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Food for Hope: A Global Vision for an attainable, sustainable future.
今年10月,相距只有一小段距离的,志同道合的,致力于寻找全球粮食危机可持续解决方案的个人和团体在欧洲的两个相关地点开会。意大利本月再次举行了Terra Terra Madre年度聚会,开幕仪式的开幕词来自威尔士亲王和联合国秘书长潘基文将军。慢食和Terra Madre基金会是第三届世界食物社区会议(terramadre.org; slowfood.com)的组织者。一位与会者称,土耳其是另一个对地球的未来,自然和智能食品生产深思熟虑的人们聚会的场所,与“贪婪和无知”所激发的破坏性做法相反。后者以“ Ringing Cedars Readers'
虽然Terra Madre的聚会受到联合国秘书长潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)的启发(他的信息是“为世界粮食危机找到长期解决方案是联合国的优先事项之一”,但他对“倡议有助于实现这种解决方案的目标”),在土耳其地中海另一海岸举行的林德雪松会议上,他们称自己为“团结国家”,这是对参加会议的众多国家及其对全球共同利益的共同感谢。地球及其居民。
与作家弗拉基米尔·梅格雷(Vladimir Megre)共同举办的“雪松鸣铃读者大会”吸引了来自俄罗斯,乌克兰,美国,加拿大,立陶宛,拉脱维亚,白俄罗斯,罗马尼亚,斯洛文尼亚,瑞典,伊拉克,科威特,英国,匈牙利,赛普拉斯,希腊,乔治亚州的个人和团体。 ,亚美尼亚,德国,葡萄牙,西班牙,克罗地亚和澳大利亚。弗拉基米尔·梅格雷(Vladimir Megre)是畅销书系列的作者,他和他的著作为数百万读者带来了切实的灵感。在所有书籍中都反复出现的主题是个人,社会和精神力量,当个人或家庭创造出麦格雷称之为他们的“亲属领域”或“爱的空间”时,就会产生这种力量。该术语的定义是一公顷(2.5英亩)的家庭用地,通过土地购买,租赁或信托安排的方式,该家庭用地已发展成为一种自我维持的微型粮食农场。这些发展通常是作为生态村庄的一部分进行的,旨在庆祝生活和摆脱现代生活的不自然压力和压力的自由,同时享受有益技术带来的舒适和好处。人们通常在大城市附近发现生态村,因此仍然喜欢出差工作的人们可以在充满爱心和滋养的环境中生活,同时继续他们的“城市承诺”,其中甚至可能包括一个城市中小的室内食品花园-公寓。
超过300个Kin's Domain生态村已经开发或处于不同的发展阶段,所有这些都受到Megre自己的灵感的启发-即一位年轻,美丽的隐居女人,她一生都在西伯利亚大河地区的恶劣环境中度过了自己的生活-Anastasia 。
查尔斯王子在意大利聚会上的鼓舞人心的同步声明强调说,解决当前全球粮食短缺及其随之而来的问题,很大程度上取决于他所谓的“真正可持续”的农业。他还强调,在有关这些问题的全球辩论中,要听取与会者的声音至关重要。正如他在讲话中所引用的那样,他“受到极大的鼓舞,今天有这么多人意识到与大自然合作并通过健康的土壤,健康的农作物和健康的动物利用积极力量来提供健康食品的好处。” 在谈到可持续农业社区时,他表达了“对您所代表的一切的最大敬意”。他称可持续农民
圣塔芭芭拉(Santa Barbara)心理治疗师Regina Jensen博士参加了土耳其会议。她是新《爱的太空》杂志的独立作家和编辑,与出版商和合编尤里·斯米尔诺夫(Yuri Smirnov)合作。该杂志印刷和在线发行,是支持Ringing Cedars运动的众多国际出版物之一。Jensen博士参加了聚会,对Anastasia作者Vladimir Megre进行了采访。她说,这次采访的重点是这种“鼓舞人心的运动”所提出的想法,即阿纳斯塔西娅和梅格雷的能力不仅可以激发全世界成千上万的人,而且可以激发行动。
詹森说:“我们大多数人都知道我们应该做什么,或者不应该做什么,以帮助拯救这个星球免遭我们经过的无意识破坏。” “但是直到俄罗斯的“雪松林”信息出现-几年前才翻译成英文-我们一直找不到真正的灵感,这种全球视野不仅可以启发,而且可以在相对相对的范围内真正改变我们濒临灭绝的星球在很短的时间里,这些奇妙的信息中有一些东西可能会唤醒人类,这就像灵魂鸡肉汤的杰克·坎菲尔德(Jack Canfield)的合著者马克·维克多·汉森(Mark Victor Hansen)在分享时为我所说的那样,“惊叹于灵魂”。他自己的《雪松铃声》书籍的经验。
延森博士对此并不轻率。一段时间以来,她关注的焦点一直在引导她迈向可持续发展的方向。为此,她最近访问了奥地利Sepp Holzer的国际永续文化中心Krameterhof,在那里她确认了Ringing Cedars信息。永续农业中心因其在非常恶劣的气候中壮成长的能力而享誉世界,在迄今贫瘠的土壤上种植了甜美而奇特的农作物。塞普·霍尔泽(Sepp Holzer)(拥有者和自然界的天才,他证明任何人都可以建立一个自我维持的天堂,无论他们住在哪里,都可以养家糊口),他现在经营该中心,并在全球范围内授课和咨询。
奥地利的Krameterhof(尽管其美丽而优美的气候,并且通过智能地集水,使用大块的石头来保暖以及新颖的分级和种植方式而创造)并不是唯一一个不断启发人们的永续农业中心担心他们拥有的土地太干燥或贫瘠。澳大利亚永久性养殖中心的杰夫·劳顿(Geoff Lawton)在约旦的一次著名努力中表明,当他在一片干旱,盐碱的干旱,干旱和死亡的地区“绿化”沙漠时,“您可以在任何地方都成为天堂”甚至当地人都在嘲笑这个主意(greeningthedesert.com)。劳顿(Lawton)展示了集水技术的巧妙运用和他所谓的“流浪”,这是又一个看似神奇的转变,
在充满爱意的家庭的陪伴下,一片片土地每次生长一公顷,“整个世界可以成为天堂”。无论人们居住在意大利,土耳其,俄罗斯,德国,美国或澳大利亚,还是在土耳其会议上有代表的任何其他出色的国家,我们确实只需要很少的钱,“ ...但这必须是正确的事情。我们大多数人真正想要的是有益健康的食物,没有受伤的天性,友善的朋友,家人和邻居以及安全,整洁的环境。现在,我们已经有了蓝图,可以在很短的时间内创造出足以证明这一点的蓝图。”
Regina B.Jensen博士 (c)2008年Regina B. Jensen(c)2008年RingingCedarsofRussia.org
Food for Hope: A Global Vision for an attainable, sustainable future.
