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鸣响雪松 图书

1. 前言与背景介绍

在印度举行的“俄罗斯雪松鸣响”系列图书国际读者会议上,弗拉基米尔·梅格雷(Vladimir Megre)会见了参加这一重要活动的参与者。作家通过视频“与印度的弗拉基米尔·梅格雷的对话”讲述了其中的会议。

这个故事涉及了与两个印度人的会面,印度人的思想和判断给作家留下了深刻的印象。特别关注了一个名叫Manu Sharma的印度人为这次会议准备的问题。
来自印度人Manu Sharma的一封信,亲爱的弗拉基米尔,这是我昨天想传达的信息:响杉树对我个人的最重要贡献是阿纳斯塔西娅为地球上人类未来创造的形象。这种形象为我带来了极大的欢乐,幸福,和平与安慰。为此,请接受我的真诚和深切的谢意。此外,书籍是巨大的灵感来源,并为研究大量主题做出了贡献。当我遇到其他书籍和材料时,我继续学习,遇到了那些自己的想法支持阿纳斯塔西娅想法的人。


也可以在这里跳转查看,这是Manu Sharma读了鸣响雪松系列后建立祖传家园的经历和记录的中文翻译版:

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3. 印度哲学家讲鸣响雪松系列图书的重要性--中英对照翻译

Philosopher from India about the importance of books by Vladimir Megre

During the international conference of readers of books "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series in India in Vladimir Megre, meetings were held with the participants of this important event.
On one of these meetings, the writer told through videorasskaz story V.Megre about his meeting with the Indian philosopher Manu Sharma.
The story touched a meeting with two Indians, who impressed the writer's own thoughts and opinions.
Particular attention was paid to the issue, which has prepared for the meeting, Indian by the name of Manu Sharma.


在其中一次会议上,作者通过视频讲述了他的故事"Conversations with Vladimir Megre in India" 《在印度与弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷的对话》
V.Megre 关于他与印度哲学家 Manu Sharma 的会面
会面特别关注了这个问题,这个问题是为这次会面做准备的,印度人的名字是 Manu Sharma


Vladimir Megre : I was very pleased with the Indians who came to the meeting. I even then especially with the two of them met. I was very pleased.
One writer, and another ecologist. They presented two books.
And it has long been a reader (one of them), he made a similar design. even wondered if it's not about Anastasia?

They are such an inspiration to speak of Russia, and they are such an inspiration to speak about Anastasia. They do not know the Russian language.
I answered their questions, and then he said: "Now I want to ask you a question, but it is long I have it translated into Russian by an automatic translator, then another corrected I began to read the question, it's there for a few pages.. .
I can see that in fact I was talking to some philosophy with which I have made this conclusion he was there said - "I have read the works of many philosophers" - lists, no.?.
that says: "they have a lot to say what said Anastasia, but specifically mentioned. And Anastasia says more between the lines. "
I said," What do you like more? When exactly is said or if between the lines? "
He says: "Of course, between the lines, because there is room for thinking, and I took it a soul."

弗拉基米尔 · 梅格雷: 我对来参加会议的印度人非常高兴,特别是与他们两个会面, 我非常欢喜,一个是作家,一个是生态学家。 他们展示了两本书



我回答了他们的问题,然后他说: “现在我想问你一个问题,但是时间太长了,我让一个自动翻译机把它翻译成俄语,然后另一个人更正了我开始读这个问题,有几页。 . . 我可以看出,事实上我是在和一些哲学家谈话,我用这些哲学家的话得出了这个结论,他在那里说: “我读过许多哲学家的著作。”。

上面写着: “他们有很多话要说,但特别提到了安娜斯塔西亚。
我说: “你更喜欢什么? ”
到底是什么时候说的,还是字里行间说的? ”
他说: “当然,字里行间,因为有思考的空间,我把它当作灵魂。”


以下是Manu Sharma写下的信:

4. Manu Sharma的信

Letter to a Hindu Manu Sharma
Dear Vladimir,
That's what I wanted to convey yesterday:
The most significant contribution of the book Ringing Cedars me personally - it's a way that Anastasia has created for the future of humanity on the planet. This image was the source of great joy, happiness, peace and comfort to me. Take again my sincere and deep gratitude for that. In addition, books were a huge source of inspiration and contributed to the study of a large number of topics. I continued to study, when faced with other books and materials, and met people whose own ideas espoused ideas of Anastasia.
I am writing to suggest that there is a new deep view of the world, if we want to understand and agree with Anastasia ideas contained in books 4, co-creation and other volumes.
It seems that scientific understanding is deeply flawed, not only in relation to the history of human development, human origin and creation of the universe, but, more importantly, a scientific understanding of how the universe is very inadequate at the most fundamental level.
Here are the key aspects that I believe that this is not enough:


