install CD using Ubuntu Lucid 10.04, and I found that if you erase /sbin/initctl the automatic install doesn't run. Also the instruction to generate the initctl using dpkg-divert is not working. So be careful...

大家好,我正在使用 Ubuntu Lucid 10.04制作一张无人参与的安装 CD,我发现如果你删除 / sbin / initctl,自动安装将无法运行。 此外,使用 dpkg 生成 initctl 的指令也不起作用。 所以要小心..。



I customize the live cd and install apache2 , webmin ,,, but how to make it start after the automatic-login ?

我定制了 live cd 并安装了 apache2,webmin,,,,但是如何在自动登录之后启动它呢?



I use a version of Ubuntu that does not automatically Start the graphical system (startx command) How can I add that to be run at boot?

我使用的 Ubuntu 版本不能自动启动图形系统(startx 命令)我如何添加这个命令以便在启动时运行?



I am currently working on a minor update given 10.10 is out. Unfortunately, I got held up and now time has run out. Mainly I wanted to make the scripts more copy/paste friendly. So I added a few env-variables and use those throughout the script. I've done the replacements already, but I didn't get aroud to do some testing.

我目前正在工作的一个小更新给予10.10是出来的。 不幸的是,我被耽搁了,现在时间不多了。 我主要是想让脚本更容易复制 / 粘贴。 所以我添加了一些 env 变量,并在整个脚本中使用它们。 我已经做了4个替身计画了,但是我没有时间做一些测试。

In the meantime, I'll dump my current version into the above link to save my work.



挖出... 的尸体

aptitude can't purge packages.


The program 'aptitude' can be found in the following packages:

可在以下软件包中找到“ aptitude”程序:

Try: apt install

尝试: apt install selected package

Unable to find a medium containing a live file system (SOLUTION)


When creating a live-usb with Unetbootin from Windows (Vista/7) you sometimes get this error. A friend of mine suggested another solution than all of the above. Create the USB stick with Unetbootin from a Linux (Ubuntu) box and NOT a windows system. Apparently something is different between the two because now my system just boots flawlessly!

当创建一个 live-usb 与 Unetbootin 从 Windows (vista / 7)你有时会得到这个错误。 我的一个朋友提出了另一个解决方案。 使用 Unetbootin 从 Linux (Ubuntu)机器而不是 windows 系统创建 u 盘。 显然,两者之间有些不同,因为现在我的系统正在完美地启动!


Regarding the "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"--

关于”无法找到包含活动文件系统的媒体” --

I had this same problem when trying to install Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10, and 10.10 netbook edition on a netbook using a USB stick. I tried creating all three using 10.10's boot disk creator, 11.04's boot disk creator, Unetbootin on 11.04, and Unetbootin on Windows 7. In all cases, I was able to make it to the usb boot menu and would select 'Install'. The Ubuntu logo would show that it was processing for a while and then fail with the above message in a terminal.

当我试图用 u 盘在上网本上安装 Ubuntu 10.04、10.10和10.10上网本版本时也遇到了同样的问题。 我尝试使用10.10的启动磁盘创建器、11.04的启动磁盘创建器、11.04的 Unetbootin 和 Windows 7上的 Unetbootin 来创建这三个版本。 在所有情况下,我都能够进入 usb 启动菜单,并选择“安装”。 的 logo 会显示它正在处理一段时间,然后在终端处理上面的消息时失败。

In the end, it wasn't a problem with the iso or the created USB stick. The USB drive just wasn't mounted (or would become unmounted after I tell it to go through the 'Install' procedure. Since I couldn't figure out how to boot the usb from the provided terminal, I just tried removing and reinserting the USB drive once I saw the Ubuntu logo and the progress blips.

最后,这不是 iso 或者创建的 u 盘的问题。 Usb 驱动器只是没有被安装(或者在我告诉它通过“安装”过程后就会被卸载。 由于我不知道如何从提供的终端启动 USB,我只是尝试删除和重新插入 USB 驱动器,一旦我看到 Ubuntu 的标志和进度 blips。

I was able to get past this problem twice, so far, with this solution.



For all of you semi new maybe not quite as knowledgeable Ubuntu users, as myself, the live CD environment does not utilize all of the typical repositories that it would as if you installed it. You might need to add the particular repository of interest to install a program for your live CD.