This October, only a short distance apart, like-minded individuals and groups devoted to finding sustainable solutions to the global food crisis were meeting at two related venues in Europe. Italy hosted another of its annual Terra Madre gatherings this month, which was inaugurated with written addresses from the Prince of Wales and the Secretary of the United Nations, General Ban Ki-moon. Slow Food and the Terra Madre Foundation were the organizers of this third world meeting of food communities (terramadre.org; slowfood.com). Turkey was the site of another gathering of people thoughtful about the future of the planet, about nature and intelligent food-production as opposed to the destructive practices motivated by "greed and ignorance," as one participant called it. The latter was promoted under the name Ringing Cedars Readers'Conference.
While the Terra Madre gathering was inspired by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (with his message that "finding long-term solutions to the world food-crisis was one of the priorities of the United Nations", and that he welcomed "initiatives which contribute to such solutions"), the Ringing Cedars Conference, at another coast of the Mediterranean Sea in Turkey, called themselves the "Uniting Nations", in appreciation of the numerous countries represented at the meeting, and their mutual, global concerns for the Earth and its inhabitants.
Vladimir Megre reading the Space of Love Magazine
The Ringing Cedars Readers Conference with author Vladimir Megre attracted individuals and groups from Russia, the Ukraine, the USA, Canada, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Iraq, Kuwait, the UK, Hungary, Cypress, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Croatia and Australia. Vladimir Megre is the author of the best-selling book series and he and his writings are a tangible inspiration to millions of readers. A recurring theme throughout all of the books is the personal, social and spiritual power which ensues when an individual or family create what Megre calls their "Kin's Domain," or "Space of Love." The definition of this term is a hectare (2.5 acres) of family-land which is developed into a self-sustaining type of mini food-farm by way of a land-purchase, lease, or trust arrangement. These developments are commonly undertaken as part of an eco-village and celebrate life and freedom from the unnatural pressures and stresses of modern life, while enjoying the comforts and benefits of helpful technologies. Eco-villages are oftentimes found close to large cities, so people who still like to travel to their work can live in loving and nurturing environments while continuing their "city-commitments", which might even include a small indoor food-garden in a city-apartment.
Over 300 Kin's Domain eco-villages have been developed or are in various stages of development, all inspired by Megre's own inspiration - namely a young, beautiful recluse woman who has lived her entire life by herself in the harsh environment of the Siberian Taiga - Anastasia.
Anastasia is the title of the first book in the Ringing Cedars of Russia series and the name under which over eleven million readers discuss her theories affectionately. In twenty-two languages world-wide, the readers of the series learn that Anastasia had initially met up with Megre at the river Ob in Siberia in 1994. She shared her deep wisdom with him for three days, and permanently changed his life. Megre was a successful and affluent business-man at the time. However, after his time with Anastasia, he began clumsily and miraculously to turn himself into an author, one best-selling volume at a time.