此外,书籍是一个巨大的灵感来源,并有助于研究大量的主题,I 当我面对其他书籍和材料时,我继续研究,并且与那些自己的想法支持和证明阿纳丝塔夏思想的人会面。


  1. Knowing that, along with the physical plane, the material universe, which scientists try to understand with the help of the so-called "scientific method" is another analogue - metaphysical plane or region which are thought or the place where the consciousness.
  2. Both the existence of the plan are closely linked.
    There is no way to separate one from another and that they continuously and constantly communicate with each other.
  3. It seems that the metaphysical plane or sphere of thought is manifested in physical reality in the material universe.
  4. Similarly, any change in the physical or material sense to mean a change that has occurred in the metaphysical plane.
  5. Therefore, the metaphysical plan is always the first place. Then, after some delay, should material reality.

(For simplicity, I deliberately leave aspects of the Supreme Creator, and man as the creator.)
If we need to understand and agree with the above five points, there will be quite a radical new image of the Universe, which shows that our present understanding, which takes into account only the material plane, is largely absent. Science has a different theory about what is 'consciousness', but can say with reasonable confidence about the subject. I suggest here that Anastasia has shown that it is consciousness in metaphysical terms, and that this plan is absolutely fundamental to how the universe operates in its material form.

  1. 科学家们试图借助所谓的“科学方法”来理解的物质宇宙,与物质层面一样,是另一个类似——形而上学的层面或区域,是思想或意识存在的地方。
  2. 这两项层面的存在是密切相关的,没有办法把它们彼此分开,它们不断地、不断地相互关联。
  3. 似乎形而上的层面在物质宇宙的物质实相中显现出来。
  4. 同样地,任何物理或物质意义上的改变都意味着在形而上层面上发生的改变。
  5. 因此,形而上的意图总是第一位的,然后,经过一段时间的延迟,显化为物质现实。


科学对什么是“意识”有不同的理论,但是可以对这个主题有一定的信心。 我在这里建议,阿纳斯塔西娅已经从形而上的角度证明了它是意识,并且它的意图对于宇宙如何以其物质形式运行绝对是其基础。

Let me give you an example: let's say, the world is in the form of a portable computer, and the people are like tiny ants crawling all over it. Some looking at the screen, some crawling on the back side of the cover, the other above the keyboard, and so on. Ants realize that it is a machine, but they do not know how it works. Then some curious scientists ants make a great discovery - they discover that if they go into the vent holes along the side wall of the laptop, there are a world of components.
Hardworking ants scientists have conducted hundreds of years studying the components that are in and for the 21st century they had concluded that improved their understanding of the world. World includes all sorts of interesting components. They call them: the hard disk, processor, motherboard, memory, power supply, optical drive, a variety of ports, LCD, electronics, connecting them all.
Ants researchers correctly identified all of the functions of these components. But here's what: their understanding is limited only by the components - all the equipment that they can see and touch. They have no idea about the invisible elements, to which they can not touch - the source code of the software - which is at the core of the operating system and its various programs. Thus, even if they can see the display and watch as he plays in the movie or see the different alphabets and symbols on the screen, they are unaware of the millions of lines of code that cause it.
No computer can not function without the software. On the other hand, the software itself does not exist without the hardware. Both are necessary for the operation of the computer. Just like a computer is a combination of visible and invisible elements, the world also includes visible and invisible measurements. However, unlike a computer, these measurements much more difficult when the invisible thoughts constantly changing measurement that shows the material plane.





Dear Vladimir, it was my understanding until yesterday, I wanted to tell you, but I could not do it. But I was able to pass your second question - I asked, what are the three dimensions of existence are mentioned in the books, which only a person can experience. You said you did not know, and you pushed me to to learn and maybe write a book about it. You also said that if I find out, I have to tell you about it.

So far, we have only two dimensions - the realm of thought and the physical universe. What could be the third? I never thought that I have the ability to independently find out, and therefore still have not sought the answer to it. Your answer is very encouraged me and quickened my thinking. This morning, the answer came to me. I do not know if the answer is correct, but it is certainly the case. All of this is given in your books by saying Anastasia and quite simple.