对于你们这些半新的或许不像我这样了解 Ubuntu 的用户来说,live CD 环境并没有像你安装它那样利用所有典型的软件仓库。 您可能需要添加感兴趣的特定存储库来为您的 livecd 安装程序。

For instance, I wanted to create a live CD with dcfldd on it. I had to edit etc/apt/sources.list within the chrooted environment to add the universe repository. I uncommented the following to lines in etc/apt/sources.list to install dcfldd:

例如,我想创建一个带有 dcfldd 的 live CD。 我必须编辑 etc / apt / sources。 列表中添加 universe 存储库。 我对 etc / apt / sources 中的行取消了下面的注释。 列表来安装 dcfldd:

  1. deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty universe
  2. deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty universe

Then just updated apt and installed as normal:

然后像平常一样更新 apt 并安装:

  1. apt update
  2. apt install dcfldd

如果大家都知道这件事,我很抱歉。 我只是觉得它可能对像我这样的用户有帮助。



Hi Smile :) I'm sure people appreciate comments such as your MrGrant. Otherwise people might feel they are the only ones suffering from something or maybe feel they are to blame.

你好,我相信人们会感谢你的评论,比如你的 MrGrant。 否则,人们可能会觉得自己是唯一遭受痛苦的人,或者觉得自己应该受到谴责。

On a normal LiveCd there is an "installer" icon. DOes anyone know how i can get that icon onto a normal Ubuntu desktop? I have done a full install to a large usb-stick and installed things like "GPartEd" but i definitely miss havign that installer icon & functionality. Regards from Tom Smile :)

在一个普通的 LiveCd 上有一个“ installer”图标。 有人知道我怎样才能把这个图标放到一个正常的 Ubuntu 桌面上吗? 我已经做了一个完整的安装到一个大的 u 盘和安装的东西,如“ GPartEd” ,但我绝对怀念哈维恩的安装图标和功能。 汤姆的问候

I am looking to update or see an update to this guide that addresses a custom launcher on unity. So the idea is once the desktop and unity have resolved to the scree, I can click on a custom launcher with out looking in dash to find it. This message should be replaced with this information, in case someone else beats me to the punch.

我期待更新或看到更新这个指南,地址上的统一自定义启动器。 因此,这个想法是一旦桌面和统一解决了卵石,我可以点击一个自定义的启动器与外观在破折号找到它。 这个信息应该用这个信息代替,以防其他人抢先一步。



I am a total beginner. How do I take my current computer configuration and turn it into a install CD? Thanks!

我完全是个初学者。 如何将我现在的计算机配置文件转换成一张安装 CD? 谢谢!

Nick Smile :) (Sorry if my question sounds dumb)


Hi Nick :)
This link might help

嗨,尼克: 这个链接可能会有帮助

but i would avoid it. It's not dumb, just tricky.

- 但我会避免-这不傻只是有点棘手。

Instead you can back-up all your settings, config files/folders and data by backing up the /home folder. You can move your /home to a new partition to separate your data (including configs and stuff) from the Operating System. That allows you to re-install the OS without messing anything up

相反,您可以通过备份 / home 文件夹来备份所有设置、配置文件 / 文件夹和数据。 您可以将您的 / home 移动到一个新的分区,以便将数据(包括配置和内容)从操作系统中分离出来。 这样你就可以重新安装操作系统而不会搞砸任何事情

It's even possible to have 2 different Operating Systems sharing the same /home although it's not recommended.

甚至有可能有两个不同的操作系统共享同一个 / 主页,尽管不推荐这样做。

Better places to ask questions are


and Launchpad
Regards from
Tom Smile :)


I think this entry could be improved by adding some explanation of what we are trying to accomplish with these commands. Pretty much any time it says "you need to use" or "remember to" it would be great to know why. Just my two cents.

我认为这个条目可以通过添加一些解释来改进,说明我们试图用这些命令来完成什么。 几乎任何时候,它说“你需要使用”或“记住” ,这将是伟大的知道为什么。 只是我个人的意见。



"Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" when have customized LiveCD image.

当定制了 LiveCD 映像时,“无法找到包含活动文件系统的媒体”。

I conveniently missed this step from the main document "Recognition as an Ubuntu Remix": https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch#Recognition_as_an_Ubuntu_Remix

我很方便地漏掉了主文档“识别为 Ubuntu 混合 https://help.Ubuntu.com/community/livecdcustomizationfromscratch#recognition_as_an_ubuntu_remix”中的这一步

As scripts/casper-bottom/41apt_cdrom script from initram image looks for ".disk/info" to recognize the Ubuntu image. If this file does not exist or is zero size on the DVD image, initramfs tools will not mount the CDROM/USB.

正如 script / casper-bottom / 41apt cdrom script from initram image 查找的那样”。 “ disk / info”来识别 Ubuntu 映像。 如果该文件不存在或者 DVD 映像上的大小为零,initramfs 工具将不会挂载 cdrom / usb。

if [ ! -s /root/cdrom/.disk/info ]; then

如果! - s / root / cdrom / . 然后