In an amazing synchronicity, Prince Charles' inspirational statement for the Italian gathering emphasized that the solution to the current global food shortages, and its ensuing problems, rested largely with what he called "truly sustainable" farming. He also emphasized how crucial it was for the voices of the participants to be heard in the global debates concerning these issues. As quoted from the transcript of his message, he was "enormously encouraged that so many people are today recognizing the benefits of working with nature and harnessing positive forces through healthy soil, healthy crops and healthy animals in order to provide healthy food." And in addressing the sustainable farming community, he expressed "nothing but my greatest admiration for all you stand for." He called sustainable farmers "guarantors of our long-term food security, based upon your dedicated care of the natural environment."
Dr. Regina Jensen, a Santa Barbara psychotherapist, attended the Turkey conference. She is an independent writer and editor of the new Space of Love Magazine, with publisher and co-editor Yuri Smirnov. The magazine, in print and online, is one of many international publications supporting the Ringing Cedars movement. Dr. Jensen attended the gathering to conduct interviews with Anastasia author, Vladimir Megre. The center of her interest with this interview, she said, was the ideas offered by this "inspiring movement," namely Anastasia's and Megre's ability to not only inspire, but inspire-to-action so many thousands of people world-wide.
"Most of us know what we should do, or not do, to help save this planet from the thoughtless destruction we have wrought upon it", said Jensen. "But until the Ringing Cedars of Russia information came along - translated into English only a few years ago - we have been unable to find true inspiration, a global vision which would not only inspire, but would also truly transform our endangered planet in a relatively short time. There is something about this wonderful information which has the potential to awaken humanity, which 'Wows' the Soul, as Mark Victor Hansen (co-author with Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul) put it for me when sharing his own experience of the Ringing Cedar books".
Dr. Jensen does not make such claims lightly. For some time now, the focal point of her concerns continue to lead her in the direction of sustainability. In that quest, she recently visited Sepp Holzer's International Permaculture center in Austria, Krameterhof, where she found confirmation of the Ringing Cedars information. The Permaculture Center has gained world-renown for its ability to thrive in a very inhospitable climate, with luscious and unusual crops grown on heretofore barren soil. Sepp Holzer, (the owner and nature-genius who has proven that anyone can build a self-sustaining paradise and feed his family, regardless of where they live) besides running the center, now teaches and consults globally.
Anastasia and Megre firmly believe that such a Space of Love, a Kin's Domain, will not only offer food, shelter and true freedom, but also a "connection with the Universe" which bestows spiritual strengths and powers by way of a re-connection with universal energies. Notably, Megre often discusses the energies of the plant-kingdom, which, he feels, have been tragically ignored, abused and underestimated. In his books, Anastasia apparently also describes a method with which the plant-kingdom can be engaged to produce food which develops specifically to help an individual to correct health challenges.
V. Megre and Regina Jensen
The global vision of finding ways, either through re-developing inexpensive waste-lands, through government programs of leasing or land-trusts, or by simple land purchases is "as brilliant as it is simple," as one follower has described the concept. Historically, the Russian Dacha Gardens, the German Schrebergaerten, and the American Victory Gardens are examples of families having provided wholesome food - and life - for themselves even during times of economic hardship by way of food-gardening. In some regions, the government is helping people without the financial means to obtain such dreams. Jensen adds that her own family has enjoyed such a family-plot for 56 years, which is still feeding the family with fruits and vegetables.
The Austrian Krameterhof (though outstanding in its beauty and fabled climate, and created by way of intelligent harvesting of water, use of large rocks for warmth and novel application of grading and use of plantings) is not the only Permaculture center which is inspiring people who fear that the land they have available is too dry or barren. Geoff Lawton of the Australian Permaculture center, in a celebrated effort in Jordan, showed that "you can make a paradise anywhere" when he "greened" the desert in an area where the parched, salinity-stressed ground was so hard, dry and dead that even the locals were laughing at the idea (greeningthedesert.com). Lawton's demonstration of the intelligent use of water-harvesting and what he calls "swales" is yet another seemingly miraculous transformation, which is deeply encouraging.
Megre's books, says Dr. Jensen, describe a vision of plan which can resolve many problems our modern civilization faces today. The food, health, cultural, resource energy and financial crisis may all be restrained and solved without a huge investment and new technologies, but only with the help of wise laws, which will free the land for the people.
"The whole world can be a paradise," of growing and blooming parcels of land, tendered by loving families, one hectare at a time. Whether people live in Italy or Turkey, Russia or Germany, America or Australia, or any of the other wonderful countries which were represented at the Turkey conference, we really need very little, "...but it needs to be the right thing. Wholesome food, uninjured nature, good loving friends, family and neighbors, and a safe and clean environment is what most of us truly want. We now have blueprints to create just that - in a very short time - as enough people have demonstrated."
More information can be obtained by visiting www.ringingcedarsofrussia.org.
Regina B. Jensen, Ph.D. (c) 2008 Regina B. Jensen (c) 2008 RingingCedarsofRussia.org
Dr. Regina Jensen holds licenses as a psychotherapist, physical therapist, certifications as Master Executive Coach, and Somatic therapies with professional training and experience for over 35 years. She is a writer and independent researcher with a commitment "to finding intelligent, expedient and joyful solutions for the predicaments we have co-created for each other on our Mother Planet." fullyalivewellnesscenter.com