You see, the metaphysical dimension or area of thought - this is not a single measurement. At an early stage of the series, in the book of 1 grandfather of Anastasia tells you:
"Only bright rays can travel into space by man on earth. [...] Under the influence of the evil feelings a person can emit only dark rays. These dark rays can not rise but must fall deeper into the Earth. "

Throughout the series there are numerous references to the "intensity" and "the power of darkness." One day, while Anastasia falls ill and the grass beneath it becomes completely white, you get frustrated and call upon the forces of darkness to fight you too. Restoring Anastasia says that you need to know "where to find them," meaning that there are forces of darkness and accumulate in some dimension.

It is clear, therefore, that the two dimensions of thought, in which the pure, good thoughts, thoughts of kindness, gratitude, positive inspiration, love and so on. D. Lay and accumulate. Another dimension - a darkness where dwell the thoughts of anger, anger, hatred, guilt, envy, etc. D. Like Yin and Yang, all the forces that exist in the world, are in conflict with each other, to create a balanced organic whole..

Third, the physical dimension, of course, the materialized reality, the manifestation of these two measurements. In Book 2 many places where Anastasia gives examples of how these two dimensions of thoughts affect physical reality.

When she explains why disasters are repeated over and over again. "Once darkness elements appear in Man, they reach this critical point, [...] impending global disaster."

To learn how to avoid them in the future: "Only by working together will be seen, and then to the invisible eye measurements - field of ideas. You can also call it by measuring the forces of light. The material world in which he lives man, and God. "

As inspired by the actions of Russian truckers: "The catastrophe on a global scale in 1992 was prevented by cottagers."

This land is sensitive to love: "The Earth needs our help. Tenderness and loving attitude give her strength. "





因此,很明显,思想的两个方面,即纯净,善良的思想,感恩,积极正面的鼓舞,爱等等。 道存在其中并进行积累。 另一个方面-黑暗存在于愤怒,仇恨,罪恶,嫉妒等思想中。




受到俄罗斯夏屋小农行动的启发:“ 1992年的全球灾难是由村民阻止的。”


In addition to statements of Anastasia, in some books in the West, there are materials to support two women - Louise Hay and Esther Hicks. Book Louise Hay "You can heal your life" says that all human diseases are manifestations of our thoughts and mental images, vibrations that we send into the universe. The book contains a long list of diseases and their links with the metaphysical causes of each disease. Books have sold over 40 million copies.

Book of Esther Hicks describe the three fundamental laws of the universe and say that man is the creator, and he creates with every thought, he knows or not. If you devote time to concentrate on the pure positive thoughts in just 15 minutes a day, you can show any desired reality, provided that sufficiently detailed thoughts and evoke positive feelings. Esther and her husband Jerry have sold more than 3 million copies of his books.

The teachings of both authors fully synchronized with the statements of Anastasia. Unlike Anastasia, which leaves a lot of information "unsaid", to allow the reader to "read between the lines", perhaps to accelerate their thoughts, writings, Esther Hick particularly detailed and describe everything very clearly.

I humbly believe that the ideas of Anastasia extends far beyond the narrow science, and so there is no need for a scientific validation / approval / certificate ideas Anastasia, because science itself is severely limited. No scientific explanation of its ideas may not be sufficient due to the inherent limitations.

In fact, from the outside it does not need any explanation. As she spoke, every one of us are given all the answers from the outset. Let's take the idea on their own merits

Best Regards
Manu Sharma

除了阿纳斯塔西娅的陈述外,在西方的一些书中,还有两个女人-路易丝·海(Louise Hay)和埃丝特·希克斯(Esther Hicks)的资料也支持这个观点。 路易丝·海伊(Louise Hay)的书《你可以治愈自己的生命》(You can heal your life)(中文版:生命的重建)说,所有人类疾病都是我们思想和心理形象的体现,也是我们传递到宇宙中的振动。这本书包含一长串疾病,以及它们与每种疾病的形而上学原因的联系。书籍已售出超过4000万册。

以斯帖·希克斯(Esther Hicks)书描述了宇宙的三个基本定律,并说人是创造者,他用各种思想创造,无论他是否知道。如果您每天只花15分钟的时间将精力集中在纯粹的积极思想上,您就可以展示任何想要的现实,前提是要有足够详尽的思想并唤起积极的情感。以斯帖和她的丈夫杰里已经卖出了超过300万本的书。

两位作者的教导与阿纳斯塔西娅的表述完全同步。与阿纳斯塔西娅(Anastasia)留下大量“未说”的信息不同,他们以允许读者阅读“在字里行间”的内容,也许是为了加快他们的思想。埃斯特·希克(Esther Hick)的书特别详细,并非常清楚地描述了每一个细节。



Manu Sharma

5. 信的附加说明

Dear Darja Jankova,

Thank The you for your assistance in facilitating Our conversation with Mr. Vladimir Megre today. I thank him once again for the generous time and enthusiastic praise he showered on me for the write-up.

Please thank him also for the kind invitation he extended to visit Russia, planning of the visit and staying as guest at family homestead settlements. I can not thank him enough. This means a lot.

I include below the write-up I shared with him at Riva resort restaurant.

Please tell him that this is only a very raw, unfinished first-draft of my thoughts. I do wish to pursue it into a book or journal piece as suggested by Vladimir but that will take time. Now! Just for, please Feel free to this content share on the IT and the website of Circulate for Among OTHER Russian-language community with the the following Understanding:

These are raw initial thoughts that are incomplete at the moment but are being shared for the purpose of seeking feedback from those who have followed the ideas contained in Ringing Cedars books.

Note: This text WAS Originally Written in English language and has
Been auto-translated with google translate and the Google-tool.

尊敬的Darja Jankova,




请告诉他,这只是我思想的一个很原始的未完成的初稿。我确实希望按照弗拉基米尔(Vladimir)的建议将其研究成书或期刊,但这需要时间。现在!出于以下目的,请随意在IT和Circulate for Other Russian语言社区的网站上共享此内容:



6. 英文原文:Philosopher from India about the importance of books by Vladimir Megre

Philosopher from India about the importance of books by Vladimir Megre 04/07/2017 18:26:45
During the international conference of readers of books "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series in India in Vladimir Megre, meetings were held with the participants of this important event. On one of these meetings, the writer told through videorasskaz "Conversations with Vladimir Megre in India"

story V.Megre about his meeting with the Indian philosopher Manu Sharma.

The story touched a meeting with two Indians, who impressed the writer's own thoughts and opinions. Particular attention was paid to the issue, which has prepared for the meeting, Indian by the name of Manu Sharma.

Meeting with Indian Manu Sharma.JPG

Vladimir Megre : I was very pleased with the Indians who came to the meeting. I even then especially with the two of them met. I was very pleased. One writer, and another ecologist. They presented two books.

Meeting with Indian Manu Sharma knigi.JPG

And it has long been a reader (one of them), he made a similar design. I even wondered if it's not about Anastasia?

They are such an inspiration to speak of Russia, and they are such an inspiration to speak about Anastasia. They do not know the Russian language. I answered their questions, and then he said: "Now I want to ask you a question, but it is long I have it translated into Russian by an automatic translator, then another corrected I began to read the question, it's there for a few pages.. . I can see that in fact I was talking to some philosophy with which I have made this conclusion he was there said - "I have read the works of many philosophers" - lists, no.?.

that says: "they have a lot to say what said Anastasia, but specifically mentioned. And Anastasia says more between the lines. "
I said," What do you like more? When exactly is said or if between the lines? "
He says: "Of course, between the lines, because there is room for thinking, and I took it a soul."

Meeting with Indian Manu Sharma_JPG.jpg

Letter to a Hindu Manu Sharma

Dear Vladimir,

That's what I wanted to convey yesterday:
The most significant contribution of the book Ringing Cedars me personally - it's a way that Anastasia has created for the future of humanity on the planet. This image was the source of great joy, happiness, peace and comfort to me. Take again my sincere and deep gratitude for that. In addition, books were a huge source of inspiration and contributed to the study of a large number of topics. I continued to study, when faced with other books and materials, and met people whose own ideas espoused ideas of Anastasia.

I am writing to suggest that there is a new deep view of the world, if we want to understand and agree with Anastasia ideas contained in books 4, co-creation and other volumes.

It seems that scientific understanding is deeply flawed, not only in relation to the history of human development, human origin and creation of the universe, but, more importantly, a scientific understanding of how the universe is very inadequate at the most fundamental level.

Here are the key aspects that I believe that this is not enough:

  1. Knowing that, along with the physical plane, the material universe, which scientists try to understand with the help of the so-called "scientific method" is another analogue - metaphysical plane or region which are thought or the place where the consciousness.

  2. Both the existence of the plan are closely linked. There is no way to separate one from another and that they continuously and constantly communicate with each other.

  3. It seems that the metaphysical plane or sphere of thought is manifested in physical reality in the material universe.

  4. Similarly, any change in the physical or material sense to mean a change that has occurred in the metaphysical plane.

  5. Therefore, the metaphysical plan is always the first place. Then, after some delay, should material reality.

(For simplicity, I deliberately leave aspects of the Supreme Creator, and man as the creator.)

If we need to understand and agree with the above five points, there will be quite a radical new image of the Universe, which shows that our present understanding, which takes into account only the material plane, is largely absent. Science has a different theory about what is 'consciousness', but can say with reasonable confidence about the subject. I suggest here that Anastasia has shown that it is consciousness in metaphysical terms, and that this plan is absolutely fundamental to how the universe operates in its material form.

Let me give you an example: let's say, the world is in the form of a portable computer, and the people are like tiny ants crawling all over it. Some looking at the screen, some crawling on the back side of the cover, the other above the keyboard, and so on. Ants realize that it is a machine, but they do not know how it works. Then some curious scientists ants make a great discovery - they discover that if they go into the vent holes along the side wall of the laptop, there are a world of components.

Hardworking ants scientists have conducted hundreds of years studying the components that are in and for the 21st century they had concluded that improved their understanding of the world. World includes all sorts of interesting components. They call them: the hard disk, processor, motherboard, memory, power supply, optical drive, a variety of ports, LCD, electronics, connecting them all.

Ants researchers correctly identified all of the functions of these components. But here's what: their understanding is limited only by the components - all the equipment that they can see and touch. They have no idea about the invisible elements, to which they can not touch - the source code of the software - which is at the core of the operating system and its various programs. Thus, even if they can see the display and watch as he plays in the movie or see the different alphabets and symbols on the screen, they are unaware of the millions of lines of code that cause it.

No computer can not function without the software. On the other hand, the software itself does not exist without the hardware. Both are necessary for the operation of the computer. Just like a computer is a combination of visible and invisible elements, the world also includes visible and invisible measurements. However, unlike a computer, these measurements much more difficult when the invisible thoughts constantly changing measurement that shows the material plane.

Dear Vladimir, it was my understanding until yesterday, I wanted to tell you, but I could not do it. But I was able to pass your second question - I asked, what are the three dimensions of existence are mentioned in the books, which only a person can experience. You said you did not know, and you pushed me to to learn and maybe write a book about it. You also said that if I find out, I have to tell you about it.

So far, we have only two dimensions - the realm of thought and the physical universe. What could be the third? I never thought that I have the ability to independently find out, and therefore still have not sought the answer to it. Your answer is very encouraged me and quickened my thinking. This morning, the answer came to me. I do not know if the answer is correct, but it is certainly the case. All of this is given in your books by saying Anastasia and quite simple.

You see, the metaphysical dimension or area of thought - this is not a single measurement. At an early stage of the series, in the book of 1 grandfather of Anastasia tells you:
"Only bright rays can travel into space by man on earth. [...] Under the influence of the evil feelings a person can emit only dark rays. These dark rays can not rise but must fall deeper into the Earth. "

Throughout the series there are numerous references to the "intensity" and "the power of darkness." One day, while Anastasia falls ill and the grass beneath it becomes completely white, you get frustrated and call upon the forces of darkness to fight you too. Restoring Anastasia says that you need to know "where to find them," meaning that there are forces of darkness and accumulate in some dimension.

It is clear, therefore, that the two dimensions of thought, in which the pure, good thoughts, thoughts of kindness, gratitude, positive inspiration, love and so on. D. Lay and accumulate. Another dimension - a darkness where dwell the thoughts of anger, anger, hatred, guilt, envy, etc. D. Like Yin and Yang, all the forces that exist in the world, are in conflict with each other, to create a balanced organic whole..

Third, the physical dimension, of course, the materialized reality, the manifestation of these two measurements. In Book 2 many places where Anastasia gives examples of how these two dimensions of thoughts affect physical reality.

When she explains why disasters are repeated over and over again. "Once darkness elements appear in Man, they reach this critical point, [...] impending global disaster."

To learn how to avoid them in the future: "Only by working together will be seen, and then to the invisible eye measurements - field of ideas. You can also call it by measuring the forces of light. The material world in which he lives man, and God. "

As inspired by the actions of Russian truckers: "The catastrophe on a global scale in 1992 was prevented by cottagers."

This land is sensitive to love: "The Earth needs our help. Tenderness and loving attitude give her strength. "

In addition to statements of Anastasia, in some books in the West, there are materials to support two women - Louise Hay and Esther Hicks. Book Louise Hay "You can heal your life" says that all human diseases are manifestations of our thoughts and mental images, vibrations that we send into the universe. The book contains a long list of diseases and their links with the metaphysical causes of each disease. Books have sold over 40 million copies.

Book of Esther Hicks describe the three fundamental laws of the universe and say that man is the creator, and he creates with every thought, he knows or not. If you devote time to concentrate on the pure positive thoughts in just 15 minutes a day, you can show any desired reality, provided that sufficiently detailed thoughts and evoke positive feelings. Esther and her husband Jerry have sold more than 3 million copies of his books.

The teachings of both authors fully synchronized with the statements of Anastasia. Unlike Anastasia, which leaves a lot of information "unsaid", to allow the reader to "read between the lines", perhaps to accelerate their thoughts, writings, Esther Hick particularly detailed and describe everything very clearly.

I humbly believe that the ideas of Anastasia extends far beyond the narrow science, and so there is no need for a scientific validation / approval / certificate ideas Anastasia, because science itself is severely limited. No scientific explanation of its ideas may not be sufficient due to the inherent limitations.

In fact, from the outside it does not need any explanation. As she spoke, every one of us are given all the answers from the outset. Let's take the idea on their own merits

Best Regards
Manu Sharma

Dear Darja Jankova,

Thank The you for your assistance in facilitating Our conversation with Mr. Vladimir Megre today. I thank him once again for the generous time and enthusiastic praise he showered on me for the write-up.

Please thank him also for the kind invitation he extended to visit Russia, planning of the visit and staying as guest at family homestead settlements. I can not thank him enough. This means a lot.

I include below the write-up I shared with him at Riva resort restaurant.

Please tell him that this is only a very raw, unfinished first-draft of my thoughts. I do wish to pursue it into a book or journal piece as suggested by Vladimir but that will take time. Now! Just for, please Feel free to this content share on the IT and the website of Circulate for Among OTHER Russian-language community with the the following Understanding:

These are raw initial thoughts that are incomplete at the moment but are being shared for the purpose of seeking feedback from those who have followed the ideas contained in Ringing Cedars books.

Note: This text WAS Originally Written in English language and has
Been auto-translated with google translate and the Google-tool.

With warm regards,
by Manu Sharma

Dear Daria Yankov,

thank you for your assistance in our conversation with Mr. Vladimir Megre. Once again, I thank him for his generous time and enthusiasm, which he praised for my review.

Please also thank him for the kind invitation, which he proposed to visit in Russia, planning to visit and staying guest in the settlement of patrimonial estates. I can not thank him enough. It means a lot.

I have included below a review, which I shared with him in the Riva resort's restaurant.

Please tell him that this is only a very crude, unfinished first draft of my thoughts. I would like to pursue it in a book or magazine, as suggested by Vladimir, but it will take time. At this point, please do not hesitate to share them on the site and spread to other Russian-speaking community with the following understanding:

It's raw initial thoughts, which at present is incomplete, but the subject in order to obtain feedback from those who followed the ideas contained in the book Ringing Cedars.

Note. This text was originally written in English and has been translated by Google-translate tool.

Best Regards
Manu Sharma

7. 书中光明与黑暗射线的部分内容




8. 书中原文与三相关的部分内容











9. 印度哲学家的个人信息

Manu Sharma分享家园意识(英文)

分享家园意识(Manu Sharma的家园分享中文翻译)



Manu Sharma的博客
Manu Sharma是印度气候变化活动家和可再生能源专家,他被作者称为哲学家。



在充满着绝望的气候变化世界中,我唯一真正找到持久希望的地方是在弗拉基米尔·麦格雷(Vladimir Megre)的《俄罗斯鸣响雪松》一书系列的启发下实现的美好愿景。这些书在俄罗斯引发了转型运动,并深刻地影响了我。我正在努力实现这一愿景。

